Monday, August 29, 2011

God Is Up To Something Big

All weekend long my twitter account was blowing up with wonderful reports of great moves of God across this country. Person after person told of the wonderful blessings of God and reported signs and wonders. God is up to something big and many are becoming part of it. I plan personally to join hands with what the Almighty is up to.

The Back to School service here at FPB was anointed and power-packed too. The weekend was wonderful. Our students did a great job in praising and lifting up the name of Jesus. I am elated by their anointing, leadership and dedication. This weekend makes me the more excited and confident in the future of the church. Yes, it is clear there will always be God loving youth rising to the top. Yes, today some seem not to care but there will be those who will enter in. Yes, God is up to something big in this world. I am happy to join in with the Almighty. I am excited to see students who are buying into what God is up to. Yes, God is up to something big.

In the coming weeks and months above all we must remember we belong to Jesus. Your dreams will be tested, your vision will be questioned, but you and I can’t lose our vision and anointing. We will be tempted to not put our heart into what God is up to. The pressures of the day will cause you to stumble. The frustrations of life will attempt you rob you of your victory continually. We need to fight of the feelings of complacency that will attack our commitment and pray for strength and more anointing. Cast off the failures and past mistakes and make the best of a new chance. God is up to something big.

Paul in writing to the Corinthian church in the first book chapter 6, reminds us we are not our own we have been brought with a price. The apostle Peter tells us, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”  God has chosen His church to join with Him in what God has going on. It is important that the church realize who they are and who they belong to.

Our generation is experiencing an unprecedented hunger for God. Men and women are sick of sin and what it is doing for their lives. Most just don’t know which way they need to turn. The repercussions of our society have caused it to run head long towards failure. People are really looking and hungering for a life changing experience. They are looking in every direction. We must not forget who we are and reach out to touch this lost world. God is up to something really big we must join with what He is doing.

Yes, you will have disappointing days and times when you feel defeated. But remember those around you still are looking for a changing life. In the 137 division of Psalm we find a story of those in captivity who hung up their praise to God.

By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. We hung our harps upon the willows in the midst of it. For there those who carried us away captive asked of us a song, And those who plundered us requested mirth, Saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!" How shall we sing the LORD's song In a foreign land?

Yes, this group was in a sad day. Yes, they had been taken from their blessings because of their failed walks for God. But it is clear they still had their instruments of praise. The people around them had no doubt heard them singing and praising Jehovah and wanted to hear more. Yet they responded that their day had taken their praise. They decided to hang up their praise. Yes, the day was discouraging but they knew about the power and deliverance of God. Yet they refused to sing for those who wanted to hear about their God. So because it wasn’t convenient, it wasn’t as exciting as it once was, they sat and cried. They put away their abilities and sat down and weeping talked about how it once was. Their hearts were caught in the past.

Yet on the same river in Babylon there were other thinking and praising God because of what tomorrow would bring. Read about them in Ezra, Nehemiah and Ester. Read what Ezekiel saw while on the same river that the down and out people in Psalm 137 were on. Ezekiel saw things in the future of God that only two others in scripture saw. Read what Daniel saw and did under the anointing while in the same kingdom away from his home land. Read about these who chose to look at the power of tomorrow and what God was up to.

Yes, the day was not so good and things were not as well as they hoped, some were found weeping and discouraged wishing for yesterday. Yet, on the other hand, some prayed, fasted and expected God to change much about tomorrow. These looked for it daily and saw it. Why? They understood that God was up to something big and they expected to be in on it.

Yes, this world is a sin sick place but as the Word of God says, where sin did about GRACE did much more abound. Yes, God is up to something big and we need to decide to be part of it. As I looked around this past weekend I believe that there are some young people who have not hung up their instruments of praise. I am convinced that there are people who are willing to make the commitment daily and expect God to do powerful things. I believe tomorrow is the greatest day and I refuse to allow yesterday to be where my faith is found. God is up to something big and I plan to be part of it. Will You?

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