Monday, September 26, 2011

Kill Your Giant

And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.   Matthew 25:40 NKJV
Saturday here at FPB was a great day to watch and be part of. It was our SERVE M25 day. It was a day we used to try to fulfill what Jesus said in the last part of Matthew 25. Those involved reached and touched many different places of the lives of people. This was great. Yet let me take a moment to remind you of a few things.

·         As we read these verses we are not commanded to fix, heal or change lives. Jesus asks us to simply help their lives. Be a Christian, a child of God helping people through life. We often get frustrated with different people’s lives and yes, they need some big changes but they have to be willing to do the changing through Jesus. Until they turn to God and get a fresh direction for this life they may stay the same. Our job is to lend a hand, visit, give a drink, minister to their lives and most of all pray for them. Don’t miss a blessing in life being frustrated at people.

·         According to the last part of Matthew 25 we can’t just go through life and act like people don’t have problems or needs. No, we have to plan to help their needs to the best of our ability. Will we be able to touch every need like we would like or maybe like they would like? No, but we can do our best. Jesus warns us not to just skip over them and act like the needs are not there. Just do the best you can and then pray for God to grow it.

·         We also don’t need to regulate such actions to just one day on the calendar. To a day when the church plans to have a day of service. No, this needs to become the actions of our daily life. Be ready to help, visit, cloth, give a drink or food; minister to, pray for, simply help a life along the road of life. SERVE M25 must be more than an event in our life it needs to be a way of living.

Thanks again to all you who helped in the event. Let it become part of a way of life.

Let me take a moment to revisit the message I preached on Sunday. I really believe there are some giants in the lives of people who could live an overcoming life if they dared to slay their giant. There are Giants that come at us like depression, divorce, drugs, alcohol, family problems, job loss, overbearing cares of life, worries, sickness… the list goes on and on of problems of life even strong spirited demons that attempt to and often do keep us scared and without victory. They keep us defeated and living without life. They are giants in our life screaming at us and taking our faith. But just like David conquered Goliath, the giant in his life, we can overcome ours. Read the story in 1 Samuel 17 and follow what David did. If you will you will overcome that giant in your life.

First and at the front of the list is the fact that you have to believe that God is greater than YOUR giant. We often say God can do anything but what we really believe is that He can do anything for anyone else but us. Scripture says we cannot come to God except we believe. First God has to be greater than your giant. We must have faith in the Almighty!

Then like David pick up five stones to kill your giant and decide the day it will happen. David said in verse 46, This day (Today!) the LORD will deliver you into my hand, (shut you up – Holman) and I will strike you…” Decide this is the day that God will be with me and I will shut-up my giant. Then pick up the stones and over-come your giant. In reading the story you find five things David did, five stones David picked up.

First stone - The Stone of the Past – David remember what the Lord had done
When David saw Goliath it jogged David’s memory. That valley was déjà vu. While everyone else was quivering and scared, while everyone else was running and saying it’s no use, David remembered. I’ve been here before; I dealt with something a lot like this before. I remember there was another problem or two that was about like this and God was really with me. This will be just like other things I have overcome. Read verses 34-37. David remembers God had delivered him before.  God has been here before. The Almighty knows what HE is doing, this is not His first time to defeat the enemy. Write your worries in sand. but Chisel your yesterday’s victories in stone.

Second stone - The Stone of Prayer
Hold your hand up. Notice the valley between your thumb and finger. To pass from one to the next you must go through it. Let me remind you of David’s decent. Before going high David went low. Before ascending to the fight, David descended to prepare. Don’t face your giant without first doing the same. Dedicate time to pray. The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:18 MSG “Prayer is essential in the ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long.” It was prayer that spawned David’s successes. The Bible tells us he, “Strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” He turned to God in trouble and prayed, “You (God) have been a defense and refuge in the day of my trouble.”

