Monday, August 29, 2011

God Is Up To Something Big

All weekend long my twitter account was blowing up with wonderful reports of great moves of God across this country. Person after person told of the wonderful blessings of God and reported signs and wonders. God is up to something big and many are becoming part of it. I plan personally to join hands with what the Almighty is up to.

The Back to School service here at FPB was anointed and power-packed too. The weekend was wonderful. Our students did a great job in praising and lifting up the name of Jesus. I am elated by their anointing, leadership and dedication. This weekend makes me the more excited and confident in the future of the church. Yes, it is clear there will always be God loving youth rising to the top. Yes, today some seem not to care but there will be those who will enter in. Yes, God is up to something big in this world. I am happy to join in with the Almighty. I am excited to see students who are buying into what God is up to. Yes, God is up to something big.

In the coming weeks and months above all we must remember we belong to Jesus. Your dreams will be tested, your vision will be questioned, but you and I can’t lose our vision and anointing. We will be tempted to not put our heart into what God is up to. The pressures of the day will cause you to stumble. The frustrations of life will attempt you rob you of your victory continually. We need to fight of the feelings of complacency that will attack our commitment and pray for strength and more anointing. Cast off the failures and past mistakes and make the best of a new chance. God is up to something big.

Paul in writing to the Corinthian church in the first book chapter 6, reminds us we are not our own we have been brought with a price. The apostle Peter tells us, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”  God has chosen His church to join with Him in what God has going on. It is important that the church realize who they are and who they belong to.

Our generation is experiencing an unprecedented hunger for God. Men and women are sick of sin and what it is doing for their lives. Most just don’t know which way they need to turn. The repercussions of our society have caused it to run head long towards failure. People are really looking and hungering for a life changing experience. They are looking in every direction. We must not forget who we are and reach out to touch this lost world. God is up to something really big we must join with what He is doing.

Yes, you will have disappointing days and times when you feel defeated. But remember those around you still are looking for a changing life. In the 137 division of Psalm we find a story of those in captivity who hung up their praise to God.

By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down, yea, we wept when we remembered Zion. We hung our harps upon the willows in the midst of it. For there those who carried us away captive asked of us a song, And those who plundered us requested mirth, Saying, "Sing us one of the songs of Zion!" How shall we sing the LORD's song In a foreign land?

Yes, this group was in a sad day. Yes, they had been taken from their blessings because of their failed walks for God. But it is clear they still had their instruments of praise. The people around them had no doubt heard them singing and praising Jehovah and wanted to hear more. Yet they responded that their day had taken their praise. They decided to hang up their praise. Yes, the day was discouraging but they knew about the power and deliverance of God. Yet they refused to sing for those who wanted to hear about their God. So because it wasn’t convenient, it wasn’t as exciting as it once was, they sat and cried. They put away their abilities and sat down and weeping talked about how it once was. Their hearts were caught in the past.

Yet on the same river in Babylon there were other thinking and praising God because of what tomorrow would bring. Read about them in Ezra, Nehemiah and Ester. Read what Ezekiel saw while on the same river that the down and out people in Psalm 137 were on. Ezekiel saw things in the future of God that only two others in scripture saw. Read what Daniel saw and did under the anointing while in the same kingdom away from his home land. Read about these who chose to look at the power of tomorrow and what God was up to.

Yes, the day was not so good and things were not as well as they hoped, some were found weeping and discouraged wishing for yesterday. Yet, on the other hand, some prayed, fasted and expected God to change much about tomorrow. These looked for it daily and saw it. Why? They understood that God was up to something big and they expected to be in on it.

Yes, this world is a sin sick place but as the Word of God says, where sin did about GRACE did much more abound. Yes, God is up to something big and we need to decide to be part of it. As I looked around this past weekend I believe that there are some young people who have not hung up their instruments of praise. I am convinced that there are people who are willing to make the commitment daily and expect God to do powerful things. I believe tomorrow is the greatest day and I refuse to allow yesterday to be where my faith is found. God is up to something big and I plan to be part of it. Will You?

