Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When God is Ready

Some time ago I heard a man make a statement that changed the way I pray. He said, “Don’t pray that God uses you to do something great but pray that God does something great in your life.”
I understand that if God will do a new work in me, will do something great in my life, then I can accomplish the wonderful purpose and plan that He has for me. That is a great thing!

Yet, what about when things in your life are not yet going in the direction you wish they were? What about that dreaded period of time when it appears impossible to move ahead with your dream and purpose in Jesus or what God seems to have laid on your life? That season in your life when you are not free to take action it seems.

You no doubt many hopes and desires that we want to come to pass. If they were all laid out on the table it would seem impossible for them all to work and come together. Some may be your dreams but if you have been seeking God and following His direction many of them are anointed. Yes, we have many hopes and desires.
The blessing is the fact that they all don’t have to work right now. God has things set in His own time and scripture says He does thing according to His own will and purpose. What we have to do is keep praying and planning so when God wants it we are in a position and place to do what God wants.

The professional football coach, Vince Lombardy was once asks how he was able to get a team of educated men to play in such fashion as to win as much as they did. He replied, “We believe that one day the perfect football game will be played and we will be one of the teams on the field when it happens. We go out every game thinking this could be the game and we plan to be the winning team that day.” He then said, “When history wants it we are ready.”

In our life and purpose in the plan of the Almighty we need to live in such a way as to be ready. When God wants it we are prepared to do our part.
How that comes about is through continual Praying and Planning.
Visions and dreams often die during this stretch of inactivity or that time when we are not seeing what we are dreaming about. It is discouraging to continue dreaming about something that appears to have no potential of ever happening.
We ask, “God why did I feel the way I felt and dream the dreams I dreamed? God, why have good ideas and they never work?” After a prolonged period of waiting, a vision, a dream can slip into the realm of what won’t ever be.

Jonathan Swift said, “Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.” This is why it is so important that you and I keep praying and planning to do what God is pushing into the dream part of our heart. Keep praying, “God do something great in my life!” So while we wait on God what should you and I do?


You have to get this! Prayer is critical to vision and purpose development! Here is why: We see what we are looking for; we often miss what we don’t expect. Prayer helps us see what we are not expecting.
Prayer keeps us looking. Prayer keeps the burden fresh.
It keeps our eyes and hearts in an expectant mode. Prayer doesn’t force God’s hand. But it keeps us on the lookout for His intervention. Prayer sensitizes us to the subtle changes in the landscape of our circumstances. When God begins to move, we are apt to recognize it if we are praying. Praying almost ensures we won’t miss opportunities God brings our way. Prayer helps us recognize the God things! Looking for something doesn’t necessarily mean you will find it. But it sure increases the odds of seeing it if it is there to be seen.
Prayer helps us see what we would otherwise miss in God’s will and purpose.


In addition to praying for opportunities and resourceful helpers, spend some time planning a strategy. This may feel like the biggest waist to time but don’t allow the improbability of your dream and purpose to keep you from developing a plan.

Assuming you had everything happen tomorrow to see your vision come true, what would you do? If God answered you wildest dream and vision that He had put in your heart today what would be the first thing you would do when it happened? What would be the second and the third? Do you have a plan? Do you know? No, don’t sit there and think well God would show me what to do. That is the reason God has me writing to you right now. God knows you need a plan.
Now what are you going to do? When God wants it what to you plan to do?

Absurd you say, a foolish exercise! Read the book of Nehemiah, he didn’t think so. He developed a plan. Think about ludicrous it was for him to develop a plan even before the king had ever responded to him. Yet, when God was ready for his purpose he was ready to do it.

Why would God bring an opportunity your way if you were not in a position to take advantage of it? If you were God, to who would you give opportunities?
Wishful thinkers and dreamers or Prayers and Planners?
Vision often seems futile in its early stages. President Kennedy was talking about putting a man on the moon before the technology to do so even existed.
New visions die easily.  Praying and Planning will help keep your vision alive.
So pray for opportunities. Pray for people to help make the vision happen.
Then while you pray, make a plan. I don’t know what God is up to but when God wants it I want to be ready to do my part.

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