Monday, April 25, 2011

The Battlefield of the Mind part 2

I hope each of you had a wonderful Easter and God blessed you r life with the power and wonder of the resurrection. We can never get used to or allow the power of God Almighty coming, giving His life and raising for death as He defeated it. How Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Easter is so much more than a religious holiday, it’s why there is life everlasting.
Last week I started a topic on how we are handling the battle going on at the field of our mind. Looking around the church I see too many who are not doing so well in this arena. God never intended on you fighting this battle alone or you losing on this front. As I mentioned last week the Apostle Paul tells us to cast down these things.

Casting down imaginations (This word comes from a word that means to estimate. The word its self means calculation, reasoning, conscience. We are to cast down our guessing conscience), and every high thing (elevated barrier) that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought (perception and disposition) to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV (Italics my adding for explanation)

We do this through daily prayer and seeking God’s help. The Lord will give us wisdom through His word and those who are anointed to help us when we are struggling.
One of the hurts and wounds we receive while dealing with this battle is the heavy hand of a depressing spirit. I promise you, it can grab you and pull you under.

As I mentioned I have asked my daughter to join me in these articles. Here is a few of her thoughts along this line. My comments on her thoughts are in dark red italics.

More than a Case of the Blues by Rachel Crabtree
Depression, it's a heavy word for a heavy emotion. We have all suffered from depression; whether we care to admit it or not. Don't believe me? According to the NIH (National Institute of Health), depression may be described as "feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps."

However, some of us have experienced a deeper emotion/mood that goes beyond the normal bad day. It's called clinical depression. "Clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for an extended period of time."
Clinical depression is what stops us from living the joyful, Christ-centered life we were intended to live. It keeps us from being productive at work. This depression kills communication with our family, friends and peers. Sadly, NIMH says 15 million adult Americans suffer from clinical depression each year. That means nearly 8% of American population of age 18 and over, is currently dealing with depression. Specialists predict that by 2020, depression will become the 2nd most common health problem throughout the world.
The question: with depression on the rise and daily affecting our lives, what can we do as Christians to combat it? I've come up with five things that as Christians will help us fight against depression. I have made sure that each is backed with the Word. Disagree with the point? Take it up with Him.

• Prayer: In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” We need to learn to take anything to God; our burdens, our fears, our anxieties and throw them down at Jesus' feet. His Word promises peace and rest. Read Psalms 51:12. We need to pray for a return of joy and pray for Him to sustain us. 2 Timothy 1:7, Luke 10:19 and Romans 8:37 speak of how we need to learn to control our fears and realize who we are in Christ. Do you have a consistent prayer life? Are you aware of who you are in Jesus Christ? One of the reasons people don’t tend to pray for help along these lines and develop a daily prayer life is a lack of faith. We may tell ourselves we know we need to or that we are too busy but in reality we really don’t believe that prayer will help. If we really did we would really pray. Yes, we miss so much help because of the lack of really believing Jesus will help us.

• Seek Help: You are never too good or too big of a super-star to seek help. Doubt it? Read your Word and study up on Moses. He was a leader to millions, the voice of God, and a bit of a doubter when it came to the promises of God. This man listened to the counsel of his father-in-law and surrounded himself with a group of like-minded leaders to help him. They enabled him to be more effective in the work place and focus on the main thing, God. Are you allowing others to help you? Something else Moses did was take assistance in holding up his arms in a battle. Israel won when his arms were up but on his own he could not continually do what he needed to do (Exodus 17:12). We all feel we can be the one giving the help but we need to realize the wonder and the miracle of receiving help.

• Exercise: Our bodies are living, breathing displays of God's creative power. Sadly, many of us distort the original design because we're too lazy to maintain. Check out the Word on that! Proverbs 6:6-11. Are you allowing laziness to create depression? "Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20. It's been proven by numerous medical studies that physical exercise can ease the symptoms of depression. The Mayo Clinic has an article on how exercise has proven to reduce and eliminate mood disorders and physical illness. Find time each day to exercise and you will be amazed by the results! Enough cannot be said about this subject. The condition of your body will really affect your mind.