Monday, August 22, 2011

The spirit of Fear

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

The word “fear” here in 2nd Timothy is only used with this meaning this one time in the New Testament according to Strongs Hebrew and Greek dictionary. NT:1167 - fear; timidity:
It comes from a word that means; NT:1169  (dread); timid, i.e. (by implication) faithless: this word is used three times in the New Testament. Mark 4:40, Matthew 8:26, in the question of Jesus to the disciples: "Why are you afraid?” Also in Revelations 21:8 includes unbelievers in a list with cowards. But the cowardly (fearful), unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

I gave you these definitions to help you understand that feeling of fear does not come from God.
Another derivative of this word is found in John 14:27 when Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

The Word of God commands us to fear God, to respect and be in admiration of the Lord. We sometime are afraid of things and such and events may scare us. But God does not want us to be controlled by a spirit of timidness, faithlessness and cowardness.

The Apostle Paul is writing to his son in the gospel Timothy, pushes Timothy to stir up the gift of God and not be afraid. Paul reminds Timothy that his gifts were seen in his family and Paul is sure that such anointing is in Timothy’s life. He tells the young man he felt it when he laid hands on him. Timothy must have been dealing with fear or being afraid to walk by faith. Timothy is worrying over way too much and Paul is letting him know you didn’t get that feeling of fear from God. This spirit of fear must be overcome because it is linked with those who are cast into hell in Revelations 21:8

Paul goes on to tell Timothy God doesn’t give this spirit but God gives instead, power, love and sound mind which is self-control and discipline.
This spirit of fear must be overcame, it is not from the Almighty so there is only one other spirit world that can give such a feeling. It is no wonder that it is linked with such horrible sins in Revelations.

We see fear come on the scene in this world just after man sinned in the garden and failed God. When satan tricks Adam and Eve we find them telling God they were afraid and hid from the Lord. Before humanity knew anything about hate, strife, jealousy, or any other negative emotions, he felt cowardly fear. “I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid” (Genesis 3:10 NKJV). Sin brought with it fear!

Fear is a spirit, disguised often as an emotion; that is one of the reasons it is tough to defeat.
Because it is really a spirit it must be dealt with as a spirit, or it will dominate a person and cause us to be lost. The way it is dealt with is to replace it with what Paul told Timothy that Jesus gives instead of the spirit of fear, that is; power, love and sound mind.

The Spirit Jesus gives is the Holy Ghost power. The word power that Paul uses in 2 Timothy 1:7 is the same word Jesus used in Acts 1:8. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."  The power of the Holy Ghost conquerors this spirit of fear. Getting full of the Holy Ghost brings a faith and trust in the Almighty. If we plan to defeat fear we will need to keep the Holy Ghost oil in our vessel.

Paul also said that God gives a spirit of love instead of fear. The writer of first John said; There is no fear in love; but perfect (mature) love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect (mature) in love. 1 John 4:18 NKJV

The word perfect here means a full stature of a man; we would say a mature person.  So, mature love cast out fear… the person who fears is not mature in love. When our lives get filled with love for God, a trust is born within us, and we give ourselves over to believing God and acting in faith. We believe that God really knows better about our lives than we do. We trust Him to do what is best in our lives because we love Him. The scripture then comes to life in us with a better understanding. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 KJV Don’t miss all this scripture. All things do work together for those people who really love god with their lives and are doing His purpose with that life. We can’t claim the first part of this verse without living the last part.

The same hold true for Ephesians 3:20. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think… (But the verse doesn’t stop there.) …according to the power that worketh in us. (Power here is same word as Acts 1:8) God will do and work beyond our thinking and our asking but again the promise is measure according to the power of God in our lives.

