Monday, April 9, 2012

God’s in Front of You

Yesterday was a wonderful day at FPB. We had a great number of people in service and the church family went beyond in doing the work of God. I was Holy Ghost proud of the people of FPB. It was a joy to watch them work for God in that service. Lives were touched and only eternity will show the difference that was made. We should expect the seeds to come up, they will produce. God is doing a great work.

Saturday morning as I though about the weekend and what we were celebrating I couldn’t help but think about the day in-between. Much is talked about of Good Friday. Songs have been written about the death of Jesus on Friday and the fact that Sunday is coming. Yet it hit me Saturday that the day between putting Jesus in the grave and resurrection morning must have been forever long. It was no doubt filled with much that robbed faith and expectations along with hope. In reading the Gospels the disciples and those who followed Jesus really didn’t get the resurrection. They really didn’t believe that Jesus was going to get up. They continually keep going to the tomb looking to take care of the body. They are mostly in some sort of hiding and there is worry about tomorrow. They have given up the last three years of their life to follow Jesus. They expected great things like a kingdom being set up. They had jockeyed for positions in what they thought Jesus would do. They never expected Him to die. Now after the funeral they are struggling with where do we go from here?

Fear, unbelieving and worry about the future dominated the day between but the resurrection was still on. No amount of doubt or worry could stop it. No amount of struggle and pain, no amount of confusion and frustration could stop the fact that God Almighty was about to do something great. It goes even farther than that. The whole time that they were worried and fearful God was doing a work that would last forever. What was wrong in their world was not stopping the powerful hand of God in the spiritual world. Unknown to them the events of the spiritual world was about to change their worried world.

God is doing great things! His Word tells and promises of powerfully anointed blessings and events coming. Jesus is at work! The church, God’s bride is promised an anointed blessing and power and might. No amount of unbelief, worry and fear will keep God from doing His will. I just want my life to be such that God includes me in what He is doing.

We cannot allow the circumstances of today to rob us of tomorrow’s promises. Don’t allow fear and worry to take your hope for what God is about to do in your life. Bad days come and problems arise. Things go wrong and don’t work out like we thought they would. This does not mean God is dead. He is still at work; He is still doing great things. I challenge you to not allow the events of your day to take your faith in God for tomorrow. Don’t allow circumstances to rob you blessings. There is tomorrow, God will do a great work in it. We must plan on living in such a way that He includes our life in His plan. Yes, Sunday’s coming with all its power and glory. Just don’t get caught living in such a way as to stop believing and miss what God is already doing and planning. God is in front of you doing a work. Plan on getting to where God is working.

But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. Matthew 26:32

He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
And go quickly and tell His disciples that He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have told you. Matthew 28:6-7

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