• Community: Who are you surrounding yourself with? Are you surrounded by healthy, uplifting people? Or Debbie-Downers? The attitudes, emotions, and beliefs of those you are around will rub off on you. Read the story of Rehoboam, son of Solomon in 1Kings 12. He could have been a successful ruler but he listened to his unwise peers and ended up losing his kingdom. Are you surrounded by wise, emotionally sound people? I would also add to this what we are listening too in the form of media and such. The problems and direction of this world will really pull you out from behind the shield of Faith. We will be tempted to throw our hands in the air and live with gritted teeth. My cardiologist told me he had to stop listening to a certain news person because he couldn’t keep his blood pressure down. No, we can’t stick our head in the sand but we can change the station sometimes and make sure we have our trust in the Lord. Remember He is running the show no matter who you may think in is charge.

• Serve: Are you selflessly serving others? Key word: selflessly. This servant hood isn't about you being seen or praised. This is about you giving someone else a helping hand. It's hard to be worried and anxious about your circumstances when you're serving a homeless family a meal at a soup kitchen. It's hard to be self-centered on your problems when you're providing groceries to a single mother. "I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35 Also, read Luke 6:38. We can all find someone in worse shape than we. When you start pouring out yourself to others you will spend less time on worrying over things in your mind that probably don’t matter anyway. I received a tweet from T.F. Tenny that says, “Worry is today's mice nibbling on tomorrow’s cheese.” Try serving others rather than worrying.
Take these steps. Apply them to your life and see if depression is still strong in your life.

*Please note that I do not suggest you disregard any of your practicing physician’s medical advice. I would also add if you can’t fight the battle of depression on your own find some Christian professional help, get some counseling from a godly person.

Yes, this was a little long but there are some helpful points here. Next week I will go over some of the things I personally do to help me in the battle of my mind and thinking.
How we act today reveals how we are dealing with yesterday! There is no brighter tomorrow unless the sun has set on yesterday.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Battlefield of my Mind

First I would like to thank God for His great moves of anointing over the last several weeks here at FPB. The week of revival with its two weekends of worship and anointing and yesterday with God’s hand in our mist have been wonderful. Thank God for the new people in the altar, those we baptized in Jesus Name and the new faces we are seeing in the pews. I am so happy I get to be part of this wonderful church, FPB.

Today I want to start an article that will cover a couple of weeks or more. I feel it’s a needed study for our time. I have asked my daughter Rachel to join with me in the coming weeks in this discussion. Rachel has a BA in Phycology from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Arkansas and has continually studied how we approach our life for God in daily living and our emotions. She also has a keen ability to see life from a perspective many of us miss. I know you will enjoy her contribution.

I was reminded over the last few days of the battle that goes on in the soil of our mind. I so clearly know, from personal experience, the struggles and life altering events that happen on this battlefield. I have personally battled satan and my own flesh on this front. I personally know the power of depression and the distracting force of our imaginations. I have waged many tiring battles on this field. I also know from personal experience that God does not intend on me being defeated in this battle and that He plans on me having continual victory in this arena. I also know that this is a real battle and one we will all fight to some degree in our walk for God.

The points I will make come from my Biblical understanding and personal experience alone. I have no formal training in this area on the educational side. I do believe that God’s word clearly plans on us being an overcomer in this area of our life and we can find help in the power of God and the direction of His word.

The Bible is not silent on this battle. The scriptures rings loud of the fact that this is a battle that the devil himself uses to attack God’s children. I know from personal experience that this is true. Satan himself attacked Jesus during a time of weakness in body and exhaustion. Matthew, Mark and Luke each tell of this event. Several things are pointed out here in scripture.

