Monday, June 27, 2011

I Can't Miss Anymore Blessings

All I can say about Sunday’s services at FPB was WOW!
I notice that God has been leaving me with such feelings over and over lately. This is an answer to a prayer I try to pray daily, “Lord, like David of the Old Testament, two things I desire when I come into the house of God or the Lord’s presences, (1) to behold Your beauty ( be wowed), (2) and inquire in your temple.” (Psalm 27:4) So again I was left shaking my head at the anointing and power of God in church on Sunday.

We wrapped up the day with a great Kid’s service. FPB always has time for children and helping those children to get to Jesus. We must never become so grown up that we feel Kid’s church is not important. Jesus said to allow the children to get to Him and He rebuked those who were trying to do otherwise. He also mentioned something about hanging a weight on the person who harmed a child and casting them into the sea. (Matthew 18:6)

The first service on Sunday was anointed and power packed. The young man who preached was anointed and had no doubt spent much time in prayer. Many were touched and healed in the service but the part that stood out to me was the personal touch I received in my life. God confirmed many requests I have been asking of Him for my personal life. I look into each day with expectation and faith knowing what is about to take place. I missed such a touch once in my life and I planned it would not happen again.

Over twenty years ago I was in a powerful church service and God was really moving. I was a young minister and I guess filling my importance. It was during the altar service that I was approached by a young man who was not a preacher, who said he wanted to pray for me. He begins to ask God to do great things in my life. Really I can’t remember what all he prayed because I was caught up in a thought. I was saying to myself that I was the one who should be praying for him. I was the important one; he was just an unknown saint. I totally missed everything God wanted to do through my life because I simply didn’t believe the one praying was important enough. So foolish!

Yes, the Lord has blessed my life and touched and anointed me down through time but I have often wondered what would happened if I had expected God to touch me divinely that day over twenty years ago. One thing was for sure when the young preacher started praying for me on Sunday, a boy as young as my children, I purposed not to miss anything this time. I told myself, “You can’t miss it this time”, and I except every word and have asked God continually to confirm His word in my life.

We often miss so much because we allow Trashy Thoughts into our minds and heart. The wise writer of Proverbs says as we think in our heart, (desires and lust) so are we. What our emotional thoughts are is the person we become. You are just like you think. Max Lucado summed it up great in one of his devotion books.

To listen to our vocabulary you’d think we are the victims of our thoughts (really we are). “Don’t talk to me,” we say, “I’m in a bad mood.” As if a mood were a place to which we were assigned (“I can’t call you I’m in Bosnia”) rather than an emotion we permit.
Or we say, “Don’t mess with her. She has a bad disposition.” Is a disposition something we have? Like a cold or the flu? Are we the victims of the emotional bacteria of the season? Or do we have a choice?
Paul the Apostle says we have a choice. “We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ” (2nd Corinthians 10:5)

Yes, just like Solomon we are what we think. The emotional baggage of our heart is what we are producing. Oh we excuse it with words like, “Oh this is just how I am” but we are just allowing Trashy, Faithless Thinking to rule us. We would rather complain than overcome. We would rather not believe than submit our life and faith. We would rather be miserable trying to be something than to allow God to touch us through the seemingly unimportant. Yes, we can be very limiting in our faith and walk for God because we are thinking trashy thoughts. It’s time we brought those thoughts under captivity. We need to make them give up and obey Christ. We need to protect out life and walk for God from faith killing thinking. The minute they appear we need to go into action and protect the entrance of our emotions from trashy thinking. We miss so much that God has planned for us because we simply will not overcome negative, faithless thinking. Only God knows what it cost me over twenty years ago.

Stop limiting Jesus in your life by limiting who God anoints for you. Sunday as the young man prayed for me twice, I opened my life up to what Jehovah has planned for me. It felt so wonderful. If you don’t believe it will change your life, read the last half of the book of Job. After thirty-one chapters of faithless rebuke from Job’ friends’ there was a young man listening to it all and with the Lord on him he took all he could take. Beginning at chapter thirty-two he starts a six chapter sermon. Then God steps in in chapter thirty-eight and follows the young man’s words up. From this point on Job’s life starts to turn back to being blessed.

How are you limiting your life? What thoughts and thinking is reproducing such faithlessness in your life that you have the bad disposition flu? Really according to the Word of God you are doing that to yourself, you are ruining your own days because you are just like you think. Faithless! Why not capture that negative thinking and throw it over board. What not do like I did Sunday and purpose in your heart, “I’m not going to miss anymore anointing.”

