Monday, July 4, 2011

No More Leaning On Us

Happy fourth of July! No, Happy Independence Day.
I am so thankful to live in America. Yes, we can find so much about it that is not good from the moral condition of its people to the disconnected leaders of our country. One hour of News is enough to make you sick at your stomach. Yet, as Christians we need to remember today and every day how this country started. It was started by men and women that feared God and sought after the Almighty. In reading their life history’s we see them seeking Jesus many times for direction in the affairs of state. Our founding fathers knelt and prayed many time for this country. In a day where there was no broadcast or very little ways of declaring the daily actions of these men they prayed any way. Today most prayer are only done before cameras and media and used as political leverage. But we need to remember to sincerely pray every day for America. We can believe that it is no use and lack faith. Or we can believe scripture that the effective or active prayer of a holy person makes a difference. (James 5:16) If prayer does make a difference then there is no limit to its ability and power in God. So, today start a new trend, start praying for Jesus to touch America, for the Almighty to deal with our country to get back to Him. It will make a difference.

Allow me a few lines today to share with you my devotions and study this morning.

My first study after prayer this morning came from a journal I have, My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers.

“Fret not thyself, it tendeth only to evil doing.” Psalm 37:8 RV

Fretting means getting out at the elbows mentally or spiritually. It’s one thing to say Fret not and a very different thing to have such a disposition that you find yourself able not to fret. It sound so easy to talk of resting in the Lord and waiting patiently for Him until the nest is upset – until we live, as so many are doing, in a tumult and anguish. Is it possible to rest in the Lord? … Resting in the Lord does not depend on external circumstances at all, but on your relationship to God Himself.

Fussing always ends in sin. We imagine that a little anxiety and worry are an indication of how really wise we are; it is much more an indication of how wicked we are. Fretting springs from a determination to get our own way… Fretting is wicked if you are a child of God.

Have you been bolstering up that stupid soul of yours with the idea that your circumstances are too much for God? Put all the supposing on one side and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. Deliberately tell God that you will not fret about that thing. All our fretting and worrying is caused by calculating without God.

Wow! Yes, that was kind of in-your-face to me also.
But it also reminded me of some verses in the Bible.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; Philippians 4:6  NKJV

On many occasions Jesus said, “Fear not”! One such time was; “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear (Fear Not KJV) therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31 NKJV

Jesus gave several verses to trusting in God during the Sermon on the Mount. Read Matthew 6:25-34.

Yes, we tend to trust in us more than we trust in God. This is seen in all our fretting and worrying over trying to add one inch to our life. Yes, fretting is wicked because it is without faith and without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6

One more devotion from today.

It is from the book Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado

Then the LORD said to Moses, "I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day… Exodus 16:4

God liberated His children from slavery and created a path through the sea. He gave them a cloud to follow in the day and a fire to see at night. And He gave them food. He met their most basic need: He filled their bellies.

Each morning manna came. Each evening Quail came. “Trust me. Trust me and I will give you what you need.” The people were told to just take enough for one day. Their needs would be met for one day at a time. “Take just enough for today,” Was God message. “Let me worry about tomorrow.” The Father wanted the people to trust Him.
God meets our needs one day at a time. How should this affect the way we live?

Ok another Wow! God is no doubt trying to get my attention today. Two different books, two different writers expounding on different scriptures? Yes. WOW! Each book was dated with today’s date.
Could God be trying to get your attention too?

Yes, we spend too many days of life trusting in us and only turning to God on a Sunday or when we have a really big need. You have to admit with me there is little rest in such living. I have never been able to do a miracle no matter how had I work at it. So, take a deep breath today and turn your life toward Jesus. Turn your life in His direction and lean on Him. Let Him worry about tomorrow. He wants to do that for you. Every good Father wants to do that for their children.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. Proverbs 3:5-8 NKJV 

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