Monday, January 17, 2011

Great Expectations

Services this weekend was wonderful and very uplifting. My favorite part though was after service Sunday evening. As I walked around the room and through the halls I was amazed and enjoyed all the exciting and positive comments I was hearing about the whole week end. I watched as the congregation seemed to just stand around and enjoy each other’s company. I listen to many describe the different happenings that touched them during the services, both early and late. At one place I walked up on the group taking, What’s the Point. These are some of the new people who have come to God in the last year. They were over joyed with the love and togetherness they feel in the church. Some had tears in their eyes as they told about the church family love. One told me that when James had each of us ministers lock arms and walk together across the platform, that was a powerful point to her. Yes, my favorite part of the weekend was the wonderful response of a great church here at FPB. Expectations and faith are very high right now in this congregation. Expect many miracles.

James message on the Church is One Body was powerful. The togetherness and unity he stressed in the sermon was great. We need to never forget that together we can help make a difference in the kingdom of God as long as we stay connected to the power of God, the Holy Ghost. A spirit of unity must continue to be our prayer request as a church. Get your life full of the Holy Ghost and then join with your brothers and sisters in the church, together we can make a difference.

Another fact about James’ message in the evening service was his point about David’s victory over the giant. James said the lion and the bear were David’s private victory’s the giant was his public victory. James point was, and I whole heartily agree, we will never have public victories if we first haven’t had private victories. We should never expect to have public anointing if we can’t live an anointed life privately. Until we have learned to live for God and be Christ-like when no one knows then we shouldn’t expect to have public moments of victory. Start dealing with the bears and lions that are in your life then you can expect to be used of God and have a giant moment.

Jason Beck’s testimony in Sunday evening service was a wonderful blessing. As I listened and watched I couldn’t help but think what a difference a year has made. I wonder how many other people are sitting on the pews right now at FPB that by next year God will be shining a light through their lives. Keep praying and making a difference, they are there.

Recently I read about ten things on a pastor’s blog that were his feelings about the church today. As I read them I started putting in my two cents worth that I feel as I have the privilege to work and lead at FPB. The following are his points (10 Things I Believe About The Church) with the italics my thoughts.

#1 – I believe the potential for the local church to do good and create positive change in the world is greater than it has ever been. These are the greatest days. The Bible is clear that the Bride of Christ is making ready. God will not find a sick weak church when HE comes back. So on that point live your life in this day, it’s the greatest day.

#2 – I believe that the ROOT of the desire to do good and create positive change in the world HAS to be the GOSPEL…and if it isn’t what will develop is cool ministry fads and ideas…but nothing revolutionary that will impact the world. Talent and ability are important, yes, but nothing supersedes Holy Ghost anointing. The church, this church, FPB, can never get to the place that we rely on ability alone. The anointed preached and lived out gospel will change the world.

#3 – I believe that some of the greatest Christian leaders that the world will ever know are currently in elementary school, middle school and high school…thus making youth and children’s ministry one of the greatest mission opportunities that the local church can invest in. Sitting on the pews at FPB are great vessels in the hand of God. We can never ignore the importance of youth and children and we should never excuse prayerlessness and non-commitment until an older day in this group. We should expect commitment and a love for God in children and youth along with creating and investing in such a way that can get to God and have His hand on their life. God has expectations and plans for them so should we.

#4 – I believe that more and more church leaders are going to begin to take radical steps of faith rather than trying to repair broken systems. My hope is that the leadership of FPB will continue to believe that we can take a radical step. I personally have dreams and a vision to do some things that we have never done that sound really strange to some. What if we were to believe some things outside the box were possible?

#5 – I believe that more and more church leaders are going to continually put personal preferences of ministry aside and work together with other people to accomplish more ministry than they could have ever done alone. This is the only way the above point (4) can happen. When committed, anointed people join together to do the work of God, large waves are made. So don’t be tempted to ride off alone, there is strength in numbers.

#6 – I believe that we’re going to see some of the greatest moves of God this world has ever seen in the next 20 years…MOST of them happening because the local church finally decided to step up and be the church. In the scriptures the anointed church shook their world. I really believe that the committed, anointed body of Christ is about to shake their world today.

#7 – I believe God wants to use your church to do unbelievable things in the community in which HE has planted you. God didn’t call us to this community without believing we could do what HE wants us to do. Pray, fast and stay filled with the Holy Ghost, God is about to do greater things.

#8 – I believe the key to a healthy church is healthy church leadership…leaders cannot fly at the speed of sound and expect to hear God’s still small voice. The healthier we will get the healthier our churches can be. Ditto! If you can’t take of the temple God gave you we shouldn’t expect to be able to care for other temples. God needs all of the gifts He created in your body not just a few because you are too tried to worship and be used of God.

#9 – I believe that if ALL leaders took the advice God gave us in Galatians 6:9 that we would see breakthroughs like we’ve NEVER seen before. Not just leaders but everyone living for God and doing what He has equipped you to do. Don’t ever give up on doing the right thing. Also read verse 8 in connection to this one.

#10 – I believe God has called the church to CHANGE the world…not complain about it!!! We are an empowered body of believer whom He has called to attempt the “impossible” so that people can see HIM!!! (So…what is that thing that you know you should do next?) We are called to go into this world and make a difference. We are not called to be a grumbling sour person that complains about how unfair life is. Life will seem unfair at times but realize that we can make a difference if we are anointed and prayed up. Faithful anointed people can make an anointed difference if they are faithful.
So think on these things and plan on changing your world with Jesus alive in your life every day.

Before I go here is a little testimony from Nathan Dycus in KC.
We had our first baptism since we came to KC today. It was a member of the Micronesian congregation that rents our facility on Sunday Evenings. They asked me to perform the baptism because their Pastor was unable. It was exciting. History has been made for us once again.
Keep going at it Nathan and Misty! God is on your side!

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