Monday, February 21, 2011

Something to Think About

This will be a little different today but I wanted to pass along a list of Tweets I have received from other people over the last several months. If you follow me on Twitter then you have read theses. The Italicized words are my thoughts on these quotes.

"Longevity in a Pew" doesn't determine "Spiritual Maturity!" ...beware of those who declare 'entitlement' over spiritual growth. No matter how long you and I have sit on a pew, no matter how long we have held a position or called ourselves a minister or saint, if there is no spiritual growth or life change we will be greatly surprised at the gate of eternity. Stop declaring your seniority and start living out your changed, growing life.
Before the church had pulpits and baptisteries, she had kitchens and tables. We are to be people of hospitality. Scripture tells us that we should be easily entreated, easy to approach, can people get to know Jesus around you? We need a baptism of the attitude of hospitality. The Priest and Levite lacked this in the story of the Good Samaritan.
The measure of your faith determines your power with God. Consequently eliminate anyone from your life who would steal your faith. Over and over in the Gospels and Epistles we are told to get away from people who drain us of our faith. Yet we often use the thought that we are trying to get someone to Jesus yet we fail to realize that they are getting us away from Jesus. Sometimes like the prodigal that Jesus told of, people will have to come to the cross on their own power. It is up to us to make sure we stay away from people who rob us of our faith and discourage us in our walk for God. This includes those who even sit on a pew in church.
If your ride through life is not as smooth as you would like it to be, blaming the road may not be the answer. Zig Ziglar This is a wonderful guiding statement. The day you realize that the struggles, rough places and the junk of life have much to do with what you are sowing is the day you can make great changes in your living. It is so easy to just blame the devil for everything. Yes, satan does fight against the cause of Christ but make sure you are not using the devil as a crutch not to change some of your life action. The road will often become smoother if we will change the way we are driving on it.
"The grass isn’t greener on the other side. There is no other side. The grass is green where you water it." ~ Ian Lawton WOW! This is a good thought. Too many people have destination disease. They are always saying and thinking, if they lived somewhere else, if they had gotten a different position, if they lived in a different house, if they were born to a different parent… they would be more successful. They live life thinking the grass is greener somewhere else. The truth is the grass is green where you water it or put effort into it. Believe it or not you will get the same things you are getting if you were somewhere else. Because if you don’t water the grass where you are you will not water it at the destination you are dreaming about. The key to greener grass is change the way you are taking care of where God has put you.
When we do more than we are paid for, eventually we will be paid more for what we do. Zig Ziglar. America has lost the ability to understand the power of hard work and going beyond in one’s effort. My father told me when I entered the work force in my teens that if I got all my work done then get a broom and start sweeping and picking up trash. As a boy one of my worries was not so much my boss but that my father would walk in and see me sitting down on the job. I am so glad he put this in me. Yet we have lost this in our day and too many are sitting around crying over not getting any breaks. The fact is they are not living their life in such a way as to get any breaks. Who would you promote the one working every time you walk in or the one who is always late and sitting around?
Better have a word from God; be plugged into the Holy Ghost; passionate about the message - or stay out of the pulpit. Souls are at stake! Yes! This not only is for those with a pulpit ministry but every teacher, Bible study instructor, worship leader and anyone who tries to tell others about God. Stop trying to just rely on your talents and abilities. You are killing too many. Read yourself full, pray yourself anointed and only then will your anointed life make a healthy difference.
Never OPEN your heart to a person that can't CLOSE their mouth. If they can't hold their tongue they can't hold your secret. You will have much better peace the sooner you realize that you can’t talk to everyone. Even some those who sit by you in church. Don’t pore yourself out to a vessel full of holes. It will leave you very dry and disappointed.
Complainers have spiritual bad breath. "Do everything without complaining!" Philippians 2:14. The next two verses of these words from Apostle Paul tell us why we should not complain. That we can rejoice in Christ and not run in vain. If you feel you’re not getting anywhere in God and no one wants to run the race with you, check your breath you may be complaining about what’s not going like you think it should.
The English language has 558 emotion words. 62% are negative 38% are positive. Will u dwell on the negative, or b the positive influence needed? This tells us right off the type of people we have become. We are putting more effort into complaining and the glass being half full than the positive out-look of life. Again God didn’t call us to be complainers. I challenge you to take a week and fast negative talking. You may not be able to make it a week. Why, faith comes by hearing… is your faith being flattened because of your negative words?
When you are more desperate for personal happiness than biblical obedience bad decisions are imminent. We often put too much time, effort and energy into things of this world that will be destroyed and that will deteriorate than we do the things of Heaven that last forever. Then we act like we can’t figure out why God is not blessing us and we have too many disgusting days. Answer? Bad decisions!
 Now that is a lot to think on isn’t it?
I hope there are some thoughts here to help you grow and change your life. I believe we would all be surprised how much life would be better if we started changing the little things mentioned above. That’s my thoughts anyway.

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