Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wake Up!

"And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:25-28 NKJV 
I don’t really know where, but I do believe we are in the last hour of the church. We will no doubt wittiness some things that no other generation has ever seen as God starts to turn the tide of sin in this old world. The scriptures are full of warnings; sadly we often fail to believe that they pertain to us. Yes, it’s easy to say and shake our heads in agreement as we declare the Lord is coming. I hear it in the church often. But I wonder if we really believe what we are declaring?

If we really believe God is about to shake this world I feel we would have different actions in our life. If we really believed time is about up we would change some things in our daily lives. Yet Jesus and others of scripture said it would be this way. Jesus himself warns us not to be deceived and allow this day to overcharge or burden us with the cares of this life. Jesus warns that His followers must beware lest they allow this day to overtake our emotions and burden us to the place we are drunk with the cares of this life.
Right after the above verses Jesus gives us an example, a parable then follows it up with some very clear warnings for those who follow Him. These words are not to this world; Jesus is talking to His followers, you and me.
Then He spoke to them a parable: "Look at the fig tree, and all the trees.
When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves that summer is now near.
We can connect all this to some prophetic word but in reality Jesus is giving a simple example. Just like you know that a budding tree is a sign of a season change we must also understand that when we see things happening in this world we should know things are about to change. Jesus goes on to say.
So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near.
Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
"But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.
For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.
Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man." Luke 21:29-36 NKJV 
Jesus warns us that when we see these things happening know things are about to change. God is about to turn things forever in a different direction. We have to make sure we really believe God is coming and things are about to change. But we must also be on guard lest we get so caught up in this world that we don’t believe enough to change our lives. Jesus said the cares of this would intoxicate us so that we don’t see what is coming, or what is really happening.
The Apostle Paul sounds a warning to his son in the gospel, Timothy, that the last days would find people around and in the church who are sidetracked away from godly living. This whole chapter is not Paul speaking of the sins of this world but sins in and around the church. He is warning Timothy that the last days will produce these things. Read  2Timothy 3:1-5 NKJV 
The things Paul warns Timothy of were not things in this world. Paul is warning Timothy that these actions and attitudes were found in and around the church.
Lovers of themselves – Selfish , thinking they know all the answers.
Lovers of money – Their whole life is their material gain first. They sacrifice their faithfulness and holiness to make more money.
Boasters and Proud – Bragging on themselves and what they are doing or did. Full of pride.
Blasphemers – They speak light of the things of God. They continually speak that holy things are not important.
Disobedient to parents – Rebellious and head strong children are results of undisciplined parents.
Unthankful – People without grace or gracefulness, who think they have a right to the services of people and feel no obligation to others, full of entitlement.
Unholy – Unrighteous in their body and spirit.
Without natural affection – Men to men, women to women, parents to child, adults to children.
Truce-breakers – Those who are not bound to a promise, no obligation to an oath or contract.
False accusers – Devils, slanders, to ruin character, accusers.
Incontinent – Without self-control
Fierce – Wild anger, savage, hot temper, fits of rage.
Despisers of those that are good – Hostile towards good, jealous of those who do right, speaking against those who are doing the work of God.
Traitors – To sell someone out, bearer of tales to cause people trouble.
Heady and High-minded – Those who are head strong and inconsiderate and full of themselves.
Lovers of Pleasures more than lovers of God – Serve and love their desires and don’t have time for God.
You should read the rest of this chapter and see the end of these people.
We first have to realize this is the closing hours of the church. The season is changing. If we really believe this then it should alter our lives. It is when one really doesn’t think this is the closing hour that one begins to become content in this world. Then we become like the ones the scripture says that say things have always been this way. Things are just continuing like they always have. But in reality, they are not. The season is changing, there are new buds on the trees that have never been there. Wake up and check your life actions.
If you don’t believe me go to this link and listen to someone else declare it.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hunger Has No Season

