Monday, March 7, 2011

Dominion Over Satan

Wow what a weekend!
I must say the anointing of the Spirit was great in both services on Sunday.
Two quick reminders from the sermons I preached;

1 Read Matthew chapters 24 and 25. Look at our day and all that is going on in the world. When you see these things happening, look up, God is about to come. Do you believe God is coming enough to live your life everyday like you believe it? Jesus is coming back for those who believe enough to live that way.

2 Every day when you pray ask God to help you live your life beyond yourself. Pray that God gives you power to operate not in your own faith but God’s faith. Ask God to help you go beyond what only you can do. Love the Lord with all your heart (emotions), your mind (thinking), your soul (attitude and spirit) and your strength (talents and abilities), love and live for God beyond the veil of your flesh. Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. (Philippians 4:13)

Some months ago I passed out a prayer of taking Dominion over satan at FPB. You may still have a copy or since lost yours. Allow me to pass it along again and I encourage you to add it to your daily prayer life. Start taking dominion over the things that hinder your life and the demons that are giving you fits. In Jesus Name you have power over every force of darkness.

In the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and in the earth and under the earth; and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

In The Name of Jesus, I place upon me the full armor of God that I may be able to stand. The weapons of my warfare are not carnal, so I cannot depend on the principles of this world to provide victory but my weapons are mighty through God. In your name God, I pull down strongholds, cast down vain thoughts and imaginings and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

In The Name of Jesus, I enforce God’s original plans against the plans of Satan. I declare that in this battle, no weapon, be it emotional, financial, physical, spiritual, psychological, or relational, formed against me shall prosper.

In The Name of Jesus, I speak God’s anointing over me and my family and that this anointing will destroy every yoke of bondage. I invoke God’s divine order into my life and my family according to His will.

In The Name of Jesus, every diabolical, subverting tactic of the adversary which opposes the will of God concerning my life is now by faith, destroyed. Every evil activity against my life, my family, marriage, ministry, health and finances shall be made void.

In The Name of Jesus, I ask God to release warrior angels specially assigned to me to fight any satanic resistance to God’s purpose for my life. Father cause me to be watchful and have dominion over evil thoughts and evil speech. Grant me dominion over pride, ungodly habits, gossip, strife, waywardness, deceit, idolatry, slothfulness, greed and anything else that may hinder Christ being formed in me!

In The Name of Jesus, I ask you to lift ungodly burdens from me and remove feelings of heaviness, worry, fear and depression and replace it with joy and praise. I bind my mind to the mind of God. I ask that a spirit of wisdom, understanding, divine counsel, supernatural might, knowledge and fear of the Lord be upon me. As I move forward, help me to be continually empowered and fruitful.

In The Name of Jesus, I ask that a prayer shield and the blood of Jesus form a strong hedge of protection around me and my family which will cover me from demonic attacks. I ask for God’s favor, grace, honor and protection now replace all negative feelings, perceptions and thoughts concerning me and anything I am called to accomplish. I declare that God’s agenda is my agenda. I am not my own and have been bought with a price. I therefore submit to God and resist the devil. I am blessed of God and these blessings will not be reversed.

Father, be my shield and buckler and fight this battle for me. It is you Jesus that gives me stability, you have equipped me with salvation, Your right hand establishes me as victor in the battle. You have given me the rod of authority that I may take dominion over satan and his wiles. I thank You and praise You!

I didn’t write this but received it by way of the POA prayer ministry.
I try to include it in my prayer every day and have watched God do great thing in my life that I feel are a direct result of Him answering my prayer.
I challenge you to pray and seek God every day. Build a relationship with God and allow Him to order your steps daily. The difference it will make is powerful!

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