Monday, January 31, 2011

Personally Going Beyond

Sunday was a wonderful day of worship and fellowship for us at FPB. It was like a good meal and I enjoyed every part of it. I thank God for all He is doing here at FPB and it is with faith that I look forward to all that the Lord has prepared for us in the coming months and year. I challenge you to walk through each day full of faith expecting God to do great things. Dedicate your life to His purpose and allow God to use you.

It was wonderful to watch our Bishop preach last evening. We must not forget that message, “Hot Bread”. I challenge you to be prepared to hand out the fresh hot bread of Jesus in your life and His Word on a daily basis. Be ready to give an answer of the hope that is in you if you are Spirit filled. (1 Peter 3:15) Then I encourage you to walk into next weekend’s services and help me make sure that fresh hot bread is on the table. Someone will be there that will need it. At FPB we should always be ready share the wonders of Jesus.
It was great to welcome some new members into the family here at FPB. Let me give out a big shout to Cody, Jason, Alex, Adam and Tiffany. Welcome to the family. I am so happy you go to church here.

As we walk off into this year I really want and desire that we plan to go Beyond. I want us to go beyond as a church family in all we do, in our praying, giving and evangelizing our community and world. We will be pushing for this at different levels and groups this year. I really believe that God is calling us to stretch ourselves for a miracle. If we will, this church will not be the same in a few months. Let’s go beyond in 2011.
To accomplish this as a church we will first have to go beyond individually. A strong anointed church family is made up of strong anointed people in it. I challenge you to go beyond in your personal life. This will start with:
Continual Prayer and Fasting
If you are depending on just a church service to keep you close to God you are fooling yourself. If you want to go beyond in God and help this church go beyond as a family you will have to keep praying, fasting and seeking that power of God becomes alive and well in your life. This is a must in your daily life! Stop having just moments of anointing. Get your life full of the Holy Ghost. This will happen if you pray and fast and build a relationship with God.
Love People and Evangelize
In the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, I think the priest and the Levite wouldn’t help the beaten man on the road from Jericho to Jerusalem because: (1) If they touched the hurting they might become ceremonially unclean. Their religion kelp them from touching a need. (2) They didn’t have a good enough relationship with the innkeeper along the road. The Good Samaritan didn’t allow his religion to keep him from helping in a need and he had a good enough relationship with the innkeeper that he could minister to a need with the business man looking over his shoulder. We need to love people. You will have to pray for God to help you with this. Don’t allow your religion to keep you from ministering and make sure you live in such a way that the innkeepers (business people) along life’s road have confidence in your daily living.
Go Beyond Traditions and Comfort Zones
We can never allow habits of the past and our comfortable way of doing things to limit us in touching our world for Jesus if we are going to grow personally in God. If what you have been doing for the last several years is not growing you and causing you to reach your world then you need to change what you are doing. It doesn’t matter that it worked once some time ago. Today is the day God made, rejoice in it. You and I may not like this world’s condition but this is where God put us. We don’t get another option. We must touch this day. In ministering to this day do be caught using a new cell phone, driving an up-to-date car, expecting medical attention to be current and then trying to have an evangelism approach that is from the 1970’s. That would really be limiting God. Step out of your comfort zone and do something for God that is cutting edge. Make Him the God of this day in your life.
Read and Study
We tend to spend hours reading books, magazines and online clutter, we listen to and watch hours of mindless litter, we spend days playing and studying games. All this and not one life change thing happens. I have to believe that God will one day ask us why? We also tend to be bored with the Bible and we won’t invest time in reading a book to help us grow our walk with God. If you plan to go beyond in your walk with God you will have to turn sum junk off, put down some empty clutter and get in the Word of God until it grabs our soul.
Start today with a plan to follow every day to take your life beyond for God. It may be the making of your eternity; it will be the blessing of your soul.
Let’s go Beyond in prayer, giving and evangelism.

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