When we really love God we trust the purpose and plan that He has designed for us. It is this confidence and trust that causes us to love God and cast out the fears that torments us. When fear is gone we gladly step into the purpose of the Lord. Paul encouraged Timothy to trust God’s plan. We often battle fear because we don’t believe that God will do the right thing in our life so we keep trying to do our own thing.

This leads to the third thing Paul tells Timothy that the Lord gives in place of fear. The KJV uses sound mind. The original text says this word comes from another word that means, to make of sound mind that is to discipline or correct – teach to be sober.  The word its self means self-control, disciplined.

One commentary puts it like this: Sound mind implies much more; it means a clear understanding, a sound judgment, a corrected will, holy passions, heavenly tempers; in a word, the whole soul harmonized in all its powers and faculties; and completely regulated and influenced, so as to think, speak, and act aright in all things. (from Adam Clarke's Commentary)

The spirit of fear will take much from you. Worry, fear fretting and faithlessness will take the living out of you. Can you trust God with your life?

The other day in prayer after asking God a list of things I felt I needed, I ask God to answer me according to the plan He has for me. I want God to answer my prayers in line with what He desires in my life and His will for my life. Yes, its sometime tuff to pray but if one really means it there is a peace that knows He does all things well. I really want to live my life for God behind the shield of faith. It is safer there. The like the Psalmist said, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Psalm 56:3

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

You're Gonna Miss This

Let me start by says sorry this is late again. I was out through the week end taking my youngest child Bryan, to a semester of internship out of state.
On that note I would like to just ramble about all that is going on in my heart that this trip stirred up. I am very proud of my son, and my daughters too, and I must admit I am sure missing that boy already. I am amazed how fast life really goes. Which causes me to ask how much have I missed as I rushed by doing all that stuff I can’t even remember that I did. Yes, it seemed so important at the moment but looking from where I stand today I can’t see what it was or what it accomplished. I just realize it caused me to miss some things I wish I hadn’t missed.

Yesterday while traveling home I was scanning through the stations on my radio trying to find something to listen to. I came across a station that I guess was a country station and heard a few lines from a song as I scanned past. I couldn’t get one of the lines, “You’re Gonna Miss This”, out of my mind. So I this morning I went on line to look up the words. Here they are. It is a song by the artist Tracey Adkins.

She was staring out that window, of that SUV complaining, saying I can't wait to turn 18.
She said I'll make my own money, and I'll make my own rules. Mamma put the car in park out there in front of the school then she kissed her head and said I was just like you.

You're gonna miss this. You're gonna want this back.
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast.
These are some good times so take a good look around. You may not know it now but you're gonna miss this.

Before she knows it she's a brand new bride. In a one-bedroom apartment, and her daddy stops by. He tells her It's a nice place She says It'll do for now. Starts talking about babies and buying a house. Daddy shakes his head and says Baby just slow down.

'Cause You're gonna miss this. You're gonna want this back you're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast. These are some good times so take a good look around you may not know it now but you're gonna miss this.

Five years later there's a plumber workin' on the water heater. Dog's barking, phone's ringing. One kid's crying, one kid's screaming She keeps apologizing.
He says they don't bother me. I've got 2 babies of my own. One's 36, one's 23
Huh, it's hard to believe.

But you're gonna miss this. You're gonna want this back.
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast.
These are some good times so take a good look around you may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this. Yeah, you're gonna miss this.

Wow, I just wonder how much I have missed as I rushed by life doing all those important things that I can’t remember today or can even tell they were done. I wonder how many things just slipped by me as I pushed hard for tomorrow to get here? All these thoughts came rushing by this morning again as my wife read me a post she had placed on Facebook and a response from a lady in our church named Diann. Let me share them with you.