Third stone - The Stone of Priority
Let the tallest finger on your hand remind you of your highest priority. God’s reputation!
David jealously guarded it. No one not even a giant named Goliath, was going to defame the name of the Lord. When David decides to take on the giant it wasn’t because he wanted glory. It wasn’t because he was being cocky. No, he heard the Giant defile the name of the Lord. David showed up to lend a hand with some food and heard a giant make fun of the Almighty.
This was the reason David got hot under the collar. I can hear him ask, “Did you hear what he just said? We can’t have that!  I’m not going to allow this giant to talk about God like that.”
David killed his giant to say that, “All the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all the assembly shall know that the Lord does not save by sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord.” No matter what Mr. Giant is saying the battle belongs to God. David saw Goliath as a chance for God to show off! Allow your struggle to become a canvas that God can paint a master piece on. Allow your giant to be a way God can show case His power and His might. Purpose in your heart that the giant in your life will become a sign that God is a great Creator, the king of all things, the all-powerful God!

Forth stone - The Stone of Passion
David ran at, not away from, but towards his giant! On one side of the battle field, Saul and the scared Israelites gulped. People are giving up and saying it no use. On the other side Goliath and his skull-splitters scoffed and make fun of God. In the middle is a shepherd boy who was running on spindly legs. Who would have taken David?  Not the Philistines. Said he was but a child!  Not the Hebrews. They said he didn’t have what it took.  Not king Saul. Said he was inexperienced. Not David’s brothers. They said he was just showing off. Who would have ever picked David? God did! God said I’m going with the kid from Bethlehem. And since God did and since David knew God did, the skinny runt became a blur of pumping knees and swirling sling. He ran toward the giant.

Fifth stone - The Stone of Persistence
Why did David carry five stones? Could it be because Goliath had four relatives the size of a Tyrannosaurus-rex? For all David knew, they’d come running over the hill to defend their kin. David was ready to empty the chamber if that’s what it took. Imitate him your next giant. Never give up! You serve an Almighty God let Him be an Almighty God in your life every day.

Come on, take your giant on. It’s time you stopped allowing that giant to have space in your life.

Monday, September 19, 2011

To Behold His Beauty

One of the things I try to pray every day is like David did by asking God for two things.
One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To behold the beauty (to delight with pleasantness) of the LORD, And to inquire (seek out) in His temple. Psalm 27:4 NKJV
I ask God for two things, to behold His beauty, be wowed by God and to seek direction.
As I look around I realize I am continually left wide eyed and delighted with the wonders of God. Here’s a short list of some of the things lately that have put a wonderful smile on my face and a delight in my heart.

·         Every time someone comes to the altar and repents of their sins. To watch them be baptized in Jesus Name and be filled with the Holy Ghost. From the very first step I am amazed at the power of the Word of God. I am starting to understand more why the angles have a party and rejoice over one repented heart. It puts a smile on my face and a delight in my heart. It just never gets old. Sunday watching Chris repent and come to the altar and in the evening service come back and be baptized with Kristin was just wonderful.

·         To watch the wonderful people I get to pastor respond to a need, or simply giving continually of their Time, Talents and Treasures. I was amazed by the missions offering (SFC) over the last few weeks. I am over joyed but the giving to the kingdom that I continually see by the people here at FPB. I am left delighted and smiling as I watch people reach and touch the needs in people’s lives. I know God is blessing each of those who are responding to the needs of the church and it efforts to reach this world but I too am blessed with a joy that puts a smile on my face.

·         To see a new child of God walk down to the altar on their own with hands lifted praising God in a song. Or to see a fresh zeal and excitement from someone going after God’s anointing on their life. I was overjoyed Sunday as I watch Jessica C. walk down to the front Sunday with her hands lifted praising God with all her heart. Having watched her move from the balcony when she first came to now being full of the Spirit and coming to praise the Lord in a song is amazing. Watching her and her children and husband as they get closer to God every service puts a smile on my face and a delight in my heart.

·        To see the faithfulness of those who work so hard here at FPB in each ministry. From all the baked goods that are delivered to the city fire, police and prison departments every month by the ladies to the wonderful children and youth events is amazing. To watch ushers and greeters do their thing in helping new people find comfort in a service to hard working people making sure things simply work right in media sound, music and follow-up. Every card, letter and call that makes a difference. The list just goes on. Yes, all this leaves me delighted by what God is doing.

