Monday, August 27, 2012

You Have A Mission

Wow! What a wonderful weekend at FPB!
Global Missions Sunday was anointed and full of challenge. Just a few of the things that stood out to me are:
·         The world is the harvest, the harvest it truly ripe and we can make a difference. Missions, home, nationally and foreign, is our concern. We must reach the lost for the cause of Christ.
·         The talent level at FPB is great. People are growing their abilities in this church. In doing this we must leverage our abilities to do a greater work for Jesus. We must do better than ever before. This day demands we give evangelism our best every day. Take your abilities and increase them for the kingdom of God.
·         I can never control my emotions when I hear the World Version of How Great Is Our God. The worship teams and children did a wonderful job in our first service with this song. It stirred my heart deeply. One day every tongue will join as one and with one voice to worship the King of Kings in glory. Today as people sing and worship Jesus across this globe it must sound somewhat like this song. I Loved It!
·        We must pray daily for workers to get into the field. Jesus said as much in Matthew. Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." Matthew 9:37-38 NKJV  We must include the harvest in our daily prayer life. Pray for people to get into the field.
·        We personally must get into the field. The field starts in our living room with our own families and then happens just outside our door. The field is all around us daily. The grain is truly ready to be gathered. Pray for workers but also expect God to convict you to get into the field. We have a mission; there is a field for us to get into.
·        Over one hundred and eighty envelopes for missions were picked up from the altar at the end of our first service. Another thing we each can do is give. Give so that someone can go. We must fund evangelism. We must help people get into the field.
·         The underground service in the evening was an eye opener. A reminder that across our world are children of God who are giving their life for this cause, the cause of Christ. This is not something that is just in history but daily there are those who give everything for the cause of Christ. Never forget these people and never live without taking full opportunity of your blessed day. When we think life is just too hard to go to church remember some go knowing it will cost them their life. Thanks to the Young Adults for making this service happen. It was great. I have never been in something like this.
·         In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:4-5 NKJV
Keep the light of God alive in your life, if you do the darkness can’t touch you. The devil just doesn’t get it. Keep him under your feet.
I could go on and on there were many great things that blessed us Sunday at FPB. I challenge you to not allow it to wear off. We have a mission, a field to get into because the harvest is truly ready. Pray, Go, and Give, Make a difference in your world for the cause of Christ.
Don’t become discouraged by those who just don’t care or those who are stuck on their own feelings and opinions. Do the work of God. Jesus knows about these feeling and those people but He taught us to not be distracted by the voice of the self-centered religious. The Pharisees said Jesus cast our devils by the ruler of the demons. (Matthew 9:34) Yet, the next verse says Jesus went about preaching, teaching and healing lives. He was filled with compassion for the lost. It is then He tells us to pray for people to get into the field.
Don’t get distracted by the wind, there are miracles going on all around you. Plan on being part of what God is doing in the world, the field. The grain is ripe the harvest is ready, pray and get into the field. It’s all about over so work while it’s still day.
Last week I heard a teacher say in a class I attended “Stop whining, your sharp, fix it.”
About your mission, “Stop whining, you’re called, pray and reap it.”
You can do this get into the field. We have a Mission.

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