Monday, January 31, 2011

Personally Going Beyond

Sunday was a wonderful day of worship and fellowship for us at FPB. It was like a good meal and I enjoyed every part of it. I thank God for all He is doing here at FPB and it is with faith that I look forward to all that the Lord has prepared for us in the coming months and year. I challenge you to walk through each day full of faith expecting God to do great things. Dedicate your life to His purpose and allow God to use you.

It was wonderful to watch our Bishop preach last evening. We must not forget that message, “Hot Bread”. I challenge you to be prepared to hand out the fresh hot bread of Jesus in your life and His Word on a daily basis. Be ready to give an answer of the hope that is in you if you are Spirit filled. (1 Peter 3:15) Then I encourage you to walk into next weekend’s services and help me make sure that fresh hot bread is on the table. Someone will be there that will need it. At FPB we should always be ready share the wonders of Jesus.
It was great to welcome some new members into the family here at FPB. Let me give out a big shout to Cody, Jason, Alex, Adam and Tiffany. Welcome to the family. I am so happy you go to church here.

As we walk off into this year I really want and desire that we plan to go Beyond. I want us to go beyond as a church family in all we do, in our praying, giving and evangelizing our community and world. We will be pushing for this at different levels and groups this year. I really believe that God is calling us to stretch ourselves for a miracle. If we will, this church will not be the same in a few months. Let’s go beyond in 2011.
To accomplish this as a church we will first have to go beyond individually. A strong anointed church family is made up of strong anointed people in it. I challenge you to go beyond in your personal life. This will start with:
Continual Prayer and Fasting
If you are depending on just a church service to keep you close to God you are fooling yourself. If you want to go beyond in God and help this church go beyond as a family you will have to keep praying, fasting and seeking that power of God becomes alive and well in your life. This is a must in your daily life! Stop having just moments of anointing. Get your life full of the Holy Ghost. This will happen if you pray and fast and build a relationship with God.
Love People and Evangelize
In the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, I think the priest and the Levite wouldn’t help the beaten man on the road from Jericho to Jerusalem because: (1) If they touched the hurting they might become ceremonially unclean. Their religion kelp them from touching a need. (2) They didn’t have a good enough relationship with the innkeeper along the road. The Good Samaritan didn’t allow his religion to keep him from helping in a need and he had a good enough relationship with the innkeeper that he could minister to a need with the business man looking over his shoulder. We need to love people. You will have to pray for God to help you with this. Don’t allow your religion to keep you from ministering and make sure you live in such a way that the innkeepers (business people) along life’s road have confidence in your daily living.
Go Beyond Traditions and Comfort Zones
We can never allow habits of the past and our comfortable way of doing things to limit us in touching our world for Jesus if we are going to grow personally in God. If what you have been doing for the last several years is not growing you and causing you to reach your world then you need to change what you are doing. It doesn’t matter that it worked once some time ago. Today is the day God made, rejoice in it. You and I may not like this world’s condition but this is where God put us. We don’t get another option. We must touch this day. In ministering to this day do be caught using a new cell phone, driving an up-to-date car, expecting medical attention to be current and then trying to have an evangelism approach that is from the 1970’s. That would really be limiting God. Step out of your comfort zone and do something for God that is cutting edge. Make Him the God of this day in your life.
Read and Study
We tend to spend hours reading books, magazines and online clutter, we listen to and watch hours of mindless litter, we spend days playing and studying games. All this and not one life change thing happens. I have to believe that God will one day ask us why? We also tend to be bored with the Bible and we won’t invest time in reading a book to help us grow our walk with God. If you plan to go beyond in your walk with God you will have to turn sum junk off, put down some empty clutter and get in the Word of God until it grabs our soul.
Start today with a plan to follow every day to take your life beyond for God. It may be the making of your eternity; it will be the blessing of your soul.
Let’s go Beyond in prayer, giving and evangelism.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Praying for Life Change

