Sunday, January 15, 2012


For many are called, but few are chosen. Matthew 22:14
A study of this verse and the one other time Jesus said this in Matthew 20:16, and you will find some eye-opening reasons to live every day for Jesus. As I studied the words of Jesus, I found that Jesus was telling us that many are called, invited, many get the invitation to mercy. The word called here is invited in the original text. It comes from a word that means invitation. In short yes many are called, many get the invitation to come to Jesus and many heed that invitation. It is from this point that we understand what the Apostle Peter was saying in 2 Peter 3:9. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.  Yes, many are called.

But then as I studies the word chosen the lights started to come on. Yes, the call is going out to many. But when we get to the chosen part some of odds we find in scripture is as low a fifty percent. No it’s not the Almighty being mean and without mercy. The word chosen that Jesus used here comes from a word that means to select: - make a choice, choose. The word its self means by implication favorite, or elect.

Many get the invitation, but few make a choice and choose.
Many are invited but few select to be favorite or elected.
Later in Matthew chapter 25 as Jesus is teaching about the end time and the coming of the Lord. He again gives us such examples.

The first is the story of the ten virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. All ten are qualified to meet the bridegroom. All ten are called to be at the wedding. All ten get the invitation to be part. But we find that only five of them made plans and took actions to be chosen. The five wise understood the need to refill their vessel, they knew that time would take their oil and they would have to put more into their vessel. The wise understood they could not depend on a one time filling because the oil was going out. Yes, it cost them more and they had more to deal with and carry with them but when the wedding took place, when the bride groom came even though ten were called only five lived in such a way as to be chosen. They elected, made a choice to be chosen.

Jesus then tells the story of the talents. Each were called and blessed according to what the Lord knew their life could produce. No one was demanded to accomplish something they couldn’t accomplish. The Lord called them according to their abilities. Each one responded to that call accordingly. Each one lived an action that the Lord demanded, all that is but one. That one was called and blessed according to his abilities yet he failed to live out the demanded action. Maybe because he thought his gift was too small, he didn’t get what the other got. May be he was lazy and would not give the effort. We don’t know the whole reason but that’s not what Jesus was telling us. The one who failed to live chosen was cast out into outer darkness and what he had was given to another. He was called but he would not live chosen.

Luke records another example in Luke 19. We call it the story of the pounds. Read it and see the same example. Time and time again Jesus seems to reminds us of His words, Many get called but few will live to be chosen. I want to Live Chosen every day.

It is for this reason our push this year at FPB is that very thing. Our theme or direction for 2012 is Live Chosen. As a church we will attempt to make a place where you can accomplish such a life style. Yet we need a daily spiritual discipline at work in our personal life.



Spiritual Food – Diet and Nutrition

Word of God – Read, get the Word of God in your life.
Faithfulness to His House – Don’t lose this in this last day. Hebrews 10:25
Testimony – You are made an overcomer by your testimony. Revelations 12:11

Spiritual Fitness – Exercise and Management

Prayer – You need prayer in your life every day.
Discipline living – Learn to live a life that can say “no” to the desires of this world and flesh.
Worship and Praise – Every service and every day. Psalm 100, Psalm 150

Community – Group support

Family of God – You need all of the family in your life. Some helping you, some blessing you.
People who speak into your life – You can’t make it without people who will guide you. Who do you listen to?
Godly friends – Make sure that those you allow into your life, your close friendships, are full of God’s Spirit. An unequal yoke applies to more than just dating; it’s who you link your life to.
2 Corinthians 6:14

Tools – Help and Plan

Preached and taught Word of God – You need to be preached to so be faithful to church. It’s how you’re saved. 1 Corinthians 1:18-21
Personal Study – Carved out time to learn the Word of God. This is different than just reading.
Fasting – A must discipline in our life according to the scriptures.

I challenge you to Live Chosen. Yes, we each get the call but we need to make the effort to Live Chosen. To add to this thought process and living let me share a devotions that Jason, our Young Adults Pastor, sent me last week. It was a daily devotion from My Utmost for His Highest for January 14.

I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ’Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ’Here am I! Send me’ —Isaiah 6:8

God did not direct His call to Isaiah— Isaiah overheard God saying, “. . . who will go for Us?” The call of God is not just for a select few but for everyone. Whether I hear God’s call or not depends on the condition of my ears, and exactly what I hear depends upon my spiritual attitude. “Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). That is, few prove that they are the chosen ones. The chosen ones are those who have come into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and have had their spiritual condition changed and their ears opened. Then they hear “the voice of the Lord” continually asking, “. . . who will go for Us?” However, God doesn’t single out someone and say, “Now, you go.” He did not force His will on Isaiah. Isaiah was in the presence of God, and he overheard the call. His response, performed in complete freedom, could only be to say, “Here am I! Send me.”
Remove the thought from your mind of expecting God to come to force you or to plead with you. When our Lord called His disciples, He did it without irresistible pressure from the outside. The quiet, yet passionate, insistence of His “Follow Me” was spoken to men whose every sense was receptive (Matthew 4:19). If we will allow the Holy Spirit to bring us face to face with God, we too will hear what Isaiah heard-”the voice of the Lord.” In perfect freedom we too will say, “Here am I! Send me.”

I challenge you this year,  LIVECHOSEN

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