Monday, November 19, 2012

An Offering of Thanksgiving

In our evening service on Sunday I preached about the offering of Thanksgiving. You can find this offering that God gave instructions for in Leviticus chapter seven. There are several things that stand out about this offering that we need to apply to our on personal lives. This offering was a voluntary offering, made from a principle of gratitude, when, with no special occasion, the worshipper called upon his soul and all within him to praise and bless God's holy name. Here are a few things to keep in mind so that you keep a spirit of Thanksgiving.

·         The sacrifice of thanksgiving (7:12; cf. comments on chap. 3) was to be accompanied by one of each kind (7:14) of three unleavened grain offerings (described in v. 12). Since the offerings were without yeast, the priest apparently offered "a memorial portion" on the altar accompanying the fat of the animal of the fellowship offering (cf. 2:9,11-12). First and foremost we need to make sure our spirit of Thanksgiving is from a repented heart. Jesus told us that if we bring a gift to the altar and have and issue in our life we are to deal or purge out the issue and then come back to the altar. (Matthew 5:23) To have and keep a spirit of thanksgiving one will have to repent of the leaven (sin) in their lives.

·         However, the offering with cakes of bread made with yeast (v. 13) was apparently for the communal meal rather than for the officiating priest. The priest's portions of the fellowship offering are explained in verses 28-34. The portion of the meat of this fellowship offering of thanksgiving that was for the communal meal had to be eaten on the day of the offering (v. 15). This part of the offering was intended to be eaten or consumed with friends or family of the one bringing the sacrifice. It could be shared also with the Levite of the community and anyone who could not afford to bring this voluntary offering. God intended on the spirit of Thanksgiving to be a shared fellowship. He never intended on this offering to be enjoyed alone. God wanted the spirit of Thanksgiving to be a shared experience. We too need to live our thankfulness for all to see. Learn to live with a lifted head not a downward look. No matter what live brings we can each find many things to be thankful for. I read a quote this morning that said, “The Pilgrims made seven times more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving. ~H.U. Westermayer . This is an amazing revelation; they still took time to share their spirit of thanksgiving even in their sorrow and poverty.

·         Even though the offering of thanksgiving was to be eaten on the day it was offered God said the leftovers could be eaten the next day but not past the second day (Verse 16). Anything left to the third day had to be burned. (v 17). It struck me that the Bible tells us that the mercies of God are made new every day thus we need to keep our spirit of thanksgiving new and fresh, renew it day by day. A thankful heart is not a onetime thing it is something that must be kelp new and real every day. Last week’s spirit of Thanksgiving will not work today. God asks for a new spirit of thankfulness. “Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. Edward Sandford Martin

So look around you, you really have a lot to be thankful for. Make a list then spread that thankfulness like a great table full. Get your head up and smile, God is real good all the time. Make sure everyone around you can see your thankfulness. Happy Thanksgiving!