Thank the Lord for another wonderful weekend at FPB! Everyone did a wonderful job in all the areas of ministry. Thanks for all you do to help make FPB a wonderful place to go to church. As always, I truly enjoy the youth lead service. The band and worship team played and sang with passion and Jason’s message was anointed. To God be the glory and praise. Keep up the good job. Everything you do to help make each service accomplish God’s will is important.
Something that stood out to me again this weekend is the wonderful family atmosphere that is here at FPB. There is a wonderful spirit of unity growing among us. As I looked around the room after the services I had to smile as I watched caring people check on and care for their church family. Keep this up it makes all the difference.

We started our church family Daniel Fast on Sunday and on that note I would like to pass on some things to keep in mind as you pray and seek God this week.

Repent! Pray and change your life. Don’t just be sorry about your sins and the weights you carry but repent over them. Hebrews 12:1 To repent is to make an about face, to change and go in a fresh new direction. If you really want the old things of your life to pass away you will have to repent and change. Only then can you run the race set before you.

Pray for a Spiritual Awakening! Pray for revival in your personal life and in this church as a whole. Yes, we are having some wonderful services with many people praying and seeking God, but we need an out poring of the Holy Ghost. Don’t forget to ask God for an awakening spiritually in this church. Also remember it will always start with you and me personally. Stop coming to church and just enjoying someone else’s anointing. Stop depending on the anointing that others are praying for and getting. Pray and get your own personal awakening.

Pray for a passion for people! Ask God in every prayer to give you a love for humanity. Nothing supersedes the love of God touching a life. In the book of 1 Corinthians Paul tucked a wonderful chapter on the love of God between two chapters on gifts. In it he said there are three abiding things that matter, faith, love and hope but the greatest of these is love. Nothing out does the true love of God. Gifts are sounding brass and noise when not accompanied with the love of God. Stop trying to be a Christian without loving people because it’s impossible. Read 1 Corinthians 13 and see if your life is mirroring it. Then get on your face and ask God to give you a love for people.

Pray for unity! Unity is one of the most powerful assets of the church. Throughout scripture both Old and New Testament you can find what happens when people get in one mind and one accord. I feel the reason unity is so powerful is because it is the denying of self and joining with others to see the gospel preached and spread. Lose your selfish wants and link arms with the church family to touch this community for Jesus. That is what matters so much more than you and I getting our way.

I just returned from a wonderful conference where I was encouraged and uplifted. But I told my wife Stephanie, that I’m afraid that too many of us go to such events for it to miraculously change us. Though this is possible we tend to think that while there some miracle will rub off on us and everything will change in our life without any effort on our part. I happen to know that those leading the conference I was at, have spent days in fasting and prayer leading up to the event and also fasting and praying is a every week in their lives. Yes when you go to church where people are living such actions you will feel the anointing of it. Yet, if you and I go home and continue to live like we have always lived, we end up simply doubting and questioning that God can do such wonderful things with us. The key is changing us. Yes a church service may encourage and convict you but it all boils down to, are you convicted enough to change your life and the actions of your living. If you keep doing what you have always done you will continually get what you have been getting. What would happen if you prayed and fasted and changed your life for the better? What if the conviction you felt in a wonderful service caused you to change your daily actions? Answer – You would have life change and a revival.
One more thing to think about, I read this on a blog I follow last week. This is not all of it but a few points I thing are really powerful. This is from Perry Nobles.

Dear Lord, please forgive us, YOUR church…

#1 – For praying small prayers. We read in the Scriptures where YOU sent FIRE from heaven, you healed sick people, you brought the dead back to life, you put interstate highways through the Red Sea, you slayed giants, you enabled people to walk through fire, you spoke and the world EXPLODED in creation and you said we would do greater things in John 14:12…yet we refuse to pray and ask for BIG things because we believe that somehow Your reputation is on the line. May we pray BIG PRAYERS!