Monday, June 20, 2011

Dad, Don't forget About Their Soul

Without a doubt it is the desire of every father to not only provide a life-style that your family enjoys but also live in such a way as to cause your children to be a success in life. I can’t believe that any father would really want to raise a child to be lazy, unproductive and without direction in life. I personally want my children to be a success in their life. I take the time to try to coach them in directions of life change so they can be productive. Yes, I believe this is important. Even scripture tells us to train up a child… and that as adults should carry our responsibility of life (Proverbs 22:6, Galatians 6:5).  So it is important that we lead, example too and teach our children to fulfill a purpose in their life. We need to stop producing lazy kids!
Yet, when I look at the life of Job found in the book that carries his name we see a man who had great wealth and his children also seem to enjoy such a productive life style also. When we talk of Job we speak of his faith and overcoming but we also always declare his enormous wealth. But I thought it was noteworthy that only one verse of scripture is dedicated to the mention of Job’s wealth in the setting up of his story. The book begins with Job’s spiritual condition and his faithful relationship with the Almighty. The next verse speaks of his children and his responsibility as a father.  Then, there is the one and only verse that mentions his worldly financial success.

It is then that the Word of God tells that that Job got up early to pray and offer sacrifices for his children. He is so concerned that maybe they are not worshipping God like they should that he prays for their life and their walk with God. He does not just offer a sacrifice to cover them all but the Bible tells us that for each of his 10 children Job offers a sacrifice. He takes time to pray and seek God for each one individually. Verse five ends with that Job did this continually. (The word continually in the KJV is a compound word in the original text which would mean every day.)

It seems to be his greatest concern that they become a success in God and keep their heart right more than they have wealth and success. His greatest desire was for them to be pleasing to God, so Job meets God everyday day for his children’s sake.

Dad, in all your teaching and training, in all your instructing and plans I would challenge you to remember that the most important thing you can do is prepare the soul of your child to follow God. More important than how to fish, hunt, make money or get a great education, more than all the temporal things of this life, the greatest thing you must remember is the soul of that child and that they walk faithfully and true before God.

How to shoot a gun, hunt a deer, catch a fish and build a company may make a great difference for a few days of their life but I can promise you if they are taught to pray, how to be faithful to Jesus, how to dedicate their life to the purpose of the Lord, how to be holy and righteous before the God every day and the importance of doing the will of God, then you are teaching them something that will last in their life forever. Eternity will tell how well we did in this area.
Dad, don’t forget about their soul! Dad, don’t get so caught up in your day that you forget to teach them how important living for God is. Don’t forget every day to pray for the lives of your children.

In the same Old Testament of your Bible are two stories of a High Priest of the Lord and a Prophet of God. Both were busy building and doing the will of God as they walked through the pages of scriptures.

The High Priest was Eli; He was responsible for offering sacrifices to the Lord for the people. It was something that was a daily ritual for him. Yet we find no place where he ever offered a sacrifice for his two sons. What we do find is a story of a man so busy in the House of God that his children are only known for their evil and sin. (What are your children known for? Eternal things or temporal things?)

Following the life of Eli is the story of the man Samuel who was brought and raised in the temple from a child to adulthood. He lived such an exampled life that when we get to the end of his days and Samuel is about to close the door and walk off into eternity, he asks if he has ever wronged anyone. That day the whole crowd said we cannot say a negative word against you Samuel. Wow! What a way to live. What a testimony. But also penned at the end of his days is the fact that Samuel’s sons did not walk in the ways of their father.

What if while doing the great ministry of the Lord we would have also found the words that Samuel prayed and offered sacrifices for his sons. What if Eli had stopped his busy life long enough to pray with and instruct his sons in the ways of the Lord? How different would our Old Testament Bible read?
I would encourage every dad and mom to listen, don’t forget that your child has a soul.

Don’t forget that more important than any success in their life is the recognition of the fact that after this world passes a way they need to have a success in eternity.

For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 1John 2:16-17NIV

Dad, don’t forget about their soul. (Mom, you too.)

Monday, June 13, 2011

When God is Ready for a Miracle

Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Church. You can read of its beginning in Acts chapter 2 in your Bible and since that day it has grown and changed the world as she (The Church) has made her way through time. I thank God, as the Apostle Paul said, for putting me into the church. I am truly happy that I am part of the Bride of Christ.

I very much enjoyed all the reports from different churches from across this country about how God is bringing people to Him. Yesterday’s reports of people having life change and being Spirit filled were powerful. Here at FPB both of the services were wonderful. The only thing I wish would have happened was to see someone new being filled with the Holy Ghost and being baptized. It was great to see people being refilled and the worship was powerful and marvelous.

