Monday, March 19, 2012

Strengthen Your Family

Today, as we have finished two weeks of revival services, I want to thank God for His wonderful anointing and power. I want to thank God for the ones who were baptized and who were Spirit filled. To God be all the glory!

I also want to thank God for touching us at FPB with a fresh anointing. I challenge each of you to continue to seek to be anointed daily through prayer and fasting. We cannot miss our day of harvest. Get in the field they are white to harvest. (John 4:35) I ask you to pray that the Lord would send labors into the field and that we would be some of those being sent into our field. Ask God to give you a passion for souls.

As we start this week I look forward to the coming weekend where we will focus on strengthening the home. Looking around in this day we desperately need a refocus on the home. I realize this day has taken its toll on families and the home looks mighty different than it did 50 to 60 years ago. Yet, we still have an obligation according to the Word of God to put major focus on our homes for God. You may be a single parent struggling to make ends meet, a mom and dad with all the pressures of life pushing you, or a grandparent trying to have a positive touch on your grandchildren, but we still need to have an anointing from God on our families. We need to put the focus of God’s anointing back where it needs to be, home.

I am amazed over and over how quickly we miss the importance that God placed on the home in the Word of God. We even tend to get caught up in ministry and forget there is a difference to be made at home. We can never forget there was a family before there was ever a church or a preacher. God’s plan is for us to first evangelize our family then the world around us. We must never lose focus of our home and make sure it’s anointed by God’s presence.

All we have to do is look around the church world today and we see the results of people who have followed this world’s direction and are sacrificing their children on the altars of this world’s gods. They think, I’ve just got to get ahead, I just have to be a success, I just have to look the part, I just have to be the man, the woman and they pay for it behind their front door at home.

Ladies and gentlemen, God has promised you victory and blessings in His Word. The Lord said He would not leave you or forsake you. Your victory in God, your blessings in the Lord, are a given if you will simply stay with His Word. If you will delight yourself in Him, if you will commit your ways to the Lord, if you will pray and seek Him with a whole heart, God has promised to deliver you and be with you. The anointing is a given, the promises of blessings and victory are prearranged; you don’t have to sacrifice your children like this world is doing.

You don’t have to copy what this world is doing with their children.
You don’t have to make sure they fit in with this world and its gods.
Yes, everyone else may be sacrificing their kids and homes but that doesn’t mean God intended on you sacrificing yours. The Lord doesn’t want your vow if it cost you behind your front door, if it cost your families walk with God. Just asks Jephthah in Judges 11.

Behind your front door is where your relationship with Jesus and your commitment to His anointing must shine first and foremost. Our home is our first call.
Your children know if you are really a Christian.
Your grandchildren know if you are really anointed of the Lord.
Your companion knows if you’re are for real or a fake in God.
Your companion knows about your faithfulness and prayer life.
Are your actions that you are calling a Call of God, costing you behind your front door, costing you in your home?

God told us that we are in this world but we are not of this world. We are called out, set apart and chosen by God to be the children of righteousness. Yes, it’s easy to say and make the excuses that you have to do what you do in this world today. But I can’t help but wonder as we pick up the habits of our world, what is happening to our children, our grandchildren? What is happening to our homes?

Are we sacrificing our children and our homes so we can declare we are a success by this world’s standards? Are we losing at home while we are a success in this world even the church world? Yes, I know we like to tell about their accomplishments and spout how hard we go at it and what all we accomplish but what does home think about your vows and commitments? What are our accolades costing us at home? As you sacrifice at the altars of this world who is the one catching the real brunt of your vows to success? Who keeps dancing out your door that doesn’t even have a clue that dad or mom, grandparents, are going to put them on the altar of this world so they can talk about their victories and their successes.

We need to strengthen the anointing of God Almighty in our homes.

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