#2 – For allowing Disney to out dream us! They have a mouse, we have Your Holy Spirit and yet we have seemed to drift towards the normal, boring and predictable. You said in Ephesians 3:20 that you are able to do WAY more than we could ask or imagine…and maybe you are, maybe the best we can imagine is a few people in a room talking about things that the rest of the world does not care about. However, I refuse to believe that a company without YOUR Spirit should be able to trump YOUR church who does have YOUR Spirit when it comes to big dreams. We should have THE BEST artists in the world…may we recapture that!

#3 – For allowing Apple to out innovate us! You are the Author of creation…YOU! And since Your Word is clear that we are created in YOUR image then it is so clear that YOUR church should be leading the way when it comes to innovation and creativity. You are FAR from dull and boring…your church should be as well! May we STOP doing poor work and then blaming it on Your Holy Spirit.
Those are some powerful thoughts.
As you pray and fast, seek a closer walk with God and really change your living. Set some fresh new steps for your life starting today. Listen to the Lord and change what He moves on you to change. If you do your life will never be the same.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Great Expectations

Services this weekend was wonderful and very uplifting. My favorite part though was after service Sunday evening. As I walked around the room and through the halls I was amazed and enjoyed all the exciting and positive comments I was hearing about the whole week end. I watched as the congregation seemed to just stand around and enjoy each other’s company. I listen to many describe the different happenings that touched them during the services, both early and late. At one place I walked up on the group taking, What’s the Point. These are some of the new people who have come to God in the last year. They were over joyed with the love and togetherness they feel in the church. Some had tears in their eyes as they told about the church family love. One told me that when James had each of us ministers lock arms and walk together across the platform, that was a powerful point to her. Yes, my favorite part of the weekend was the wonderful response of a great church here at FPB. Expectations and faith are very high right now in this congregation. Expect many miracles.

James message on the Church is One Body was powerful. The togetherness and unity he stressed in the sermon was great. We need to never forget that together we can help make a difference in the kingdom of God as long as we stay connected to the power of God, the Holy Ghost. A spirit of unity must continue to be our prayer request as a church. Get your life full of the Holy Ghost and then join with your brothers and sisters in the church, together we can make a difference.

Another fact about James’ message in the evening service was his point about David’s victory over the giant. James said the lion and the bear were David’s private victory’s the giant was his public victory. James point was, and I whole heartily agree, we will never have public victories if we first haven’t had private victories. We should never expect to have public anointing if we can’t live an anointed life privately. Until we have learned to live for God and be Christ-like when no one knows then we shouldn’t expect to have public moments of victory. Start dealing with the bears and lions that are in your life then you can expect to be used of God and have a giant moment.

Jason Beck’s testimony in Sunday evening service was a wonderful blessing. As I listened and watched I couldn’t help but think what a difference a year has made. I wonder how many other people are sitting on the pews right now at FPB that by next year God will be shining a light through their lives. Keep praying and making a difference, they are there.

Recently I read about ten things on a pastor’s blog that were his feelings about the church today. As I read them I started putting in my two cents worth that I feel as I have the privilege to work and lead at FPB. The following are his points (10 Things I Believe About The Church) with the italics my thoughts.

#1 – I believe the potential for the local church to do good and create positive change in the world is greater than it has ever been. These are the greatest days. The Bible is clear that the Bride of Christ is making ready. God will not find a sick weak church when HE comes back. So on that point live your life in this day, it’s the greatest day.

#2 – I believe that the ROOT of the desire to do good and create positive change in the world HAS to be the GOSPEL…and if it isn’t what will develop is cool ministry fads and ideas…but nothing revolutionary that will impact the world. Talent and ability are important, yes, but nothing supersedes Holy Ghost anointing. The church, this church, FPB, can never get to the place that we rely on ability alone. The anointed preached and lived out gospel will change the world.