Jesus was in a wilderness place. The word means a lonesome waste place. In times of loneliness and times of feeling disconnected from life is when we will have to battle the imaginations of our mind. Jesus was tempted in all point as we… He became our example and we can run to Him. (Hebrews 4:15-16). Though He walked through this place in His life with purpose, when we disconnect from our God ordained purpose we can expect to have to battle the demons of hell in this lonesome place. When we try to live our life away from the plan of God and what He has called us to be, we will have to battle satan in the lonesome waste places of our life. Disconnecting from the fellowship of the family of God is a dangerous thing.

Satan came in an exhausting moment. Satan came at Jesus in this lonesome waste place after Jesus had fasted for forty days. The Bible says that Jesus hungered. This is more than missing a meal. The word here means famished. Jesus was no doubt weak and exhausted too. It is in our weak, famished, and exhausted places of life that the enemy shows up. Satan will pound you in times of weakness and exhaustion. Many people lose much in the battle of the mind because they have broken their lives both physically and spiritually by exhaustion. I personally understand this one.

About ten years ago I was involved in a large building program here at FPB. My job was to run the construction of the new project. Though I had tackled many building projects I had never been part of one this large. Not only did I wear a tool belt every day of the week and work from early morning to late at night I also preached at least once every weekend and lead services and the lives of people the other times. I continued this pace for right at two years. During this journey I lost a lot of weight from the lack of proper eating and broke my life physically. Exhausted and weak I fell into a deep depression. Some of the things Stephanie and I went through we have never spoken of. We had many nights of fear and wondering what the morning would bring. I came to the place that I just wanted to walk away and never look back. IT wasn’t people it was all going on inside my exhausted broken life. It was during this time of struggle I was working alone one day in the new building. I was laying carpet in an office. It was while crawling there in the floor I saw a dark figure stand in the corner and I begin to hear in my mind demons tell me that I was finished and it was over. I was a failure and I would never amount to anything.

Looking back today I realize he attacked me in the places I worried about the most. I wanted to matter in my ministry. I wanted to amount to something important in my life for God. Satan attacked me in my passions and worries of life. He also attacked me in the pride places of my life. It melted me in the floor. I cried with my face in the new carpet. I called out to God for help and almost at once a brightness seemed to come out of a closet in that room and attack the darkness in the corner. It only took seconds and I felt a peace and faith I hadn’t felt in a long time. Everything didn’t become great all of a sudden in my life but that day I started the trip back to what God called me to really be. You don’t believe this? The end of Jesus’ battle says it will happen. The Bible tells at the end of the battle that Jesus fought the angels came and ministered to Him. I thank God to this day that an angel showed up and ministered to my life. I know it was real, I was there.

The fact is when we don’t take care of the temple that God created, our lives; we will lose much in the battle field of our mind. An exhausted, physically broken life is a weak place on the battlefield of the mind.

The Apostle Paul challenges us to fight the battle of our mind in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;
5 Casting down imaginations (This word comes from a word that means to estimate. The word its self means calculation, reasoning, conscience. We are to cast down our guessing conscience), and every high thing (elevated barrier) that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought (perception and disposition) to the obedience of Christ; KJV (Italics my adding for explanation)

This is something I attempt to ask God’s help in prayer every day. I pray this scripture to this degree. I pray; In the Name of Jesus I place on me the full armor of God that I may be able to stand. The weapons of my warfare are not carnal, so I cannot depend on the principles of this world to provide me a victory but my weapons are mighty through God. In your name Jesus I pull down strongholds, cast down vain thoughts and imaginings and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ. (POA Prayer Ministry) If it doesn’t help Christ to be formed in me I work to rid it from my life.

Jesus told us that His peace He gives us. “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled (stirred or agitated), neither let it be afraid (timid)”. John 14:27 NKJV (Italics my adding for explanation)

One of the descriptions of Jesus given in Isaiah 9:6 is The Prince of Peace, the Master of wholeness. God planned on the power of His name to help me to live in peace. I can do all things through Christ and win the battle of my mind. Jesus planned on me doing just that.

