Monday, October 29, 2012

Continual Thanksgiving

Wow, what at weekend at FPB. I always love our Children’s Crusade and this one was over the top. The Kid’s ministry here at FPB is something else. Every part was first class and the ministry of all the different ones was superb. The greatest part was watching all the children praying in the altars at the end of each service, and then finishing it off with two children being baptized. Thank you Kid’s staff and most of all Thank You Jesus for Your wonderful blessings.
On that note let me remind you of two things this morning.
Start each day off being thankful to God.
This morning in my prayer time I started with Thanksgiving. I always try to do this and this morning I thanked God for each of those children that I saw touched by this weekend. Time will tell the power of each of those services. No doubt there will come a day when one or more of those little boys and/or girls will stand where Marcus and Bryan did last night and we will see the seeds coming up that were planted. Jesus said to send the little children to Him and never prevent them from getting to Him for such is the kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 19:14) Yes, many lives were touched by the anointing of this wonderful weekend and time will clearly show the power of those planted seeds. So join with me today and tell God how thankful you are for all the kids at FPB and those who lead them.
Keep a spirit of Thanksgiving
We often really start to zero in on the things we are thankful for this time of year. I do so much enjoy this season and believe we should be thankful. I challenge you to start today making a list of all the things you are truly thankful for. You will have to write them down or you will lose some with time. But just stop and look around you and realize that if those blessings were not there, your life would not be the same. Stop today and think how your life would be if those blessing were taken away. But just don’t be thankful during this season. Make a point to live your life thankful continually. Selfish unthankful people are miserable souls.
I may have shared this before but allow me to send it again. This story puts a clearer picture on the reason we need to keep a spirit of Thanksgiving.
Dr. Norman Vincent Peal wrote a story of a man who was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. This man had been a vital, dynamic individual. Now he had become an empty shell of a man. Then someone suggested that the way for him to avoid further breakdown and be healed was by the practice of what is called the attitude of gratitude.
He was advised to sit down and make a list of all the people who had helped him over the years. Then he was to fill his mind with thankfulness for all that these men and women had done for him. He was asked if he had ever thanked anyone for what he or she had done for him.
“No,” he said, “I never really laid much stress on that.”
The next advice was to think of someone who had especially blessed his life and send that person a letter of thanks. He thought of a schoolteacher who was now elderly. He sat down and wrote a letter telling her that he remembered all the inspiration she has given him, that he had never forgotten her over the years and how much he loved her. 

A few days later, he received a letter written in a trembling hand. Using his boyhood name, it said, “Dear Willy, when I think back over all the children I have taught in my life time, you are the only one who ever wrote to thank me for what I did as a teacher. You have made me so happy. I read your letter every night. I will cherish your words until the day I die.” 

This did so much for the man that he thought of someone else to write to. Then someone else came to mind and before he was through he had written 500 unexpected letters of thanks and appreciation. And the therapy of thanksgiving had much to do with curing him of his nervous depression. It lifted him above himself and into the secret of real living. He was grateful from that time on for every new day, and lived life to its fullest. 

No matter where life finds you today I challenge you to live with a thankful heart and spirit. It will make all the difference in your days to come. Thankful people are wonderful people to walk through life with. So be thankful for all the blessings God has put in your life and allow them to put a smile on your face as you walk through life today. Not only will you feel better but those around you will enjoy you much more too.
Thanks for reading this!

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