Monday, January 3, 2011

As We Begin

“A year from now you may wish you had started.” Karen Lamb

2010 is finished and put away, well it needs to be. If you are still living in the past get a life. This is the day the Lord has made. Yes, last year is over yet I am very thankful for all the blessing and miracles that God passed my way. One of the things I am thankful for is to be able to pastor at a wonderful church, FPB. 2010 seen us baptize 21 people, that’s 10 percent of our attendance. I am thankful for all the souls filled with the Holy Ghost and all the lives that renewed their relationship with Jesus. I am also thankful for all those at FPB that were there fighting the spiritual battle every day through prayer and fasting. Yes, I am thankful for 2010.
On that note allow me to pass along the three points I gave at our New Year’s eve service to give you direction for this 2011. These are not original with me but they came from John Maxwell.

See the lessons in every setback.
Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.
~ John Wooden
As you think back on the past year, don't be ashamed by the mistakes you made. Failures are stepping-stones to success, not proof of inadequacy. If you're not stumbling from time to time, then chances are you're not going anywhere worthwhile.
Failures are not fun, but neither are they fruitless. Opportunities to learn and grow are embedded in every setback we undergo. Instead of dwelling on the disappointment of things going wrong, seize the insights of the experience. By doing so, you'll emerge as a stronger person.

Show gratitude for the blessings you've received.
Gratitude is not only the greatest of all virtues but the mother of all the rest.
~ Cicero
In addition to writing down what you're thankful for, take action to show gratitude to the people who have helped you over the course of the past year. Expressing thankfulness to others encourages them, strengthens your relationship with them, and positions you to receive their goodwill again in the future.

Turn the page on the past and take joy in today.
Hoping to get a glimpse into history, an interviewer asked an 87-year old woman, "What was the world like back in your day?" "Hmph!" she responded, "This is my day!" I love her attitude. Instead of being wistful about the years behind her, the elderly lady's mindset was on making the most of the day in front of her.
So here we stand at another fresh new year, we have a clean, clear page to write on. I challenge you to make the best of it. This time next year you will wish you had.

2011 started with a great big WOW as far as FPB is concerned.
Our youth ended the year at HYC and having a baptizing in the pool at the hotel. That is fantastic! Click this link to see Jason getting baptized!

But it didn’t stop there our first week end of the year at FPB was out of the park with the bases loaded feeling as-far-as-I’m-concerned.

Things to keep in mind and live by for 2011 from our first service.
This year live out Matthew 25. Keep your life full of the Holy Ghost it’s an eternity issue. (Verses 1-13) Work every day for God with the abilities He placed in your life. Don’t bury your abilities in this world but grow them for the work of the Lord. Again this is an eternity issue. (Verses 14-30) Live every day with a heart filled with compassion towards people. Little things matter. Compassion is the factor used at the great judgment in separating those who enter a prepared kingdom of God and those who are cast into everlasting punishment. (Verses 31-46) Read this chapter that Jesus told and set your life to live it out personally every day.

The second service at FPB was as if God poured out a large bucket of His Spirit on the service. The house was full and there were many guest, first time guest and returning ones. (Sunday’s first service also had several first time guests. To God be the glory!) The evening service was anointed and full of God’s glory. We were ministered to by anointed singers and band who led us in worship and helped set the tone for what God did in that service. Never under estimate the importance of a praying, anointed worship team.

We were wowed and encouraged by Tyler C’s testimony. God really is at work in the lives of our youth, really all of us to be sure, if we open up our lives to His touch. If we will keep our lives before God and in His hand everyday it will make all the difference this year. Jesus finished the service with filling people with the Holy Ghost as four young people were baptized in Jesus Name. The most wonderful site was the children gathered in front of the platform praying and seeking God. Many were filled again with the Spirit and some for the first time. Watching little Jaylen get the Holy Ghost is something I may never forget. It was a site to behold.

All I can say is what a way to start 2011, WOW!
I ask you to join with me in agreement that this will not be the zenith but simply the beginning to what God will do at FPB in this coming year.

I challenge you to Pray, Fast and Give in 2011. “A threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus provided this pattern for each of us to live by. Jesus said, “When you give…”, When you pray…” and “When you fast…” Jesus made it clear that these are a normal part of a Christian’s life. I challenge you to make these three a powerful cord in your walk for Jesus in 2011. You will see a powerful difference. (From the book Fasting by Jentezen Franklin, on my 2011 recommended reading list)

“A year from now you may wish you had started. “ Karen Lamb

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