If I don’t, the Apostle Paul tells us the downward spiral of those who forget God and lose control of the battlefield of the mind. “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain (foolish and wicked) in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened (obscured).” Romans 1:21 KJV (Italics my adding for explanation)

The Almighty planned on us winning in the battlefield of our mind, but He planned on us winning His way, with His help and trusting Him. Next week I will explore some more of my thoughts about this battle. I will talk of what I have done to change some of my ways so that I have success on this front. Take it from a guy who has lost some battles here, it feels do much better winning and winning daily.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Living In My Own Skin

I have a book on my desk, (She Did What She Could), about Mary of Bethany. We know her from the Scriptures as the sister of the hardworking, hospitable Martha, in Luke 10. We also know her as the sister of the “up from the grave” Lazarus in John 11. The setting of the story is their home in Bethany, about one and a half miles from Jerusalem. The event takes place just days before the Jesus’ Triumphal entry into Jerusalem and a little more than a week before His death on the cross. In the telling of her story by Mark in chapter 14 of the gospel which he wrote, one can see several things happen in response to her actions.
Though Simon could have been just another follower of Jesus, he is more likely the elderly – and healed – father of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. According to John 12, the criticizing voice in the crowd was that of Judas Iscariot, who, known to have been greedy and a thief, helped himself to what was in the disciple’s’ money bag. Other references indicate that some of the disciples were critical of the extravagance of Mary’s act (Matthew 26) *

 Although the story is told from different perspectives and gives different details, depending on which Gospel account you read, one important detail remains the same: At this juncture of human history as God chose to pair with a girl the preaching of the Gospel, Jesus declares the why in verse eight of chapter fourteen of Mark. Jesus said, “Let her alone… She has done what she could…” Leave her along she is doing what I created her to do.
All around her that day were important people doing what looked like important things. What Mary did really didn’t fit it seemed to many. Martha was busy being Martha. In charge, hardworking thinking no one should ever consider anything but busy, busy, busy and complaining about the fact everyone didn’t do like she did (Luke 10). Simon was so caught up in being a host and important he failed to provide the necessary. Judas was concerned about the amount of money in the account and its personal effect on him. Other disciples were acting and being very religious. Some of the actions were no doubt important actions. But the fact remains the reason Mary did what she did was it was what she could do. Just like Jesus explained, she did what she could do and she no doubt was happy to do it. She was happy being Mary.

In the story of the Talents and the story of the Pounds in Matthew 24 and in Luke 19 the opposite of Mary is seen in the description of the one talent servant. He didn’t do what he could.
After looking at these two stories I think it’s really important, Biblically important, that we become comfortable in our own skin. That we get content being who God created us to be. Each one of us has been uniquely designed by the Almighty with purpose and a plan to help make a difference in the kingdom of God. Everyone is blessed with abilities and talents. Some more than others, we only have to look around to see that. Yet, no matter how talented or how limited in talents you might be we are all required to do with our live what God has designed us to do. God plans on us being comfortable being who He made us to be. There is a certain level of contentment, happiness and joy that comes when we relish being who God made us to be. But there is also discontentment, lack of joy and little happiness in life for those who will not enjoy being who God called them to be. Look at the one talented servant in Matthew 24.

• He was discontent being who he was. He didn’t think his talent mattered. To feel this way he had to be some-what pouting about what he received. People who are not happy in their own skin often sulk and complain that they didn’t get the right breaks. They are always dragging around. The reason the one talent servant must have buried his ability was out of fear he said but the truth be known it very well was because he was discontent with his gift. The Lord strongly rebuked his excuse as being very lame.

• He seemed to forget who was passing out the gifts. His Lord knew what he could do so the Lord gave him what he could make the most of. When we are not comfortable being who God made us to be we are forgetting who created us. When we are upset being who we are or we complain about how we are created we are really saying God didn’t do very good. Remember God never makes mistakes. He cannot fail. You may not like you but God made you on purpose and with purpose and God like you. The sooner we realize this the quicker we can become content being who the Almighty created us to be.