#3 – I believe that some of the greatest Christian leaders that the world will ever know are currently in elementary school, middle school and high school…thus making youth and children’s ministry one of the greatest mission opportunities that the local church can invest in. Sitting on the pews at FPB are great vessels in the hand of God. We can never ignore the importance of youth and children and we should never excuse prayerlessness and non-commitment until an older day in this group. We should expect commitment and a love for God in children and youth along with creating and investing in such a way that can get to God and have His hand on their life. God has expectations and plans for them so should we.

#4 – I believe that more and more church leaders are going to begin to take radical steps of faith rather than trying to repair broken systems. My hope is that the leadership of FPB will continue to believe that we can take a radical step. I personally have dreams and a vision to do some things that we have never done that sound really strange to some. What if we were to believe some things outside the box were possible?

#5 – I believe that more and more church leaders are going to continually put personal preferences of ministry aside and work together with other people to accomplish more ministry than they could have ever done alone. This is the only way the above point (4) can happen. When committed, anointed people join together to do the work of God, large waves are made. So don’t be tempted to ride off alone, there is strength in numbers.

#6 – I believe that we’re going to see some of the greatest moves of God this world has ever seen in the next 20 years…MOST of them happening because the local church finally decided to step up and be the church. In the scriptures the anointed church shook their world. I really believe that the committed, anointed body of Christ is about to shake their world today.

#7 – I believe God wants to use your church to do unbelievable things in the community in which HE has planted you. God didn’t call us to this community without believing we could do what HE wants us to do. Pray, fast and stay filled with the Holy Ghost, God is about to do greater things.

#8 – I believe the key to a healthy church is healthy church leadership…leaders cannot fly at the speed of sound and expect to hear God’s still small voice. The healthier we will get the healthier our churches can be. Ditto! If you can’t take of the temple God gave you we shouldn’t expect to be able to care for other temples. God needs all of the gifts He created in your body not just a few because you are too tried to worship and be used of God.

#9 – I believe that if ALL leaders took the advice God gave us in Galatians 6:9 that we would see breakthroughs like we’ve NEVER seen before. Not just leaders but everyone living for God and doing what He has equipped you to do. Don’t ever give up on doing the right thing. Also read verse 8 in connection to this one.

#10 – I believe God has called the church to CHANGE the world…not complain about it!!! We are an empowered body of believer whom He has called to attempt the “impossible” so that people can see HIM!!! (So…what is that thing that you know you should do next?) We are called to go into this world and make a difference. We are not called to be a grumbling sour person that complains about how unfair life is. Life will seem unfair at times but realize that we can make a difference if we are anointed and prayed up. Faithful anointed people can make an anointed difference if they are faithful.
So think on these things and plan on changing your world with Jesus alive in your life every day.

Before I go here is a little testimony from Nathan Dycus in KC.
We had our first baptism since we came to KC today. It was a member of the Micronesian congregation that rents our facility on Sunday Evenings. They asked me to perform the baptism because their Pastor was unable. It was exciting. History has been made for us once again.
Keep going at it Nathan and Misty! God is on your side!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stop Doing the Same Old Thing

Have you noticed that most people get to the end of a year and are dealing with the same things, in some form or another; they have battled with for the last several years? Many of us have lofty dreams and desires but that is as far as it ever seems to get. We excuse ourselves and keep doing what we have always done and then complain and then adjust as to why things are not different with us. Many end us say, “This is just how I am.” Yes, that’s a whole lot easier than changing. Yes, I also know because we don’t get instant results we say changing doesn’t work. Believe you me do I understand that one personally. But if you would like to get to the end of 2011 and find a different person in the mirror I challenge you to do the following things. Plan on changing little things every day for the next twelve months I promise you will see the difference looking back at you.