Stephanie wrote; Well today is the first time since 1992 that I haven't sent a child off to school. No backpacks, no lunches, no notebooks. I'm not sure which was easier...Yes, I do paperwork to fill out tonight, no homework (at least for me), just a few more extensive prayers for my kids now days. So proud of all my kids p.s. Jared too.!lol

Diann responded; Now I feel very sad for because with all of those no's are- no bedtime prayer, no cute stories about their day, no fresh outta the bath snuggles, no spaghetti face kisses, no mommy I love you's. (sniff) Babies grow up WAY too fast. I am... gonna give my babies an extra kiss tonight and pray that God helps me remember to enjoy every minute I have with them before I turn around and they are grown! (Not trying to make you sad ENJOY your temporary almost empty nest)

Yes, it made me aware all over again that life goes way to fast. Just like the scriptures declare, it’s but a vapor. We tend to rush past most of it and then find ourselves at the closing days of our life pulling every break-lever we can find. Today I will go run the distant of a 5K and lift some weights along with trying to eat right. Yes, I’m grasping for break-levers trying to add a few extra days. I stand here where I am in life wondering what all the hurry was about. As I look back down the road I wonder what just happened and why did I miss so much of the important stuff doing what I can’t remember I did? It seemed like a big deal at the moment but from here it doesn’t seem so big.

Yes, blow the dust off today and look it over really close. This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24 KJV) Jesus preached in the Sermon on the Mount, Therefore do not worry (be anxious) about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry (be anxious) about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. (Matthew 6:34 NKJV)

Yes, we need to plan and prepare but I’m afraid we are missing too much living that is hid behind life. We need to make sure we don’t miss the wonderful things worth living that get concealed behind the paper cutouts and cardboard symbols of frustration and trying to grab the elusive American Dream. They are all only temporary. Stop long enough today to look around you. Stop and take a long slow look. No, not at the stuff that is making you grit your teeth. I’m talking about the real stuff beyond the dust. It’s there. Go hug your child, no matter what their age. Go tell your spouse you really do love them and mean it. Look a friend in the eye and breathe deep their friendship. Sit down and make a phone call you should have made a long time ago. Yes, look past this fast paced life and see the living, you’re gonna miss this.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When God is Ready

Some time ago I heard a man make a statement that changed the way I pray. He said, “Don’t pray that God uses you to do something great but pray that God does something great in your life.”
I understand that if God will do a new work in me, will do something great in my life, then I can accomplish the wonderful purpose and plan that He has for me. That is a great thing!

Yet, what about when things in your life are not yet going in the direction you wish they were? What about that dreaded period of time when it appears impossible to move ahead with your dream and purpose in Jesus or what God seems to have laid on your life? That season in your life when you are not free to take action it seems.

You no doubt many hopes and desires that we want to come to pass. If they were all laid out on the table it would seem impossible for them all to work and come together. Some may be your dreams but if you have been seeking God and following His direction many of them are anointed. Yes, we have many hopes and desires.
The blessing is the fact that they all don’t have to work right now. God has things set in His own time and scripture says He does thing according to His own will and purpose. What we have to do is keep praying and planning so when God wants it we are in a position and place to do what God wants.

The professional football coach, Vince Lombardy was once asks how he was able to get a team of educated men to play in such fashion as to win as much as they did. He replied, “We believe that one day the perfect football game will be played and we will be one of the teams on the field when it happens. We go out every game thinking this could be the game and we plan to be the winning team that day.” He then said, “When history wants it we are ready.”

In our life and purpose in the plan of the Almighty we need to live in such a way as to be ready. When God wants it we are prepared to do our part.
How that comes about is through continual Praying and Planning.
Visions and dreams often die during this stretch of inactivity or that time when we are not seeing what we are dreaming about. It is discouraging to continue dreaming about something that appears to have no potential of ever happening.
We ask, “God why did I feel the way I felt and dream the dreams I dreamed? God, why have good ideas and they never work?” After a prolonged period of waiting, a vision, a dream can slip into the realm of what won’t ever be.

