Monday, June 27, 2011

I Can't Miss Anymore Blessings

All I can say about Sunday’s services at FPB was WOW!
I notice that God has been leaving me with such feelings over and over lately. This is an answer to a prayer I try to pray daily, “Lord, like David of the Old Testament, two things I desire when I come into the house of God or the Lord’s presences, (1) to behold Your beauty ( be wowed), (2) and inquire in your temple.” (Psalm 27:4) So again I was left shaking my head at the anointing and power of God in church on Sunday.

We wrapped up the day with a great Kid’s service. FPB always has time for children and helping those children to get to Jesus. We must never become so grown up that we feel Kid’s church is not important. Jesus said to allow the children to get to Him and He rebuked those who were trying to do otherwise. He also mentioned something about hanging a weight on the person who harmed a child and casting them into the sea. (Matthew 18:6)

The first service on Sunday was anointed and power packed. The young man who preached was anointed and had no doubt spent much time in prayer. Many were touched and healed in the service but the part that stood out to me was the personal touch I received in my life. God confirmed many requests I have been asking of Him for my personal life. I look into each day with expectation and faith knowing what is about to take place. I missed such a touch once in my life and I planned it would not happen again.

Over twenty years ago I was in a powerful church service and God was really moving. I was a young minister and I guess filling my importance. It was during the altar service that I was approached by a young man who was not a preacher, who said he wanted to pray for me. He begins to ask God to do great things in my life. Really I can’t remember what all he prayed because I was caught up in a thought. I was saying to myself that I was the one who should be praying for him. I was the important one; he was just an unknown saint. I totally missed everything God wanted to do through my life because I simply didn’t believe the one praying was important enough. So foolish!

Yes, the Lord has blessed my life and touched and anointed me down through time but I have often wondered what would happened if I had expected God to touch me divinely that day over twenty years ago. One thing was for sure when the young preacher started praying for me on Sunday, a boy as young as my children, I purposed not to miss anything this time. I told myself, “You can’t miss it this time”, and I except every word and have asked God continually to confirm His word in my life.

We often miss so much because we allow Trashy Thoughts into our minds and heart. The wise writer of Proverbs says as we think in our heart, (desires and lust) so are we. What our emotional thoughts are is the person we become. You are just like you think. Max Lucado summed it up great in one of his devotion books.

To listen to our vocabulary you’d think we are the victims of our thoughts (really we are). “Don’t talk to me,” we say, “I’m in a bad mood.” As if a mood were a place to which we were assigned (“I can’t call you I’m in Bosnia”) rather than an emotion we permit.
Or we say, “Don’t mess with her. She has a bad disposition.” Is a disposition something we have? Like a cold or the flu? Are we the victims of the emotional bacteria of the season? Or do we have a choice?
Paul the Apostle says we have a choice. “We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ” (2nd Corinthians 10:5)

Yes, just like Solomon we are what we think. The emotional baggage of our heart is what we are producing. Oh we excuse it with words like, “Oh this is just how I am” but we are just allowing Trashy, Faithless Thinking to rule us. We would rather complain than overcome. We would rather not believe than submit our life and faith. We would rather be miserable trying to be something than to allow God to touch us through the seemingly unimportant. Yes, we can be very limiting in our faith and walk for God because we are thinking trashy thoughts. It’s time we brought those thoughts under captivity. We need to make them give up and obey Christ. We need to protect out life and walk for God from faith killing thinking. The minute they appear we need to go into action and protect the entrance of our emotions from trashy thinking. We miss so much that God has planned for us because we simply will not overcome negative, faithless thinking. Only God knows what it cost me over twenty years ago.

Stop limiting Jesus in your life by limiting who God anoints for you. Sunday as the young man prayed for me twice, I opened my life up to what Jehovah has planned for me. It felt so wonderful. If you don’t believe it will change your life, read the last half of the book of Job. After thirty-one chapters of faithless rebuke from Job’ friends’ there was a young man listening to it all and with the Lord on him he took all he could take. Beginning at chapter thirty-two he starts a six chapter sermon. Then God steps in in chapter thirty-eight and follows the young man’s words up. From this point on Job’s life starts to turn back to being blessed.

How are you limiting your life? What thoughts and thinking is reproducing such faithlessness in your life that you have the bad disposition flu? Really according to the Word of God you are doing that to yourself, you are ruining your own days because you are just like you think. Faithless! Why not capture that negative thinking and throw it over board. What not do like I did Sunday and purpose in your heart, “I’m not going to miss anymore anointing.”

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