We need to realize we live in a great day. Without a doubt Jesus is soon to come and revival is sweeping the country in front of His coming. I am truly thankful to be part of a church that is reaching and seizing this moment for the most part. Everywhere I turn people are reaching out and touching the lives of others. One of the amazing things I see right now at FPB is all the people who are praying, fasting and doing the great things we would call behind the scenes things. It seems everywhere I turn people are doing a work for God. Planning on the coming of Christ finding them doing a work for God, it’s what we are here to do. I am thankful for those who really believe that our greatest day are about to happen. I am truly blessed by all those who have caught my vision. It is showing every day here at FPB.

In an interview around forty years ago an announcer asked the football coach Vince Lombardi this question. “How do you get forty collage learned men, knowing the odds are against them, to walk on a field and play a game and win the way you do?”

He said, “We believe that one day the greatest game of all times will be played. Two teams will walk on the field and play the perfect game. We believe on that day we will be one of those teams and we will win the game.”
The announcer asked, “What did that have to do with the game today?”
Mr. Lombardi said, “There are forty men who will walk on that field today are thinking this could be the game.”
Mr. Lombardi then said something that to me is so powerful.
“When history wants it, we are ready to do our part.”

Looking at our world and the shape it is in. Looking at the lives of people and their hunger for something that is life changing, I have to say this is a great day for the Bride of Christ, the Church. I challenge us as the church to realize our day. Watching and looking at those who are reaching for a greater place in God here at FPB and allowing their life to make a difference every day for the Lord, I have to say that many at FPB are taking the attitude of the team mentioned above. “When history wants it, we are ready to do our part.” When we come to church, when we go about our daily life we need to realize that a great miracle is going on. We just cannot be distracted by the ungodly actions of others and things going on around us. When we focus on the faithless as Simon Peter did while going to Jesus, walking on the water, we will sink in this storm of life. But if we keep our focus on Jesus we can walk on the storm. (Matthew 14:28-31)

The Almighty is doing wonderful things. I challenge you to position your daily life in a place that when God wants to do a work around you, you are ready to do your part. Prepare like that day is today.

Is everything perfect? No! We don’t life in a perfect world so we will have struggles. We tend to often forget that the Bible over and over describes doing the will of God as a battle. No, every day with Jesus is not a perfect day but every day with Jesus can be full of anointing if I keep my hand in His hand. Our day has not given us a perfect day but the Almighty has given us a call and a promise that He would never leave or forsake us. So, if Jesus wants to do miracles, live like you are ready to do your part.

Esther’s story in the Old Testament is one of miracles and victory but we tend to forget that she was forced to leave her family and become a slave for the king’s desires. Yes, she is chosen to be queen because God had His hand on her. But her uncle reminds her that she was brought to the kingdom for such a time as she was living in. It was her opportunity to give what God had asked her to give. It no doubt was not her dream to be forced into a kingdom outside her Jewish faith but God used the storm and Esther to save His people. When God was ready for a miracle, Esther was ready.

They were crowded into a great hall. The augments were heated and loud. Some spoke of the great size of the enemy. They noted the superior strength they were up against. Others spoke of the small colonies and how they would be crushed under this mighty enemy. Here and there the white hot patriotism burn on display of a Patrick Henry and a Nathan Hale.

Finally a wise old ambassador from France wiped his bald head and stood to speak. “Gentlemen, I’m sure history has not dealt us the kindest of fate. But history has brought us to the hour of the most opportune moment in our time. We do not have the pleasure of determining that hour. We do not have the pleasure of choosing our time. When will we ever be stronger? When in history will we ever be more prepared? I tell you sirs,” said Ben Franklin, “There will be no better hour that the one which History finds us now in.”

You know the rest of the story. It’s how our nation was created.

Look at your life and where today finds you. You may not control the hour or the situation that history has put you in. But you can choose what and how you will respond. We do not get the choice of deciding the day we get to live in and choosing our time. I challenge you to keep your eyes on Jesus and walk on the waves through the storm and do what God created you to do. That way when God is ready to do a miracle He can use you.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Master of Peace

Through this year I have been praying a direction in my daily prayer life that takes me past the scripture of Isaiah 9:6. Here we are given the powerful names that reveal the nature of Christ. Here His fivefold name is mentioned as Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace. I try to daily ask God to give me a revelation of the power mentioned in each of these names. Sunday in our first service I preached about Him being the Prince of Peace. Reading these two words in some of the original text helps us understand Him as the Master of wholeness, joy, happiness and safety. He is the Master of Peace. I find we desperately need Jesus to be the Master of Peace in our life. Allow me to share a few thoughts from Sunday.

It was an event I will never forget!
I was attending a minister’s retreat. It was an enjoyable evening and we were having a fellowship dinner with friends from across this state. Then he was wheeled into the room. The sight of it caused me to just stop and stare. It made me hurt deep inside. It caused me to ask God why in my heart. You see the last time I saw him he was serving on the district board and pastoring a church that was a delight to visit and preach in. He was a man I had worked personally with in our section of the state and because of our positions we attended every event in our section and often sit together.