·         To listen to my children talk of the wonders of God. To see them anointed and used of God, to listen to them make a difference if someone’s life. To watch them work to make sure church goes right and pray to be anointed so that they make a difference. I have seen it all in them over the last few weeks and it left me with a smile on my face and a delight in my heart.

·         To watch people sing and worship. To see people struggling simply finding help in Jesus. To watch conviction and a call from God put people on their knees. To see a sincere desire to do something for God in the life and actions of a person. To watch an excitement and expectation sweep across a life as they gets a direction from God. It all makes me smile and simply say WOW, look what God is doing.

I continually will ask God to let me behold His beauty and smile as God just knock’s my sock off with His anointing and actions in the lives of those that are seeking Him.

While reading some blog post of a writer I often follow I came across a list he had written called You Can’t. I thought I would pass it on along with my thoughts on each. My thoughts are italicized

You can’t expect to be understood AND obedient.
We each are tempted with wanting to be accepted, understood. We want people to not only like us but also approve of everything we do. We want people to understand, clap and cheer us on in life and the direction we feel God is pointing us to go. We need to realize that if we plan to do the will of God with our life and be obedient to His leading there will be people who will not get it. When I came back to my home church here at FPB and left a senior pastor position to become the Associate Pastor here I had people shake their head. I was even told I was going backwards. I realize today they didn’t understand but more important than having them understand was for me to be obedient. There is peace in being obedient.

You can’t do what God wants you to do and avoid conflict.
We each want people to like us and we don’t really relish dealing with problems and getting in people face. If we do we have some issues. Yet, try as you might you can’t please everyone and do what God wants you to do. Thus you can’t do what God wants you to do and avoid crossing someone’s wires. No, I realize we shouldn’t be mean and never spiteful but we when we do what God wants us to do we will make some people upset and cause us to have to deal with conflict. Its part of following Christ and His will. Find someone to faithfully speak into your life with direction and handle the resistance with grace.

You can’t expect God to always make sense (it won’t always work out on paper!)
If it always worked out on paper there would be no need for faith except in our plan. I am a believer of planning but I continually ask God to help me stay with faith in Him. After all if I want His hand in my life I must realize His ways are far beyond my ways. (Isaiah 55:8-9) Yes, sometimes the ways of God don’t make sense for the moment but they will someday looking back down the road of life. At least from eternity.

You can’t get to the next level without sacrifice.
I will never forget as a new pastor in my first church hearing an elder say, “No minister has ever been worth anything if he hasn’t learned to struggle”. I thought that day, “It will be different with this one.” How dumb could I be? Yes, I have learned the value of struggle and sacrifices. I now know there is no way to go up in God if you don’t truly sacrifice. The will of God in your life will continually call for you to sacrifice.

You can’t follow Jesus and remain the same.
Old things really must pass away and all things must become new. We are to walk out of darkness and into His marvelous light. No matter how long we have been living for Jesus there must be continual change. Anything that grows changes when growth stops things die. We can never remain the same.

You can’t honor God by trying your best to be someone else.
One of the greatest quotes of advice I was ever given came during a sermon I heard on a recording. The minister said, “God has not called you to be a stereo type of someone else.” God called me to be me. Yes, I need to change me and grow me and do a better job at being anointed and thinking like Jesus but all in all God chose me with the talents and ability levels I have. God has asked me to be a Holy Ghost filled me, then be the me He created.

You can’t play it safe and please God (Hebrews 11:1, Hebrews 11:6)
God has asked us to walk by faith not walk by fear. He wants us to get behind the shield of faith and move forward in Him and what He is calling us to do. It seems easier to just stay in our comfort zone but according to scripture there is a good chance we will miss God, His will and His Heaven if we fail and just play it safe and not walk by faith. God has not called you to coast and take it easy.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Chasing Skinny Rabbits