Jonathan Swift said, “Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.” This is why it is so important that you and I keep praying and planning to do what God is pushing into the dream part of our heart. Keep praying, “God do something great in my life!” So while we wait on God what should you and I do?


You have to get this! Prayer is critical to vision and purpose development! Here is why: We see what we are looking for; we often miss what we don’t expect. Prayer helps us see what we are not expecting.
Prayer keeps us looking. Prayer keeps the burden fresh.
It keeps our eyes and hearts in an expectant mode. Prayer doesn’t force God’s hand. But it keeps us on the lookout for His intervention. Prayer sensitizes us to the subtle changes in the landscape of our circumstances. When God begins to move, we are apt to recognize it if we are praying. Praying almost ensures we won’t miss opportunities God brings our way. Prayer helps us recognize the God things! Looking for something doesn’t necessarily mean you will find it. But it sure increases the odds of seeing it if it is there to be seen.
Prayer helps us see what we would otherwise miss in God’s will and purpose.


In addition to praying for opportunities and resourceful helpers, spend some time planning a strategy. This may feel like the biggest waist to time but don’t allow the improbability of your dream and purpose to keep you from developing a plan.

Assuming you had everything happen tomorrow to see your vision come true, what would you do? If God answered you wildest dream and vision that He had put in your heart today what would be the first thing you would do when it happened? What would be the second and the third? Do you have a plan? Do you know? No, don’t sit there and think well God would show me what to do. That is the reason God has me writing to you right now. God knows you need a plan.
Now what are you going to do? When God wants it what to you plan to do?

Absurd you say, a foolish exercise! Read the book of Nehemiah, he didn’t think so. He developed a plan. Think about ludicrous it was for him to develop a plan even before the king had ever responded to him. Yet, when God was ready for his purpose he was ready to do it.

Why would God bring an opportunity your way if you were not in a position to take advantage of it? If you were God, to who would you give opportunities?
Wishful thinkers and dreamers or Prayers and Planners?
Vision often seems futile in its early stages. President Kennedy was talking about putting a man on the moon before the technology to do so even existed.
New visions die easily.  Praying and Planning will help keep your vision alive.
So pray for opportunities. Pray for people to help make the vision happen.
Then while you pray, make a plan. I don’t know what God is up to but when God wants it I want to be ready to do my part.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weariness Can Spoil The Harvest

6 Let him who is taught the word share in all good things with him who teaches.
7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
8 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.
9 And let us not grow weary (weak and fail {in heart}) while doing good, for in due season (Occasion, a set or proper time) we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (KJV uses faint which means relax or to loosen)
10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:6-10 NKJV

There is a lot going on with this scripture or letter Paul is writing. I want to zero in on the part of not losing faith and confidence in the process.

There are times we have all had a feeling of a continual struggle, a feeling of being washed out. I tend to feel as if I have ridden off in all directions. I have found myself praying and asking God to help me because I feel used up. My prayer is that I need a fresh wave of inspiration and anointing to just wash over me. I tend to feel like an empty ditch, I need a rain. You know the feeling I’m sure. Oh, I haven’t stopped praying. I have been anointed greatly. I know God is near. I set in my office some time ago and I told God that I don’t want to go through life feeling empty or like I could care less. Why do I feel that I am wrung out? It was at that moment of asking God what‘s up with me? I heard Him loud and clear.

I didn’t hear an audible voice but I felt like God started speaking from my heart into my mind.
It was if He said, “You have just come through a season of planting and sowing now think about that.” I got to thinking about the last several months and all that this church has been doing. I can truly say we have not been turned in on ourselves as a church. A great majority of you have put your shoulder to the wheel and pushed for some time now. As I set there going over all the feelings and thoughts God seemed to whisper it’s like you have just planted a large crop. The labor is intense and the work trying, but the seed is getting in the ground. Though we can’t see the fruit, if you will have faith and confidence in the seed, the promise is that in due season there will be a crop.