He sacrificed for his country in war. He worked hard most his life to raise a family of five. His children live in other states a long distance away. His wife died two years ago. He spent Christmas alone. You pray for a ministry. He prays for company. He is hungry in his soul and his hunger knows no season.
She lives in a new subdivision. She works in the office where you order supplies. Her marriage is on the rocks and one of her kids has a disability. You heard her say she can’t take much more of this life. You leave under conviction. She goes home at the end of her rope. She is hungry in side and her hunger is not bound to a season.
He works 9-5 every day. He dreams of a career but is just trying to do life. On Sunday he eats at the same restaurant you do. You leave a tip as you walk out. He leaves lost and looking for hope. His soul has an appetite that is not limited to a season of time.
She teaches at your college. Her real questions never get answered. Her life is so empty and unfulfilled. She proposes theories, while you hold the truth. Her hunger is not bound to a season in life.
Hunger, spiritual hunger, is not bound to a season of time or place. It is not regulated to a particular time of the year or season of life. Hunger is only bound by the feelings and desires of the one who is empty, the one who is lost.
Mark’s story, in the Gospel that bears his name, tells us that Jesus was on His way up to Jerusalem from Bethany, a trip that Jesus makes several times during His last week before the cross. It is on one of these journeys from Bethany, no doubt from the house of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, that Mark says Jesus is hungry. It is at this time that Jesus sees a fig tree leafed out and looking healthy. The tree’s look of flourishing causes hope to spring into the soul of Jesus. The Bible says Jesus goes expecting to find something to eat. (Mark 11:12-14)
Adam Clark’s Commentary says of this scripture:

When our Lord saw this fig tree by the way-side, apparently flourishing, He went to it to gather some of the figs: being on the way-side, it was not private, but public property; and any traveler had an equal right to its fruit. As it was not as yet the time for gathering in the fruits, and yet about the time when they were ready to be gathered, our Lord with politeness expected to find some fruit.
But as this happened about five days before that Passover on which Christ suffered, and the Passover that year fell on the beginning of April, it has been asked, “How could our Lord expect to find ripe figs in the end of March?” Answer, Because figs were ripe in Judea as early as the Passover. Besides, the fig tree puts forth its fruit first, and afterwards its leaves.
Indeed, this tree, in the climate which is proper for it, (to have) fruit on it all the year round, ...   The summer begins there in March, and the harvest at the Passover, as all travelers into those countries testify; therefore, as our Lord met with this tree five days before the Passover, it is evident, - 1st. That it was the time of ripe figs: and, 2ndly. That it was not the time of gathering them, because this did not begin till the Passover, and the transaction here mentioned took place five days before.
Jesus is hungry. He comes to a tree where there should be fruit even though the season is not yet ready for the harvest of fruit, Jesus is still hungry. The tree looked right from a distance and it appears to have all its needed help. But Jesus finds nothing to touch His hunger. The season has not knocked the edge off His hunger. The time being not right didn’t stop His stomach from growling. His hunger was not connected to or changed by the season it was. Jesus was hungry no matter what season the tree found its self in. Why? Because Hunger has no season!
In our community, a person hungering for the peace that passes all understanding, the person longing to be free from sins and its addictions, the person hungry to be filled with the Spirit of God is not bound to just one day of the week. Their hunger will push them beyond just a Sunday service. They will come looking and expecting to find fruit though the season is not just right.
They may show up at your life on a Monday or a Tuesday. They could walk into your world on a Thursday, Friday or a Saturday. They will not be bound by being hungry just on Sunday. They will not just be hungry during a revival service or a powerful time for the church. The lost, those looking for hope will not just be hungry when it’s fitting for your life. No, Hunger knows no season. When they see what they think to be spiritual health they will come looking for the fruit. They expect to find help even though the season is not just right.
We cannot use the excuse; we are not ready, get ready.
We cannot use the excuse we are not at church. 
We cannot use the excuse we are not qualified.
The excuse that it’s not my ministry will not work on the hungry. Every one of us Jesus said must be producing fruit. Because hunger is not bound to a season.

Jesus declares in John 15:8; Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. No matter the time or the place, there has to be something on the tree because hunger is not going to wait until the season is right. Hunger knows no season.
They live just down the street. They work hard at chasing their dream. Last week the mom found out she has cancer. You pray to do the will of God. They hope and life. They hunger for peace, healing and help; their hunger doesn’t know a season.
What do you plan to do about the hungry that will come looking for the fruit of your life today?