• He forgot how serious the Almighty is about His stuff. The Lord of the servant not only rebuked the actions of the servant but punished him forever over how he used what the Lord gave him. We must remember, we may be discontent with how God made us but we will still have to give an account one day on how well we did with what we were given. If we fail to not do what we can do we will end in the wrong position in eternity.

If you are quote, “living for God” and you still don’t enjoy living a content life. If you find yourself struggling without a certain level of happiness and joy, then you need to see how well you are doing living in your own skin. How well are you at being who God has created you to be? Are you doing what you can? You might find you are spending too much time wishing you were like someone else. You may be spending too much time trying to jockey into a place where you can’t perform. Trying to be someone God didn’t intend on you being. You may be wasting you days wishing you were something else. STOP! Be all God planned on you being and enjoy the journey being you. God made you and He don’t make junk. Start growing the things the Almighty stuffed in your life and learn to enjoy being you.

Now stop right there and don’t allow this writing to become an excuse. Being happy in your own skin is not a reason to sin or live a destructive life. Living in your own skin is not a blessing to be:

Immoral or sinful. We should never excuse immoral behavior or sinful actions by saying something like, “That’s just how I am!” God didn’t create you with a barnyard mentality or immoral action of life. You are doing that on your own and it too will cost you in eternity if you refuse to change. (1 Corinthians 6:9)

 To not take care of your life. Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost (1Corinthians 6:19). When we fail to take care of it we are becoming destructive to God’s temple. The church and religion has always as a whole declared that destructive habits like drug and alcohol addictions are sinful because they destroy the temple of God. The same is preached about smoking. I agree these things are destructive to the temple of our body and we need to get them out of our life. Yet we also tend to forget some other things that are written clearly about in scripture. Things like over-eating and lack of rest. These two are mentioned in name in scripture. Stop telling yourself that you are just overweight because God made you that way. No you are that way because you lack discipline. Stop using God as an excuse to not take care of your body. You will be a much happier and content you if you would lose some weight, get some exercise and learn to really rest.

So, look at your life, the one God created. What changes do you need to make to be content in your own skin? God made you and packed your life with His purpose for you. No one else can be you. Its time you started really living for God. You can do that by doing what you can. Be happy in your own skin. God made that skin.

*Portion taken from She Did What She Could by Elisa Morgan

Monday, April 4, 2011

After 27 Years of Marriage

Last week I was out of the office for some time off and celebrating twenty-seven years of being married to the wonderful Stephanie. We took some time to just slow down and rest and enjoy being with each other. As we did we talked about things that have happened in our lives over the last twenty-seven years. We talked about our wedding day and the planning along with the decisions we made thinking we were all grown up. We laughed and shook our head over some things we did. I have to admit there are things I shudder over my decisions and I can’t believe I made some of the choices for us that I made. So as I looked back over the last twenty-seven years of being married to the same wonderful lady here are some thoughts of mine.

• I wish I had not been so consumed with what other people thought of me to the place I put Stephanie’s feeling further down the list in my younger days. I was consumed in the beginning of our marriage with other people’s thoughts of me so much so that at times I seemed not to care what Stephanie might think. I remind each of you married or thinking of getting married to put you mates feeling and desires on the front burner of your life. Right behind your relationship with God and then keep their feelings and needs there. Today, how Stephanie feels about something and what her desires are trump everyone else, even my children, she is my number one for real!