Having planted a large garden several times, a smile and a sigh of contentment escaped my lips as I realized I understood the feelings I was now dealing with. I know what it is like to work hard in preparing and planting. There is that heavy tired, used up feeling that come from the labor. The wind has blown dust into my eyes and my lips are chapped. The sun and wind has reddened my face and there is dirt in my shoes. But as the day ends I know that with time, rain, and sunshine there will be a good crop. I will have to work to get a harvest but the sowing is finished now it’s up to the process that God set in order to make it happen.

Understand, you have put your shoulder to the wheel and there has been a lot of seed shown that time will show for it. The seeds will come up. If you are feeling a little used up and spent, it natural, it’s supposed to feel that way. Just don’t become so weary in doing good you faint and give up. There are times that after the seed has been planted that there is nothing you can do but wait. You can’t plow, you can’t cultivate, you can’t weed, you can only wait on the seed to come up.

During that time don’t get impatience and do something that will ruin the coming harvest. Understand there is power in the germination of seeds. Just don’t lose focus waiting on the seed to come up. Don’t become weary in well doing. So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. Galatians 6:9 The Message

I have list some things we need to be on guard about as we join with what God is doing and expecting the season to produce a harvest. There are some things that fatigue will produce in our daily living if we don’t pay attention to what is going on. Don’t get caught stirring the soil where seeds have been sown. Here are some things to remember.

·         Our attitude must stay right.

If there is anything that can hinder ones faith and destroy your effectiveness in the kingdom of God it is a bad attitude. Regardless of the environment if there is a wrong attitude it will stop faith and revival in one’s life. If left unchecked it will either cause you to be pushed aside or if others buy into your spirit you become a hindrance to the church, the family of God. This is dangerous for your soul. Studies have shown that it is possible for two businesses, two teams, or two churches to have the same resources, abilities, education, revelation, money and talent but have drastically different results. Attitude determines the results. The attitude must be correct to have the results of blessings, deliverance, power and revival.

·       Keep your confidence and faith alive even when discouraged.

There will be times when your faith is staggered but make sure that you don’t lose that faith and confidence. We must continue to believe in the product. When we believe in the produce we will be a great sales person. You will never persuade someone to come to church where you don’t believe in. It’s our confidence that builds expectation and hope that great things are happening and the next service or the next person we tell about the Lord will start that spiritual avalanche. Confidence makes us lose a gloomy, oh-hum attitude. Faith and confidence makes you have success in your evangelism efforts.

·         Worship and praise to Jesus must always be part of our life.

When we enter His courts it must always be with praise and worship. If we want to see people moved towards God we must make sure that God is worshiped and praised.

In Numbers 33 the Lord instructed Israel that when they came to the promise land that were to tear down the heathen altars and high places. High places were erected by those who controlled the land. Altars were built there to the god of the land holder. The owner of the land and the god worshiped were distinguished by these places. In other words, the titleholder of the high places also possessed the land. The owner’s god would be worshiped throughout all the land adjoining the high places. God told Israel to tear down the high places and the altars. He told them to build an altar to the one true God so that the worship would change the surroundings. When sinners come into the House of God it has to be full of the praise and worship to the one true God. Every great soul-saving, church changing, miracle-working revival, worship and praise to the one true God is the bottom line of that congregation. It causes those with other altars in their life to tear them down and run to the real Lord in repentance.

As God moves and increases the borders of your life and the church, we must be on guard not to allow anything to move us.  I know there are times you feel washed out and washed up. So do I. All those feelings are natural to those who are laboring but understand them for what they are. It may be that the seeds you planted have not come up yet but the changing season will make the field look totally different. We must; Keep our trust in God and make sure we are not a hindrance to what God is doing.

Don’t become weary in doing right and faint by the wayside. There is a blessing coming if you don’t.

We saw some of the harvest this weekend when another person, (Jessica) was Baptized in Jesus Name. To God be the glory!