Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thoughts from my Desk

This morning’s crisp, cool breeze seems to be full of hope and expectations. The change of a season always brings a thrill to me. It’s like a new page to write on. As I wrap up the summer and get ready to move into the Fall season a little thrill of excitement grips my heart. This morning I looked at all the notes I have written over the last season and some before. They are everywhere. I’m a “Sticky Note” guy. I keep two or three packs ready at all times. On my desk are many things I have written on these little notes. There are prayer request, and address of people. There are sermon thoughts for special holiday seasons and ideas for tomorrows to come. There are also notes that I would say were just written to me. Yes, many of them become the birth to a sermon or Bible lesson but they are there just to remind me of how I personally need to grow my walk with God. So, as I start of this new season allow me to just read to you from off my desk. Who knows you might just get a sermon for your life. I challenge you to spend a little time with each of these thoughts personally.

·         If you go looking for a friend you will find them scarce. If you go out to be a friend you will find friends everywhere. Zig Ziglar
Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly…”

·         In Exodus 33:11, Moses spoke to God face to face in the tabernacle. After the conversation Moses went back to the camp, to the people he was leading. It is noteworthy to me to see that the young man Joshua was there in the tabernacle also. The scripture says when Moses left, Joshua stayed in the tabernacle. When you have opportunity to stay and grow, stay and grow. The day is coming when you will have to return to call of duty.

·         Don’t become angry, unconcerned and consumed with the fact that your brother or sister repented of their failings. The Father is happy they have returned and is throwing a party. Don’t miss the Father’s party over someone’s past failures. Luke 15:25-32

·         In 1 Samuel 14:6-15, Jonathan and his armor-bearer did what they could do for the Lord. Then God stepped in and made up the difference. This step of faith changed the direction of the day.

·         In Genesis 19 the angels of the Lord told Lot to take his family and go to the mountain. Lot tells the angels it was too hard of a thing to do. Lot asked to go to a little place (Zoar). The angle said yes but in the process of going to the little place instead of where God was directing Lot lost his wife because she looked back. If God tells you to go, you can make it. Don’t settle for something less than the will of God, it will cost you dearly.

·         The gospels are the everyday actions of the disciples when Jesus walked beside them. The book of Acts is the everyday action with Jesus in them. The Epistles are how to live with Jesus in you.

·         Receiving the Holy Ghost is an exciting and thrilling event. Possessing this promise of the Holy Ghost calls for a made up mind, a set heart, and a determination to walk all the way to glory.

·         When people make negative and hatful comments to me I remember, “Every obnoxious action is a cry for help – Zig Ziglar”

·         We need to save, store up some things for raining days. But we can never be caught laying of treasures in this world. The Bible tells us that where our treasures are our heart will also be there. We want our heart to be set on Heaven. Matthew 6:21

·         My prayer is for the Holy Ghost to shine in me so my vessel (life) is full of the Holy Ghost and I am ready to meet Jesus in a moment I think not: shine on me so that I know the path and direction I should take: shine through me so that everyone knows the anointing of the Lord in on me.

·         When leading people there will be times when the shine or excitement comes off what I am doing. My vision seems old and stale. I need to polish and get the shine of excitement back on my passion and vision. I do this by spending time dreaming and brain-storming, asking myself, “what-if”. Can you still dream?

·         Nehemiah stood every day with a cup in his hand serving and waiting for God to open a door for his passion and call. He stood every day and served and prayed for at least four months before he ever heard a peep of direction. Nehemiah chapter one. Can you live for God behind the shield of faith and keep serving?

Also on my desk is a list I made for my life several years ago. I read an article of someone who had a list and decided to write one for my life. I believe these things are important for me to be a success. I attempt to have these in my daily living.

1.      Passion (positive)

2.      Hard work

3.      Focused

4.      Push yourself – Never stop innovating

5.      Serve – Add outrageous value

6.      Manage your time (You can never recapture a moment)

7.      Get really good at what you do

8.      Persist

9.      Devote yourself to excellence

10.  Strong relationship skills

These are things that will not come easily for me and you. I have to remind myself to do them and make them habit. I challenge you to look at your life and make you an honest list for you to live by.

Well, those are a few things from the “sticky notes” on my desk. Go over them slowly and I am sure you can find the nuggets I did. To borrow a line from a friend of mine, “Some original, some stolen, not for sale only for profit.” take them and make them better.

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