Monday, June 6, 2011

The Master of Peace

Through this year I have been praying a direction in my daily prayer life that takes me past the scripture of Isaiah 9:6. Here we are given the powerful names that reveal the nature of Christ. Here His fivefold name is mentioned as Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. I try to daily ask God to give me a revelation of the power mentioned in each of these names. Sunday in our first service I preached about Him being the Prince of Peace. Reading these two words in some of the original text helps us understand Him as the Master of wholeness, joy, happiness and safety. He is the Master of Peace. I find we desperately need Jesus to be the Master of Peace in our life. Allow me to share a few thoughts from Sunday.

It was an event I will never forget!
I was attending a minister’s retreat. It was an enjoyable evening and we were having a fellowship dinner with friends from across this state. Then he was wheeled into the room. The sight of it caused me to just stop and stare. It made me hurt deep inside. It caused me to ask God why in my heart. You see the last time I saw him he was serving on the district board and pastoring a church that was a delight to visit and preach in. He was a man I had worked personally with in our section of the state and because of our positions we attended every event in our section and often sit together.

We had accidently bought matching suits and often, without plan we would show up at a function dressed alike. We often teased each other about the fact that only our ties were different and whose tie looked the best. He was a good preacher and was liked by many. But he received a report some years ago that said he would live out the end of his life early and do so in a fashion unable to function. We have prayed for him many times. He has been on this church’s prayer list in the past. Yet, for some reason God has chosen not to heal him it seems. So at a young age, he is pushed in a wheelchair. His speech is slurred and he no doubt becomes discouraged.

Life has a way of serving up things that cause us to stagger. Do I understand it? No! Honest I don’t get it. Weariness from stress and worry and grief from happenings and events that hurt, Sickness and pain, struggles and pressures all will shake our life and take our peace.

We ask ourselves why? We wonder if God really cares. I want you to know today that Yes, Jesus cares all about your troubles and no He doesn’t always take us out of the storm but often He rides through it with us. Just asks the three Hebrew children in the Old Testament He didn’t take them out of the fire He came and walked with them in the flame. Often like a child scared of a thunderstorm being held by a caring parent, Jesus simply choses to hold us through the storm.

This perhaps was the same feelings the disciples must have had when Jesus looked at them after a great day of miracles and said, “Go get in your boat and cross to the other side.” They didn’t question the order. They could have objected, it was only minutes from darkness and night. But they crawled into the boat and set sail for the other side. What were the results of their obedience?

And when evening came, his disciples went down unto the sea; and they entered into a boat, and were going over the sea unto Capernaum. And it was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them. And the sea was rising by reason of a great wind that blew. John 6:16-18 ASV

What a chilling phrase, “Jesus had not yet come to them.”

Caught in the storm and Jesus had not yet come. They had done exactly what Jesus had told them and look what it got them. A night on a storm-tossed sea and Jesus somewhere else.

See it’s one thing to suffer for doing wrong it’s something else entirely to suffer for doing right. But it happens. And when the storm bursts, it washes away the naïve assumption that if I do right, I will never suffer.  Just ask the disciples. The wind blew and so the boat bounces.

And so the disciples wonder, “Why the storm, and where is Jesus?” It’s bad enough to be in the storm but its worse to feel alone. Yet worse than that is to be where He sent you, doing what He told you and still be in a storm.

The disciples had been on the sea about nine hours. John tells us they rowed four miles. That’s a long night. How many times did they search the darkness for Jesus, how many times did they call out His name in prayer? Why does He take so long? Mark 6:48 tells us that Jesus, during the storm saw them struggling. Through the night He saw them; through the storm He saw them.

But He waited, waited for the right time. He waited until He knew it was time to come then He came.

What made it the right time? I don’t know. Why was the ninth hour better than the forth or the fifth? Why does God wait until the money is gone? Why does He wait until the sickness lingered? Why does He choose to wait until the other side of the grave to answer the prayers of healing? I don’t know I only know His timing is always right!

And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? (Luke 18:7 NIV) Though you hear nothing, He is speaking. Though you see nothing, He is acting. With God there are no accidents. Every incident is intended to bring us closer to him.

The Apostle Paul says, For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2Cointhains 5:7 NKJV

In John chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17 Jesus is encouraging His disciples. He is giving some last instruction before He leaves them.  In chapter 14 verse 18 Jesus says, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” The word comfortless means orphans. Jesus was telling us I will not leave you as a child without a family I will not leave you fatherless. Jesus then goes on to say in verse 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Then again in chapter 16 and verse 23; These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation (pressure, anguish, burden, trouble); but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."  NKJV

This world will hand out plenty of anguish and trouble.  This world will give you plenty of pressure and burden but it cannot compare to His peace!

Broken yes, troubled yes, struggles Yes! But His peace, a thousand times Yes!

Isaiah says that He will be the Governor of wholeness, the Master of joy and happiness. The captain or general of your welfare and peace, He is the Prince of Peace. Jesus didn’t come to leave you in the storm alone. He didn’t come to forget about your struggles. One of the main reasons Jesus came was to give you peace in your life! Your peace was prophesied by Isaiah. It’s why He came. Not only give you peace but He is the Master of Peace, the master of your peace. I don’t know all the answers I just know we have the promise of peace, His Peace.

Back to the disciples and their storm. That night Jesus came to them and the Bibles tells us that when He came and was in their boat that the storm stopped (Mark 6:51) and they were immediately where they were going, the event and journey was finished (John 6:21).

No, we don’t understand all the reasons why, but we can have faith that God does and He gives us peace, He came to be the Master of our Peace.

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