We had accidently bought matching suits and often, without plan we would show up at a function dressed alike. We often teased each other about the fact that only our ties were different and whose tie looked the best. He was a good preacher and was liked by many. But he received a report some years ago that said he would live out the end of his life early and do so in a fashion unable to function. We have prayed for him many times. He has been on this church’s prayer list in the past. Yet, for some reason God has chosen not to heal him it seems. So at a young age, he is pushed in a wheelchair. His speech is slurred and he no doubt becomes discouraged.

Life has a way of serving up things that cause us to stagger. Do I understand it? No! Honest I don’t get it. Weariness from stress and worry and grief from happenings and events that hurt, Sickness and pain, struggles and pressures all will shake our life and take our peace.

We ask ourselves why? We wonder if God really cares. I want you to know today that Yes, Jesus cares all about your troubles and no He doesn’t always take us out of the storm but often He rides through it with us. Just asks the three Hebrew children in the Old Testament He didn’t take them out of the fire He came and walked with them in the flame. Often like a child scared of a thunderstorm being held by a caring parent, Jesus simply choses to hold us through the storm.

This perhaps was the same feelings the disciples must have had when Jesus looked at them after a great day of miracles and said, “Go get in your boat and cross to the other side.” They didn’t question the order. They could have objected, it was only minutes from darkness and night. But they crawled into the boat and set sail for the other side. What were the results of their obedience?

And when evening came, his disciples went down unto the sea; and they entered into a boat, and were going over the sea unto Capernaum. And it was now dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them. And the sea was rising by reason of a great wind that blew. John 6:16-18 ASV

What a chilling phrase, “Jesus had not yet come to them.”

Caught in the storm and Jesus had not yet come. They had done exactly what Jesus had told them and look what it got them. A night on a storm-tossed sea and Jesus somewhere else.

See it’s one thing to suffer for doing wrong it’s something else entirely to suffer for doing right. But it happens. And when the storm bursts, it washes away the naïve assumption that if I do right, I will never suffer.  Just ask the disciples. The wind blew and so the boat bounces.

And so the disciples wonder, “Why the storm, and where is Jesus?” It’s bad enough to be in the storm but its worse to feel alone. Yet worse than that is to be where He sent you, doing what He told you and still be in a storm.

The disciples had been on the sea about nine hours. John tells us they rowed four miles. That’s a long night. How many times did they search the darkness for Jesus, how many times did they call out His name in prayer? Why does He take so long? Mark 6:48 tells us that Jesus, during the storm saw them struggling. Through the night He saw them; through the storm He saw them.

But He waited, waited for the right time. He waited until He knew it was time to come then He came.

What made it the right time? I don’t know. Why was the ninth hour better than the forth or the fifth? Why does God wait until the money is gone? Why does He wait until the sickness lingered? Why does He choose to wait until the other side of the grave to answer the prayers of healing? I don’t know I only know His timing is always right!

And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? (Luke 18:7 NIV) Though you hear nothing, He is speaking. Though you see nothing, He is acting. With God there are no accidents. Every incident is intended to bring us closer to him.

The Apostle Paul says, For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2Cointhains 5:7 NKJV

In John chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17 Jesus is encouraging His disciples. He is giving some last instruction before He leaves them.  In chapter 14 verse 18 Jesus says, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” The word comfortless means orphans. Jesus was telling us I will not leave you as a child without a family I will not leave you fatherless. Jesus then goes on to say in verse 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Then again in chapter 16 and verse 23; These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation (pressure, anguish, burden, trouble); but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."  NKJV

This world will hand out plenty of anguish and trouble.  This world will give you plenty of pressure and burden but it cannot compare to His peace!

Broken yes, troubled yes, struggles Yes! But His peace, a thousand times Yes!

Isaiah says that He will be the Governor of wholeness, the Master of joy and happiness. The captain or general of your welfare and peace, He is the Prince of Peace. Jesus didn’t come to leave you in the storm alone. He didn’t come to forget about your struggles. One of the main reasons Jesus came was to give you peace in your life! Your peace was prophesied by Isaiah. It’s why He came. Not only give you peace but He is the Master of Peace, the master of your peace. I don’t know all the answers I just know we have the promise of peace, His Peace.

Back to the disciples and their storm. That night Jesus came to them and the Bibles tells us that when He came and was in their boat that the storm stopped (Mark 6:51) and they were immediately where they were going, the event and journey was finished (John 6:21).

No, we don’t understand all the reasons why, but we can have faith that God does and He gives us peace, He came to be the Master of our Peace.