Monday, September 19, 2011

To Behold His Beauty

One of the things I try to pray every day is like David did by asking God for two things.
One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To behold the beauty (to delight with pleasantness) of the LORD, And to inquire (seek out) in His temple. Psalm 27:4 NKJV
I ask God for two things, to behold His beauty, be wowed by God and to seek direction.
As I look around I realize I am continually left wide eyed and delighted with the wonders of God. Here’s a short list of some of the things lately that have put a wonderful smile on my face and a delight in my heart.

·         Every time someone comes to the altar and repents of their sins. To watch them be baptized in Jesus Name and be filled with the Holy Ghost. From the very first step I am amazed at the power of the Word of God. I am starting to understand more why the angles have a party and rejoice over one repented heart. It puts a smile on my face and a delight in my heart. It just never gets old. Sunday watching Chris repent and come to the altar and in the evening service come back and be baptized with Kristin was just wonderful.

·         To watch the wonderful people I get to pastor respond to a need, or simply giving continually of their Time, Talents and Treasures. I was amazed by the missions offering (SFC) over the last few weeks. I am over joyed but the giving to the kingdom that I continually see by the people here at FPB. I am left delighted and smiling as I watch people reach and touch the needs in people’s lives. I know God is blessing each of those who are responding to the needs of the church and it efforts to reach this world but I too am blessed with a joy that puts a smile on my face.

·         To see a new child of God walk down to the altar on their own with hands lifted praising God in a song. Or to see a fresh zeal and excitement from someone going after God’s anointing on their life. I was overjoyed Sunday as I watch Jessica C. walk down to the front Sunday with her hands lifted praising God with all her heart. Having watched her move from the balcony when she first came to now being full of the Spirit and coming to praise the Lord in a song is amazing. Watching her and her children and husband as they get closer to God every service puts a smile on my face and a delight in my heart.

·        To see the faithfulness of those who work so hard here at FPB in each ministry. From all the baked goods that are delivered to the city fire, police and prison departments every month by the ladies to the wonderful children and youth events is amazing. To watch ushers and greeters do their thing in helping new people find comfort in a service to hard working people making sure things simply work right in media sound, music and follow-up. Every card, letter and call that makes a difference. The list just goes on. Yes, all this leaves me delighted by what God is doing.

·         To listen to my children talk of the wonders of God. To see them anointed and used of God, to listen to them make a difference if someone’s life. To watch them work to make sure church goes right and pray to be anointed so that they make a difference. I have seen it all in them over the last few weeks and it left me with a smile on my face and a delight in my heart.

·         To watch people sing and worship. To see people struggling simply finding help in Jesus. To watch conviction and a call from God put people on their knees. To see a sincere desire to do something for God in the life and actions of a person. To watch an excitement and expectation sweep across a life as they gets a direction from God. It all makes me smile and simply say WOW, look what God is doing.

I continually will ask God to let me behold His beauty and smile as God just knock’s my sock off with His anointing and actions in the lives of those that are seeking Him.

While reading some blog post of a writer I often follow I came across a list he had written called You Can’t. I thought I would pass it on along with my thoughts on each. My thoughts are italicized

You can’t expect to be understood AND obedient.
We each are tempted with wanting to be accepted, understood. We want people to not only like us but also approve of everything we do. We want people to understand, clap and cheer us on in life and the direction we feel God is pointing us to go. We need to realize that if we plan to do the will of God with our life and be obedient to His leading there will be people who will not get it. When I came back to my home church here at FPB and left a senior pastor position to become the Associate Pastor here I had people shake their head. I was even told I was going backwards. I realize today they didn’t understand but more important than having them understand was for me to be obedient. There is peace in being obedient.

You can’t do what God wants you to do and avoid conflict.
We each want people to like us and we don’t really relish dealing with problems and getting in people face. If we do we have some issues. Yet, try as you might you can’t please everyone and do what God wants you to do. Thus you can’t do what God wants you to do and avoid crossing someone’s wires. No, I realize we shouldn’t be mean and never spiteful but we when we do what God wants us to do we will make some people upset and cause us to have to deal with conflict. Its part of following Christ and His will. Find someone to faithfully speak into your life with direction and handle the resistance with grace.

You can’t expect God to always make sense (it won’t always work out on paper!)
If it always worked out on paper there would be no need for faith except in our plan. I am a believer of planning but I continually ask God to help me stay with faith in Him. After all if I want His hand in my life I must realize His ways are far beyond my ways. (Isaiah 55:8-9) Yes, sometimes the ways of God don’t make sense for the moment but they will someday looking back down the road of life. At least from eternity.

You can’t get to the next level without sacrifice.
I will never forget as a new pastor in my first church hearing an elder say, “No minister has ever been worth anything if he hasn’t learned to struggle”. I thought that day, “It will be different with this one.” How dumb could I be? Yes, I have learned the value of struggle and sacrifices. I now know there is no way to go up in God if you don’t truly sacrifice. The will of God in your life will continually call for you to sacrifice.

You can’t follow Jesus and remain the same.
Old things really must pass away and all things must become new. We are to walk out of darkness and into His marvelous light. No matter how long we have been living for Jesus there must be continual change. Anything that grows changes when growth stops things die. We can never remain the same.

You can’t honor God by trying your best to be someone else.
One of the greatest quotes of advice I was ever given came during a sermon I heard on a recording. The minister said, “God has not called you to be a stereo type of someone else.” God called me to be me. Yes, I need to change me and grow me and do a better job at being anointed and thinking like Jesus but all in all God chose me with the talents and ability levels I have. God has asked me to be a Holy Ghost filled me, then be the me He created.

You can’t play it safe and please God (Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:6)
God has asked us to walk by faith not walk by fear. He wants us to get behind the shield of faith and move forward in Him and what He is calling us to do. It seems easier to just stay in our comfort zone but according to scripture there is a good chance we will miss God, His will and His Heaven if we fail and just play it safe and not walk by faith. God has not called you to coast and take it easy.

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