Monday, May 21, 2012

Wake Up, Its Already Today

In my daily prayer I attempt to ask God each day to help me cast down strongholds and vain thoughts and imaginations; everything that exalts its self against the will of God in my life. I really don’t want to waste time in a day or thought that don’t belong to me. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Many will miss much in the coming days because they are dreaming yesterday’s dreams and hoping in tomorrow’s hope. They will fail to live life where it is happening, that is in today.
There will be some wonderful things happen in your life in the coming days, don’t miss the moments wishing for yesterday and just hoping in a tomorrow that’s not yet.

A famous scientist and brilliant mathematician whose last name was Pascal lived during the 1600’s in France. He is known for such ideas as the “Pascal Triangle.”  Pascal also wrote some theological writings. In the booklet Spiritual Classic Pascal said:

“We never keep our minds on the present moment. We remember the past, as if we wanted to slow down the passage of time. And we look forward to the future, as if we wanted time to accelerate. We wander about in times that do not belong to us, and do not think about the only time that does. We dream of times past and future, and flee from the present. The reason is that the present is usually painful. We push it out of sight because it distresses us – only on those few occasions which are truly enjoyable are we sorry to see time slip away. We try to reduce present pain with joyful hopes of the future, planning how we are going to arrange things in a period over which we have no control and which we cannot be sure of reaching. The past and present are our means, and the future alone is our end. Thus we never actually live, but hope to live. We are never actually happy, but constantly planning to become happy.”

OK, so Pascal wasn’t the life of the party but he made a brilliant statement here.
We often miss the opportunity of ministry, relationship, blessings and simply enjoying the moment, because we are wondering around in a times that do not belong to us. We put our energy in days we can’t control. In doing so we miss the power of the moment or the chance of a lifetime!  We stumble around in the mistakes and/or blessing of yesterday or we daydream of what tomorrow may bring and miss what God is trying to do today in our life. We have prayed for blessings yet we fail to focus on the time where the blessings will be, where living is happening. Today! God will do all the miracles of your life in Today. God will put all your blessings in Today.

I thank God for His promises and have faith in what He will do in the days to come. I believe that planning is necessary and important yet, tomorrow does not yet belong to me. Though tomorrow is out there, my usefulness and my accomplishments along with how I touch my day, has to happen now in the present. I will find joy in the present. I will make a difference in the present. This is the day that the Lord has created, I must rejoice in this day. As the Apostle Paul told the Corinthian church; “We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For He says: "In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you." Behold, now (present time) is the accepted time; behold, now (present time) is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 NKJV

We regret past mistakes, things we said or did, we look forward to how things will be better in the future. In doing so we must be careful not to miss the power of this present moment. If we are not carful we will totally miss living this life today.

LOOKING BACK – where some people live.


The past is where you find the history of the church. Unfortunately far too many Christians are still caught in the pages of yesterday and how it once was. They can describe their “heyday” as though it just happen is the last service they attended. Don’t get me wrong, I love to hear about its history and what God has done for the church. I love to read about the great blessings of God in the yesteryears of the church. I don’t want to ever forget my heritage. But my greatest blessing needs to happen in my present. My greatest anointing needs to come in this day.

I have seen people that possessed such a pride over their past that they gave up on their future.
They believed it would never be like it once was. They communicate no hope for today. They try to repeat the past to make it happen again and never changed and move on in life.
Another unhealthy form of days-gone-by is explaining or excusing the present by analyzing the past. I have seen people that never moved past an event or happening in their life. Yes, bad things happen and cause pain. Yes, failure has a price to pay but just because something didn’t happen right or something failed to workout is no reason to stop or quit. You can’t live in your past, its days that don’t belong to you anymore.

LOOKING AHEAD – where some choose to live.


The future can also be a dangerous place for one’s life. Tomorrow will destroy today just like yesterday does. Looking ahead will often sidetrack those people that are opposite of those who are hung up in the past. The people who are sidetracked by the future most of the time have little to affect them in their past. So their greatest days are still somewhere out there ahead of them. These people live a lot of moments that says, “One of these days.” I have seen people that invested so much time planning for tomorrow that they never actually implemented anything today. It’s not that they never do anything, they are usually busy people, they go through the day of existing but they are not producing.

Another form of futurist is demonstrated by changing programs rather than changing the person. We continually are looking for the latest, “secret sauce” the latest new “black box” or some new powered recipe. We think that this newest idea is the answer to our problems or needs. These people spend time, today’s moments, saying one-of-these-days and it is nothing more than an excuse to never change. A quick picture of this is diet plans and New Year’s resolutions.

When we use the phrase “one of these days” or “tomorrow I will” we are failing to live in today and it will cost you. (Met people who had a new plan everything you saw them.) Another problem with always living in tomorrow is that you become bored with the present. Listen, the present will never be as big as your daydreams. The present will never be like the perfect story you have reserved for tomorrow. If you ever plan on riding in on a white charger to save the day, you had better learn how to ride the pony now and live effectively in today.

I am a firm believer in planning and dreaming for tomorrow. I personally spend time regularly dreaming and asking “what-if”. My Dad always told me to dream. He also said I would have to wake-up to make them happen. You will always wake up from a dream in Today.
The future is days that do not yet belong to us yet.

Don’t miss the wonder of today wishing for yesterday or tomorrow. They don’t belong to us but today does.

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