Monday, April 23, 2012

Burn the Baggage

After a wonderful weekend of services at FPB I would like to just leave you with some thoughts running through my mind.
I was very impressed and touched with the anointing in our evening service. I enjoyed greatly the young adults leading and directing worship. The worship and music was wonderful and Jason was right on with the Word of God. Here are a few things to remember about what Jason preached.

·         No one is exempted from the baggage’s of life. We all pick up things that hinder our walk for God, things that kill our faith and stunt our abilities to minister. The American church picks up more baggage and petty things that will not even get close to mattering in eternity. So as Jason preached, we all should have been in the altar praying for God to deliver us.

·       We need to be able to recognize the baggage that is keeping us weighed down. Realize what holds you back. God has a call for each of our lives. The sooner we can realize that we have hindrances that are costing us that call, the sooner we can get delivered and get on being anointed to do God’s will. Be honest with yourself and Jesus. He already knows, the sooner we admit it and change the sooner we can get on being what He needs us to be.

·        It is the anointing of the Holy Ghost that burns the baggage. As Jason preached about Elisha’s call in 1 Kings 19:19-21, we see the response of someone who means business with their walk for God. When the man of God walked into Elisha’s life and through the Spirit of God put a call on his life, he refused to allow anything to hold him back. Elisha takes the things of his life and burns them so that they can never be visited or considered again. When that day was finished, Elisha didn’t have any direction left except after God’s will. He burned anything that would be baggage to him. It’s the anointing of the Holy Ghost, the fire of God that can consume our baggage. The fire is powerful enough if we will allow it to burn through our life.

A little before Elisha’s call the prophet Elijah had a prayer meeting where the fire of God came and not only consumed the sacrifice but the stones, water and everything in its way. (1 Kings 18:30-39) Yes, we each have baggage we need to pile up all of it and set the Holy Ghost fire to it once and for all.

·         Jason reminded us that we have a tendency to take out baggage to the altar and then carry them away with us again. We also tend to allow ourselves to pick up other things; other bags we know will hinder us. We excuse ourselves and our actions but we need to realize that if we don’t lose the junk forever the next generation will also have to deal with it. Later we can read that Elisha the prophet is approached by a man with leprosy. The man wants healing and does what the prophet tells him to do. The man is so excited over his healing that he returns to Elisha to give him some stuff, some baggage. Elisha refuses it and the man leaves. Yet, the servant of Elisha goes after the man and lies and gets some of it for himself. In the end the servant is stricken with the leprosy that the man was healed of. But the sad part is that not only he but his children also, the next generation also had to deal with the heaviness of the baggage. (2 Kings 5:26-27) The next generation desperately needs to be delivered of the junk we are carrying around.

There are all kinds of stuff we pick up. Baggage from our child hood, marriage, work, friends, and people who did us wrong. We pick up junk from hurt feelings and bad business deals. We pick up all kinds of weights and blame them on everyone. I don’t know if you have noticed but no matter how long you carry the junk it doesn’t get any better, it never gets healed. It just gets heaver and more of a struggle to deal with. Why not pile it up and allow the Holy Ghost fire of God to consume the baggage. If you don’t you will pass it on to the next generation and your kids don’t need to inherit your bitter heart or heavy junk.

Thanks Jason for a wonderful message from God at FPB.

I was also touch and my heart convicted over the missionary service that morning. I was also reminded as I thought of the church that would win around 5000 people to God before that out grew the tin $3000.00 building, we are coming up so short. Our nice day of blessings is keeping us a long way from the will of God. Again we have too much junk in the way. We personally spent enough money as a body of believers collective yesterday to build a church to make sure 5000 people walked on streets of gold. That should convict us. I have attached a link to a video that explains why we lack the great anointing of God. Take the six minutes to watch this and hopeful change you directions.

At least that’s My Thoughts

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