Monday, March 21, 2011

Wake Up!

Thank God for an Awakening weekend!

It started with Sunday’s first service and James’s message about the road to Emmaus. (Luke 24:13-35)

I have never looked at this story the way I do now. Jesus was going on, He made as if He would have gone further, as He talked to them about the wondrous things of God but they went aside because they were home, they were at their comfortable place. Jesus was wanted to go on but they allow a comfortable spot to stop the burning within! When they realized who Jesus was it was too late. All they could do then was run back down the road and talk about what could have been. They talked about how their hearts once burned with in them.
As James told us, push on past your comfort zone and go on to a greater place with Jesus, He is leading you to greater things.
After the message it was great to see new people in the altar. One received the Holy Ghost! WOW, that’s the beauty of the Lord! One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple. Psalm 27:4

Then again in the evening service there were new people in the altar seeking God! God is moving in great ways in this day. If you and I will bring people they will be touched and changed.

Some thoughts from Sunday’s second service.

• I wonder what is waiting for your life just on the other side of a cry out to God, a desire and willingness to change your life? What miracle is waiting for you just on the other side of a fresh commitment to Jesus?

• You will not be able to change your life or situation without a fight! You cannot wake to what God has fresh for your life without a spiritual battle. The dogs of hell are purposed to stop any new anointing and fresh commitment in your life. Yes, there will be a battle but with the battle comes the promises of God to make you a victor in the battle. Yes, there will be a fight but greater than that is the promised fact that you will win and you will get a miracle in your life.

• You must believe that the promises of God include you. We too often excuse ourselves from the promises of God by lack of commitment or simply a lack of faith. We too easily pawn the anointing off onto someone else. We believe God will do great things for everyone else but us.
Barak did this in Judges 4:8-9 and it cost him an honored blessing. God allowed a less talented person to get the victory Barak had been promised.

• Somewhere along the line, you will have to pray, you will have to fast, you will have to be faithful, you will have to make the daily commitment. If you want to enjoy the blessings and miracles of a life for God you will have to make the pledge to the Lord. You will have to wake up and get in the battle with a winning promise.

Here is a tweet I received yesterday that pretty much sums it up.

Opportunity awaits activity. The moment you get off of dead center and move forward opportunity is created. No movement = no opportunity

Here is another thought from Perry Nobles.

Seven Things I Cannot Expect!

#1 – I cannot expect to win arguments with those who don’t want to settle the argument, they just want to fight for the sake of fighting. (II Timothy 2:23)

#2 – I cannot expect people to read my mind. (I Corinthians 14:8)

#3 – I cannot possibly expect to have a complete and detailed plan from God that tells me exactly what His plans are for the next 20 years. (Psalm 119:105) – He doesn’t promise to let us see years in advance, but He does promise to show us our next step!

#4 – I cannot expect to be a follower of Jesus and keep everyone around me happy at the same time. (Proverbs 29:25)

#5 – I cannot expect to stay the same and see progress (Isaiah 43:18-19)

#6 – I cannot expect to please God without taking steps of faith (Hebrews 11:6)

#7 – I cannot expect to hear God’s voice if I am always running at an unsustainable pace! (Psalm 46:10)

In going Beyond this year at FPB we have focused on doing such in our giving and our praying. We now need to go beyond in our loving. We must love people! Pray that God gives you and passion for souls, for humanity! Let’s go beyond in touching the lives of people who need the love of Christ, who need Jesus. Keep praying and giving and allow your anointing to make a difference in someone’s life. Matthew 25:31-46
 Rude people in church are people who are not reaching people. Terry Shock

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