The Tale was that it had been seen again, the big stag with its mighty antlers had been spotted. Where, who, or when no one knew the rumor was it was seen again. No one really knew where it was because not a soul could be found that had ever really seen it clearly. Oh there was the old man down at the end of town who had said he had seen it several times but that had been when he had drank too much from the bottle hidden under his bed. The woman up the lane on the mountain said she had seen it but she too was known for some potions she mixed up. Really no one had ever seen it clear enough to say what it really looked like but time and legend had made the great stag bigger than life in the minds of almost everyone in the village.
So tonight they all set around the camp fire cleaning their guns and gazing into the flames. Each man dreamed about him and his dogs striking the trail and finding the great stag. Each believed if he could catch it he would be happy the rest of his days. Each believed that if he was the one to capture the great stag he would have all he had sought for in his seemingly meaningless life. Each man longed and hoped he would one day catch the elusive prize then would all their troubles and problem go away. So there that night each man set dreaming about his life if he could catch the great stag.
Morning came and each man took his prized hounds and started out after the hope, the dream, the fix once again. Each spent energy and effort looking, hoping for the break. One such man separated from the rest and slipped off into the river bottom because he felt in his soul this was it, sure enough his hounds hit a special scent and the race was off. Hope and excitement like a high leaped into his life, this was it he thought!
Another man breaking from the group crept up the high mountain. He felt in his soul this was where the great stag lived. Then sure enough his hounds found a fresh trail and the race was on. Excitement and expectation grabbed his emotions, hope and excitement pushed into his feeling, this is it he thought!
Yet another man slipped away from the group and off into the swamp because he knew in his heart this was where the big stag lived. As luck would have it his hounds struck a fresh track and the race was on. This is it he though, this is the dream, it’s what I hoped for I will finally reached what I been looking for, life will finally be worth living. Excitement grabbed his heart and surged through his mind to blotting all common sense. This is it he thought! This time will be different.
Each chased after his hounds. Each ran until they were out of breath. Each man’s hope was that maybe this was it and that hope pushed him to his limits.

Then the man that was chasing along the river, when he was on his last breath seemingly saw something moving through the fog. That’s it he thought and with hound screaming raced after what he thought was the stag. The man on the mountain spotted something moving through the mist and knew he had found the stag and with his hounds on their last leg he raced after what he saw. The man in the swamp caught a glimpse of moment through the haze with his lungs screaming for a break he raced on knowing he had finally found the great stag.

Each ran, hoped, believed, and reached for what they thought would be their answer this time.
The man along the river rounded a large tree beside a huge bank and cornered his quarry. The man on the mountain ran into a cleft of a rock and caught his victim. The man deep in the swap ran his chase into an old hollowed place and caught his prey.

Then as each man looked, after all the dreams, after all the hope, after all the wasted life and effort each man realized, it was only a skinny rabbit. No prize, no hope, no good life.
Each man lay there empty, alone, broken, and breathless, feelings were gone, and questions of why pounded in their head. This was not how it was supposed to end, there really has to be more to this thing called life. It’s all just skinny rabbits!  

In first John chapter 2, the apostle picks up his pen and starts a letter to the churches. There are many days behind him now. He is old and has seen much come and go. He now is the only disciple of Jesus that hasn’t died a martyr’s death. He has lived in younger days, been tempted to chase after the man-made prizes of life but now from the advantage of an old man he understands it’s only skinny rabbit’s. He has been boiled in oil. He has been banished to an island called Patmos that was full of prisoners. Yet, now life finds him finishing up the last three books we have from him. Age has given him wisdom and wonderful relationship with Jesus has blessed his life. He seems to stand and look back down the road of life. He see all the attempts to distract us, he sees all the events that can bring failure in the Lord. He sees the things that easily become gods in our life things that take our focus, rob our life, and take our commitments and dedication. He sees the places where we chase and lose our lives. He sees the things that take our passion and leaves us uncommitted and empty, lost in some dark hollow of life wasted after all the chasing. It is from this advantage point that the Apostle John writes in 1st John 2:15-17.

15 Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 For everything in the world — the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does — comes not from the Father but from the world.
17 The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. NIV

In other words, the things of this life, this world that you are chasing it’s just a skinny rabbit!

But seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness… (Matthew 6:33) Because those who do the will of God live forever.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thoughts from my Desk

This morning’s crisp, cool breeze seems to be full of hope and expectations. The change of a season always brings a thrill to me. It’s like a new page to write on. As I wrap up the summer and get ready to move into the Fall season a little thrill of excitement grips my heart. This morning I looked at all the notes I have written over the last season and some before. They are everywhere. I’m a “Sticky Note” guy. I keep two or three packs ready at all times. On my desk are many things I have written on these little notes. There are prayer request, and address of people. There are sermon thoughts for special holiday seasons and ideas for tomorrows to come. There are also notes that I would say were just written to me. Yes, many of them become the birth to a sermon or Bible lesson but they are there just to remind me of how I personally need to grow my walk with God. So, as I start of this new season allow me to just read to you from off my desk. Who knows you might just get a sermon for your life. I challenge you to spend a little time with each of these thoughts personally.

·         If you go looking for a friend you will find them scarce. If you go out to be a friend you will find friends everywhere. Zig Ziglar
Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly…”

·         In Exodus 33:11, Moses spoke to God face to face in the tabernacle. After the conversation Moses went back to the camp, to the people he was leading. It is noteworthy to me to see that the young man Joshua was there in the tabernacle also. The scripture says when Moses left, Joshua stayed in the tabernacle. When you have opportunity to stay and grow, stay and grow. The day is coming when you will have to return to call of duty.

·         Don’t become angry, unconcerned and consumed with the fact that your brother or sister repented of their failings. The Father is happy they have returned and is throwing a party. Don’t miss the Father’s party over someone’s past failures. Luke 15:25-32

·         In 1 Samuel 14:6-15, Jonathan and his armor-bearer did what they could do for the Lord. Then God stepped in and made up the difference. This step of faith changed the direction of the day.

·         In Genesis 19 the angels of the Lord told Lot to take his family and go to the mountain. Lot tells the angels it was too hard of a thing to do. Lot asked to go to a little place (Zoar). The angle said yes but in the process of going to the little place instead of where God was directing Lot lost his wife because she looked back. If God tells you to go, you can make it. Don’t settle for something less than the will of God, it will cost you dearly.

·         The gospels are the everyday actions of the disciples when Jesus walked beside them. The book of Acts is the everyday action with Jesus in them. The Epistles are how to live with Jesus in you.

·         Receiving the Holy Ghost is an exciting and thrilling event. Possessing this promise of the Holy Ghost calls for a made up mind, a set heart, and a determination to walk all the way to glory.

·         When people make negative and hatful comments to me I remember, “Every obnoxious action is a cry for help – Zig Ziglar”

·         We need to save, store up some things for raining days. But we can never be caught laying of treasures in this world. The Bible tells us that where our treasures are our heart will also be there. We want our heart to be set on Heaven. Matthew 6:21

·         My prayer is for the Holy Ghost to shine in me so my vessel (life) is full of the Holy Ghost and I am ready to meet Jesus in a moment I think not: shine on me so that I know the path and direction I should take: shine through me so that everyone knows the anointing of the Lord in on me.

·         When leading people there will be times when the shine or excitement comes off what I am doing. My vision seems old and stale. I need to polish and get the shine of excitement back on my passion and vision. I do this by spending time dreaming and brain-storming, asking myself, “what-if”. Can you still dream?

·         Nehemiah stood every day with a cup in his hand serving and waiting for God to open a door for his passion and call. He stood every day and served and prayed for at least four months before he ever heard a peep of direction. Nehemiah chapter one. Can you live for God behind the shield of faith and keep serving?

Also on my desk is a list I made for my life several years ago. I read an article of someone who had a list and decided to write one for my life. I believe these things are important for me to be a success. I attempt to have these in my daily living.

1.      Passion (positive)

2.      Hard work

3.      Focused

4.      Push yourself – Never stop innovating

5.      Serve – Add outrageous value

6.      Manage your time (You can never recapture a moment)

7.      Get really good at what you do

8.      Persist

9.      Devote yourself to excellence

10.  Strong relationship skills

These are things that will not come easily for me and you. I have to remind myself to do them and make them habit. I challenge you to look at your life and make you an honest list for you to live by.

Well, those are a few things from the “sticky notes” on my desk. Go over them slowly and I am sure you can find the nuggets I did. To borrow a line from a friend of mine, “Some original, some stolen, not for sale only for profit.” take them and make them better.