• I wish I had really understood the scripture in Ephesians 5:25-28 in the beginning of my marriage. Here the husband is commanded by the Word of God to love his wife like God loves the Church! Stop and think on that guys, how much do you really think God cares for the Church? Remember the Church is God’s plan, dream and vision to not only touch this world for Him but He is spending all of this earth’s time preparing a place for the Church to be with Him forever. The Almighty orders His desires and plans around His desires for the Church. The Apostle Paul said God loved it so much that He died for it. The cross was the results of God’s love for His Church, His bride. There is no other in God’s life or mind. So fellows, are you living your daily life with your wife in total focus? Do you love you wife like God loves the church? If not can you get to heaven by disregarding the scriptures? I wish I had really understood this early on. I today try to live out my life loving and living for Stephanie like I feel God must love His church. Really there is no end to such a feeling. Also ladies, you are to love your husband and respond to him with respect and love like the Church should be responding to God. I challenge you to look at your actions, your everyday actions and see how you are doing with these verses of scripture in Ephesians chapter 5. On that note, don’t come to me to criticize Stephanie, I plan to respond to you like God would respond to those who would degrade His Church. You read your Bible and figure that one out.

• I wish I would have continued to court Stephanie once we were married. In our early days of marriage I tried to move quickly from the courting to being a married man. I started acting all grown up and in charge. I often forgot to include her and assumed and expected her to just tag along behind. Today when I see young married couples still crazy over each other and I watch young men continue to court the lady of their life, I want to run to them and give them a high-five. At the same time I want to scream at all the weird couples who are forgetting the wonderful person by their side, to look at what they are missing. Today I try hard to keep the courting alive and well in our life. I still try to get the door for her and walk by her side when in public places. I try to wait until she is seated, open the car door for her and see how her day is going. No, I’m not perfect but I am trying because I am going to make up for all my stupid days that I can.

• I wish I had learned how important fun was in the beginning of my marriage. Again I did what many do in marriage. I lived like fun was immature. That is SO Stupid! When we were dating I would plan dates so that we could have fun together. In my office today are two pictures of Stephanie I took on a date we had walking through a garden in Louisiana. I can remember so many details of that day to this very moment. I cherish the two little pictures in my office that I took that day. The question is why don’t I have more pictures? The answer is I got married not long after and stopped planning to have fun. When people get married they seem to sprint to become as “normal” as possible as soon as possible. Guess what- normal is the pits! The last thing I want to be after twenty-seven years of marriage is normal! So I challenge you to laugh more and plan on having fun being married, I am.

• I wish I had realized early on that marriage takes work to make it work. Early on I guess I just thought that you get married and it works out. Such a dumb feeling. I can still remember reading my first book on how to improve my marriage. It seemed to leave me with a feeling of wow, I didn’t know that. I can remember walking away from it thinking if I will work at this it will get even better. Since then I have studied and read on how to improve my marriage. I read one speaker’s notes on this. He said couples come to him and say, pastor marriage is so hard! His response is always, duh... and water is soooo wet! Yes, it’s hard; if it were easy then 50% of all marriages would not be ending in divorce! I now know I will not achieve a successful marriage by accident, it will be intentional.

My wish list goes on and on. I can’t go back and redo anything but I can make a big difference from here on. Which I am planning and doing. I heard a speaker once say that you should grow old doing three things.

First, get really close to God. Grow your relationship with Him in a powerful fashion, you will soon meet Him.

Second, get really close to your mate. It will all too soon be just you and them and you want to be sitting with someone you are really close to and love being with as the sun sets in your life.

Third, take lots of pictures with you and you mate in them. Someday you will need them to take a joyful and pleasant stroll down memory lane because you can never go back and do the walk again.

Here are three questions you should ask your mate ever-so-often. I have found that the answers change with time so it’s important that you know the answers at the time of life you are walking in. Ask your companion:

What do you worry most about?
What do I do that really bothers you?
What is your greatest dream?
Now try to help ease their worry, stop doing what’s making them uncomfortable, and do what you can to make their dream come true.
I dare you to read the book, His Needs, Her Needs by Dr. Willard Harley and do the questions and work sheets in the back of the book. No matter how long you have been married it will change your marriage for the better if you follow it. I DARE you!
And Stephanie thanks for the wonderful 27 years! I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!