Plan on living closer to Jesus:

This needs to be our first order of business and we need to purpose to not allow it to wear off in a few weeks. Pray, fast and call on the Lord. Build a life that every day longs and plans on getting closer to God. Our relationship with Jesus needs to take command over every other dream, want and plan in our life. When we don’t seek the kingdom of God first then we cannot expect the rest of life to go well. Live so that God can order your steps daily.

If the LORD delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand. I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed. Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever. For the LORD loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. They will be protected forever, but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off; Psalm 37:23-28 NIV

Jesus said, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33 NKJV The other things Jesus referred to were the wants and often desires of life, Jesus mentions them in the verses before this one. Don’t allow life or living it to become an idol in your life. Live for God first; give Him the first fruits of your living.

Plan on living smarter:

While reading in the book of Proverbs this morning I noticed over and over the wise man Solomon said to get wisdom and listen to wise counsel. Also to those who didn’t sad days and destruction was a sure thing. The first few verse of chapter one gives the reason for the book.

The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young— let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance— for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:1-7 NIV

The writer lets us know that we need to listen, change and do a better job living in this life. He even says to those who are wise they should add to their wisdom. The day you think you know all the answers is the day you stop growing and making a difference. I challenge you to listen to people whose good decisions have opened good doors for their life, read your Bible and other helpful books (don’t spend so much time on empty novels and fictitious clutter), change your life and the way you do things. Improve you and your daily habits in work, finance and life decisions. Find wise people who will speak into your life on regular bases. If you are tempted to ask why then read Proverbs 1:20-26. Wisdom declares that if we fail to listen and change that wisdom will laugh at us when fear and problems come on us because we didn’t pay attention when we had the chance. Adjust your life and change this year. Live a wiser life.

Plan on living healthy:

Now this is not something we teach and preach much about. It is something I plan to visit in greater fashion in the weeks to come. I know how quick the church is about condemning the terrible habits of smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. We come at it from the scripture standpoint of our bodies are the temple of God. (Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV) Now I do believe that these addictions are not good for you and we are destroying the temple of the Holy Ghost with them in our life and they need to be overcome. But we need to understand we are doing the same with our life habits and eating in today’s world. In one of the books on my recommended reading list for this year the author says several times that we are killing ourselves with our forks and spoons. (Fasting by Jentezen Franklin) If killing ourselves by smoking is sin, isn’t killing ourselves with our fork and spoon the same? I challenge you to work on changing your eating habits and exercising in some fashion this year. I know it’s not something we like to talk about and deal with but I do believe God will ask some tuff questions someday of our life. Don’t wait until the Doctor tells you to change but start today and make a difference. You will feel so much better, you will have energy to do what you want to do and that depressing feeling will be much easier to defeat. Your bodies are His temple so take care of it.

Plan on changing:

I guess almost everyone has moments at the start of a New Year where they desire to change some things is their life. On that note my father use to tell me, “Dreams will come to pass if you don’t over sleep.” If you want to change something in your life this year you will have to plan on it. To make any of the above things happen you will have to work at it. You will have to take steps to make it happen. You will have to discipline your life daily to make it come to pass. Life changes will not happen because someone has a dream. So what are your plans? How do you plan to make it happen? Have you started yet? Lose the excuses. Don’t put it off; procrastination is an enemy to change. Come on you have a clean new sheet, let’s get started. The year will be over before you know it. If you don’t get started you will just be older and more set in your ways in twelve months.

Monday, January 3, 2011

As We Begin

“A year from now you may wish you had started.” Karen Lamb

2010 is finished and put away, well it needs to be. If you are still living in the past get a life. This is the day the Lord has made. Yes, last year is over yet I am very thankful for all the blessing and miracles that God passed my way. One of the things I am thankful for is to be able to pastor at a wonderful church, FPB. 2010 seen us baptize 21 people, that’s 10 percent of our attendance. I am thankful for all the souls filled with the Holy Ghost and all the lives that renewed their relationship with Jesus. I am also thankful for all those at FPB that were there fighting the spiritual battle every day through prayer and fasting. Yes, I am thankful for 2010.
On that note allow me to pass along the three points I gave at our New Year’s eve service to give you direction for this 2011. These are not original with me but they came from John Maxwell.

