Monday, October 25, 2010

Unwrap Your Gift!

1 Peter 4:10  “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.”
 Like all of us and everyone created in the world, He had been chosen for a certain thing and event in time. His calling was specific for his day and his talents for his time, and was God given.
His gifts were placed in him for the part he would play in time he would live.
He was God qualified from birth.
He was God planned from his beginning.
He was placed on this earth by his Creator with a purpose.
He tried to jump start things on his own and it cost him dearly and now possibly some 40 years down the road he has quit. He has given up on being what he knew God planned on him becoming. He has walked away from his gifted direction, his created plan.

The Bible tells us that he has gone to another place and he was content to dwell there. He makes some major life decisions while away from God’s directing hand.  He gets married and has a child. He gets into the ranching business with his father in-law. Life is quietly going along and he is content to just be where he is, doing what he is doing and simply forgetting about what God built him to do. Everything is fine with him until God gets tired of waiting and gives him a wake-up call.
God finds Moses in his content place a long ways from where Jehovah planned on him being with his life full of stuff God didn’t plan on it being full of.
Then on a content day doing his own thing God shows up and asks Moses a question. When Moses tells God that he isn’t qualified and ready to do the call of God. God asks, “What is in your hand?”

The question has been asked of others throughout time. God, knowing the abilities and talents He has packed into each and every life, has continually ask and reminded people of what is in their hand. God seems to ask us, look at what I put in you. Look at what you are carrying around. What are you doing with what I have put in your hand?
God seems to asks, "Look what you have to offer my plan. Look what you were made to accomplish for my purpose.  Look at what I placed in your life.  What are you doing with what I put in your hand?"
What are you doing with what God has put in your hand? Your life is pack according to the desire and purpose of God. He put you together and shaped you the way He did for His plan.
Even though you may think that you personally developed your abilities and you are a self-made man or woman, nothing could be farther from the truth. God packed you the way you are packed. What are you doing with what is in your hand?
Moses must have been around 30 years old when he decided to forget about his gift. The Bible tells us, “When he was grown”. In the Bible times a man was consider mature enough to lead around 30 years old. The Bible tells us that he decide to push a door open that God was not ready to open. He, out of a zeal and passion, decides to make something happen. But one thing is for sure you don’t make God do anything. We need to be ready to walk through any door God opens but never force any doors.

Moses decision cost him dearly and adds a fear to his life so he quits. He walks away, finds a content place to live and changes his directions for life. If things hadn’t have gone wrong he tells himself he might have done something important. But he seems to be pouting over the fact he didn’t get to do it his way. So we find Moses in a content place, making decisions way outside the will of God and a long ways from his purpose.
While he is in his content place he marries outside of Israel, a decision that will cost him later in his leadership. He produces a child away from the children of God. He builds a business and settles down in a content place far from his purpose.
Moses is eighty years old when he is finally is used of God. More than a generation has passed and lives have no doubt been born, lived and died before Moses answers the question about what is in his hand.
What was missed while Moses was being content? What was lost while Moses was somewhere other than the will of God? What was missed while Moses was being satisfied away from his purpose? What was lost while Moses is doing nothing with what God put in his hand? But yes, finally at eighty years old Moses answers with what is in his hand.
Finally Moses unwraps his gift and hands it to God and God does a miracle like there had never been.

Just like Gideon, a seemingly no body from a no body family. A man who looks to everyone else to simply be grunt help but God built him with a purpose. God doesn’t care what others think about Gideon when the time called for, when history asks for it Gideon gave it. He unwraps his gift, gives it to God and does a great work for Lord.
Like David who unwraps his gift around the age 15 and conquers a giant. No one believed in David. Everyone thought he was too young and not qualified. People thought he didn’t have what it took. But at an early age, David unwraps his gift and hands it to God and the Lord does mighty things with his life.
What would happen in your life today if you unwrapped your gift and brought it to God?

In 2 Kings 7, in your Old Testament Bible, four seemingly unqualified men set out to get their needs met. Four leprous, sick men that no one believed in and with little ability but they decide to do what they could do.

When they did, when they started moving, God started a miracle. Really the only thing they could do was simply change their positions. Really all they could do was stop doing what they had always done and move their life in a fresh new direction.
They had never been where they decide to go, but their circumstance demanded if they wanted a chance they had to change their position. So four seemingly unqualified men did the only thing they knew to do, they started toward a new position and new place of possible hope. Their day was full of defeat. Their world was led and driven with unbelief. Their day was such that people where making fun of the words of God’s prophet. Yet, four unqualified people decided to stop doing what they had always done and said lets change it might work. God must have been ecstatic! I mean, God will move mountains over a sand-size grain of faith.
God must have gone nuts over four people changing their direction.
When the day is finished, God delivers a huge army into the hands of four unqualified men who simply decide to do the only thing they were qualified to do, “Move toward hope in faith!”

I wonder what would happen if your unwrapped your gift and gave it to God?