Monday, July 9, 2012

Will We Walk By Faith?

Yesterday was a wonderful day at FPB. It was our annual summer picnic and fellowship. The service before was a blessed event of being with the family of God. At that service Brent preached a faith filled message. Encouragement to continue on and put ones trust in God was in the room.

For you who don’t know Brent he is a great father, and husband and runs his own company which has been number one in central Arkansas for the last two month in its field. He and his wife now direct a ministry at FPB. Brent is also in a wheelchair because of disease that is holding him hostage. If anyone one is backing up what they preached with their living he is. His message was powerful and pushed us to walk by faith.

There were two things that jumped out at me in his message. Two things I hope I never forget.

1.      In his text found in 1Kings 17, he uses the story of Elijah going to the widow’s house. Verse 9 says that God told the prophet to go to the widow’s house because He had told the lady the prophet was coming. “…I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee.” Sometime before Elijah ever arrived or even had need to go, God had spoken to this lady and told her that she was going to help the prophet. More than that that she was going to provide for the man of God in this famine. But somewhere between that visit from God and when Elijah shows up this woman has forgotten or lost hope in what God told here. When Elijah gets there he finds the woman of promise planning to die. The woman who God promised would have a miracle during the famine has given up and is planning to quit. She doesn’t even act like she knew the prophet was coming. Oh, we know that her faith is rekindled when the prophet get there but I couldn’t help but wonder how many promises we continually discard because things get rough or they don’t happen as soon as we thought they should. I have to remember that God is not limited by my circumstances at the moment. His promises are still the word of His mouth and He cannot lie. Wow! I will never look at this story the same. Don’t get so caught up in your struggle that you don’t even notice God has provided you a miracle.

2.      Brent also used the feeding of the five thousand. This may be the only miracle that all four of the Gospel’s record. It is during this event that when the need of dealing with all these hungry people rises, Jesus tells the disciples to feed them (Matthew 14:15). To which Philip responds with how much money it will cost to feed these people (John 6:5-7). Jesus was God in the flesh; He knew what He was going to do. He asks the disciples what they were going to do. As Brent asked us yesterday, God knows what He is about to do but what are we going to do? How are we going to respond to powerful call of God to be faithful?  The Almighty is not worrying about what He can do in and around our lives. God is going to see if we trust Him enough to respond in faith.

Too many times we want to do the will of God and have faith but we will only walk by faith if we have our own safety-net or back-up plan. I’ve seen too many people attempt to step out in faith but they approach the call of God saying, “Well, I’ll take this step but if it don’t work out I still have this option.” That is not faith I don’t think. Paul instructed us to put on the whole armor of God in Ephesians 6. In listing the armor he says, “Above all, taking the shield of faith…” The word shield here means, a large shield as in door shaped. It comes from a word that means a portal or entrance, a door or gate. The shield of faith here is a door size shield. We are commanded to walk behind it and we will often not be able to see around it. God does not need you and me to make the path we just need to trust Him enough to walk behind faith. He has planned great and wonderful steps and is excited about where He is taking us (Psalm 37:23). I wonder if God is looking at you today and asking what are you going to do?

Thanks Brent for a wonderful message and I trust we will all stop and reexamine how we are handling our faith.

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