See the lessons in every setback.
Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.
~ John Wooden
As you think back on the past year, don't be ashamed by the mistakes you made. Failures are stepping-stones to success, not proof of inadequacy. If you're not stumbling from time to time, then chances are you're not going anywhere worthwhile.
Failures are not fun, but neither are they fruitless. Opportunities to learn and grow are embedded in every setback we undergo. Instead of dwelling on the disappointment of things going wrong, seize the insights of the experience. By doing so, you'll emerge as a stronger person.

Show gratitude for the blessings you've received.
Gratitude is not only the greatest of all virtues but the mother of all the rest.
~ Cicero
In addition to writing down what you're thankful for, take action to show gratitude to the people who have helped you over the course of the past year. Expressing thankfulness to others encourages them, strengthens your relationship with them, and positions you to receive their goodwill again in the future.

Turn the page on the past and take joy in today.
Hoping to get a glimpse into history, an interviewer asked an 87-year old woman, "What was the world like back in your day?" "Hmph!" she responded, "This is my day!" I love her attitude. Instead of being wistful about the years behind her, the elderly lady's mindset was on making the most of the day in front of her.
So here we stand at another fresh new year, we have a clean, clear page to write on. I challenge you to make the best of it. This time next year you will wish you had.

2011 started with a great big WOW as far as FPB is concerned.
Our youth ended the year at HYC and having a baptizing in the pool at the hotel. That is fantastic! Click this link to see Jason getting baptized!

But it didn’t stop there our first week end of the year at FPB was out of the park with the bases loaded feeling as-far-as-I’m-concerned.

Things to keep in mind and live by for 2011 from our first service.
This year live out Matthew 25. Keep your life full of the Holy Ghost it’s an eternity issue. (Verses 1-13) Work every day for God with the abilities He placed in your life. Don’t bury your abilities in this world but grow them for the work of the Lord. Again this is an eternity issue. (Verses 14-30) Live every day with a heart filled with compassion towards people. Little things matter. Compassion is the factor used at the great judgment in separating those who enter a prepared kingdom of God and those who are cast into everlasting punishment. (Verses 31-46) Read this chapter that Jesus told and set your life to live it out personally every day.

The second service at FPB was as if God poured out a large bucket of His Spirit on the service. The house was full and there were many guest, first time guest and returning ones. (Sunday’s first service also had several first time guests. To God be the glory!) The evening service was anointed and full of God’s glory. We were ministered to by anointed singers and band who led us in worship and helped set the tone for what God did in that service. Never under estimate the importance of a praying, anointed worship team.

We were wowed and encouraged by Tyler C’s testimony. God really is at work in the lives of our youth, really all of us to be sure, if we open up our lives to His touch. If we will keep our lives before God and in His hand everyday it will make all the difference this year. Jesus finished the service with filling people with the Holy Ghost as four young people were baptized in Jesus Name. The most wonderful site was the children gathered in front of the platform praying and seeking God. Many were filled again with the Spirit and some for the first time. Watching little Jaylen get the Holy Ghost is something I may never forget. It was a site to behold.

All I can say is what a way to start 2011, WOW!
I ask you to join with me in agreement that this will not be the zenith but simply the beginning to what God will do at FPB in this coming year.

I challenge you to Pray, Fast and Give in 2011. “A threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus provided this pattern for each of us to live by. Jesus said, “When you give…”, When you pray…” and “When you fast…” Jesus made it clear that these are a normal part of a Christian’s life. I challenge you to make these three a powerful cord in your walk for Jesus in 2011. You will see a powerful difference. (From the book Fasting by Jentezen Franklin, on my 2011 recommended reading list)

“A year from now you may wish you had started. “ Karen Lamb