Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas

Here we are the last week before Christmas. All the busy, getting ready for the holiday is in full swing. I hope all of you have a wonderful week and a Merry Christmas.

As I thought on this last week my mind went to what the last week before the birth of Jesus must have been like. It was no doubt very busy, full of stress and all the feeling that go with a lady about to give birth. Yet, no doubt this last week for Mary held a lot of added struggles. There were probably the cold shoulders of the in-laws and the embarrassment of her family all because she was found with child before her and Joseph came together or were married. (Matthew 1:18) In the Jewish customs of that day she was very much looked down on. Joseph too had to carry the load of people thoughts and feeling. Yes, the week was probably a heavy stressful week.

To top all that a law had gone out that everyone had to return to their home town to be taxed and counted. So Joseph takes Mary and they make the several days journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Now Mary doesn’t get to ride a car, a train or even take the bus. She either walked or rode and animal of some sorts just days from starting labor. Yes, the last week before the birth of Jesus was very stressful and heavy for Mary and Joseph. I’m not sure our imaginations can get close to what that week must have been like. Yet the week was ordained of God and Mary and Joseph fulfilled their part in the will of the Almighty.

Yes, Christmas morning or the birthday of Jesus dawned bright and clear that wonder day and hope for the whole world came into being. That night the angels filled the heavens with joy and miracles happened that had never been before. Yes, it was a wonderful night. The wonder of that night still shines to this very day. All because of Jesus this world and the lives of those who live for Him will never be the same.

So no matter how stressful you week may seem to be remember Mary and Joseph walked a very troubling week just before the Christ was born. So remember Christmas is coming in a few days and it’s not about the gifts so much or the food being perfect. No it’s the hope of living a changed life. So, if there are not gifts or good food in your Christmas I promise you Jesus is still there. If the gifts are not right and the decorations not so great Jesus was still born for your day, your life. If you’re lonely and at the end of your rope, Jesus still came, was born and you have a chance for a new day a fresh start, a changed life. Jesus is really the whole reason for Christmas. I dare you to bow your life to Him and worship the King of Kings. It will change everything about this week. Merry Christmas!

I want to say a special thank you to all of you at FPB for the wonderful Sunday afternoon yesterday. I loved hearing of each of the five services we had across our city in the different retirement centers and nursing homes. There were over two hundred in attendance best I can tell. I so much enjoyed the smiles and joy I personally saw on the faces of those you ministered to. Then wrapping the evening up on the Court House lawn with a service was wonderful. Thanks to everyone who made it possible. It was a wonderful day.

I hope all have a wonderful Christmas. From me and my family let me say, Merry Christmas!

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